.SOL Editing help
RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/16/2013 11:02pm
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Grammar Führer
dudial Posted on: 05/16/2013 12:35

I'm using minerva too. It just sucks that u cant add any items/values.

Is there a better .sol editor ?

If you really want more power in your hands, I'd suggest changing to a Hex Editor.
Seriously, most .SOL Editors out there don't let you add things to the data. Hex Editors let you do just about anything you can have in mind.

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RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/18/2013 1:41pm
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Would be cool if someone who's able to and wants to could make a "Save Editor" for this game itself, but then that's like asking too much or something impropable.

Well, at least it's not as impossible as wishing that all humans were good and smart.

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.
RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/18/2013 5:01pm
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
Strogglet15 Posted on: 05/18/2013 09:41

Would be cool if someone who's able to and wants to could make a "Save Editor" for this game itself, but then that's like asking too much or something impropable.

Well, at least it's not as impossible as wishing that all humans were good and smart.

why for this specific game? i wouldnt mind if someone combined .sol and .minerva together for a nice looking sol editor that almost always works, and can add to the sol itself

RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/18/2013 8:11pm
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thenewcomer Posted on: 05/18/2013 13:01
Strogglet15 Posted on: 05/18/2013 09:41

Would be cool if someone who's able to and wants to could make a "Save Editor" for this game itself, but then that's like asking too much or something impropable.

Well, at least it's not as impossible as wishing that all humans were good and smart.

why for this specific game? i wouldnt mind if someone combined .sol and .minerva together for a nice looking sol editor that almost always works, and can add to the sol itself

That's a better idea, but then people are pretty much lazy, you know what I mean?

Yeah, I do wish there was a good .sol editor that beats .minerva. A combination of .minerva with something else that improves it is great too.

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.