Fist Puncher
AdultSwim Games
Fist Puncher Posted on: 07/22/2013 2:12am
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Never let a computer tell me shit.

I made a shitty prehack for the game Fist Puncher. 
You should be invincible and most chars have unlimited special ability

only tested on 2 levels with dr karate.
Download the Fist Puncher hack here. 

Unzip and paste over the original.
note** I suggest renaming the original, so you will have a backup just in case something goes wrong.


HP only hack in an effort to resolve issue with final levels

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads 596.47 KB 633

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: Fist Puncher Posted on: 08/26/2014 5:18pm
Quote Post

I got blisters on my fingers playing this one.  I don't know how I did it as a kid.