BeGone - Unity
BeGone - Unity Posted on: 12/06/2012 2:17am
Quote Post
Nothing has been posted about this game for a while. Some AoB's were found, but recent updates have killed them. I was going to find them myself, but I am having a lot of difficulty just downloading the game itself. If someone could help me out, that would be extremely appreciated. From there I should be able to figure out some good AoB's to post.
RE: BeGone - Unity Posted on: 05/15/2013 6:57pm
Quote Post

  If you wan to download the game its easy ,just follow these steps

1>use google chrome browser to go
2>click play now at the top
3>right click mouse button and select view source 
4>press ctrl +f and search for ""
5>use idm or any download manager and type in the above url ""

Note begone.unity3d is the file we need to download ,the part after the ?... is not required

    i    think its hard to hack cause even i cant find any proper tutorial to hack begone here .I guess the average flash hackers here can't except a member called lolwut who had posted some aob''s ages ago.but i am no giving up...still trying with whatever limited resources i have :)

RE: BeGone - Unity Posted on: 05/16/2013 11:05pm
Quote Post
Grammar Führer

Have you tried asking for one of the hackers who sit on the chat? There should be someone there almost everynight bored enough to hack the game. Just make sure you ask politely, with (a) proper English...

Edit: Due to popular demand, this post was edited since people weren't reading the answer to TIM. It has, however, remained unchaged, in it's content, and it's only your eyes that are playing tricks on you. I recommend you to visit a Optometrist if you fail to see any significant change.

No number of hacks, good or bad, can replace Common Sense.
If you don't know how to use a hack, don't complain about them. Ask first, then complain.
In case you'd like me to update one of my hacks, please PM me, I'll bother updating them...
We don't bitetoo much.
In case you're lost, make sure you check both "101" and the "Konghack Wiki".

RE: BeGone - Unity Posted on: 05/16/2013 11:11pm
Quote Post
TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
Tsumi Posted on: 05/16/2013 19:05

Have you tried asking for one of the hackers who sit on the chat? There should be someone there almost everynight bored enough to hack the game. Just make sure you ask politely, with a proper English...


Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: BeGone - Unity Posted on: 05/16/2013 11:19pm
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Grammar Führer
Anubis1997 Posted on: 05/15/2013 14:57

      i think its hard to hack cause even i cant find any proper tutorial to hack begone here .

No proper tutorial? I guess THIS TUTORIAL wasn't enough for you.

The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 05/16/2013 19:11
Tsumi Posted on: 05/16/2013 19:05

Have you tried asking for one of the hackers who sit on the chat? There should be someone there almost everynight bored enough to hack the game. Just make sure you ask politely, with a proper English...


Cut the "a", be happy :p~

Edit: Try this one and tell me if it works...
Can Buy anywhere
02 16 7D 4B 0E 00 04 38
02 17 7D 4B 0E 00 04 38

Edit2: There you go. If it doesn't work just post it here. It prob won't work on a new update.
Edit3: Could anyone merge this topic with this one?

No number of hacks, good or bad, can replace Common Sense.
If you don't know how to use a hack, don't complain about them. Ask first, then complain.
In case you'd like me to update one of my hacks, please PM me, I'll bother updating them...
We don't bitetoo much.
In case you're lost, make sure you check both "101" and the "Konghack Wiki".

RE: BeGone - Unity Posted on: 05/17/2013 4:08am
Quote Post

@tsumi "a proper english ..."
english is not my first language but i can still express my views in english without using unecessary vowels :P  
practise what you preach ..thanks for the aob will test it and let you know,which function call was used if i may ask?, by the way i am really sorry for writing my previous nubish reply in this thread because gates has been really instrumental in helping me hack this game :) 

RE: BeGone - Unity Posted on: 05/17/2013 5:59am
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
Tsumi Posted on: 05/16/2013 19:05

Have you tried asking for one of the hackers who sit on the chat? There should be someone there almost everynight bored enough to hack the game. Just make sure you ask politely, with a proper English...

next time, emphasize the asking politely =P also state that the majority of us n00bies in chat just dont care about anything. so dont expect hacks. they can ask, but we arent a peronal hacking army. if we were, we would be charging people now wouldnt we =P

RE: BeGone - Unity Posted on: 05/17/2013 6:55am
Quote Post

Please have a look at this thread some progress is being made ..

RE: BeGone - Unity Posted on: 05/17/2013 2:52pm
Quote Post
Grammar Führer
Anubis1997 Posted on: 05/17/2013 00:08

@tsumi "a proper english ..."
english is not my first language but i can still express my views in english without using unecessary vowels :P 

Tsumi Posted on: 05/16/2013 19:19
Anubis1997 Posted on: 05/15/2013 14:57

      i think its hard to hack cause even i cant find any proper tutorial to hack begone here .

No proper tutorial? I guess THIS TUTORIAL wasn't enough for you.

The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 05/16/2013 19:11
Tsumi Posted on: 05/16/2013 19:05

Have you tried asking for one of the hackers who sit on the chat? There should be someone there almost everynight bored enough to hack the game. Just make sure you ask politely, with a proper English...

Cut the "a", be happy :p~

In case no one read the one I sent to @TIM. Or should I edit it so people don't confuse it, again? Because I didn't correct it since it's already been quoted, and there's no "auto-correction" on the quotes.
Also, on the definition of Proper English: This link.
Meaning that: appropriate usage of words, grammar and phonetics in accordance with the situation.
So, if you're asking something of someone you have never seen before, and that you probably won't ever see, you should be, at least, polite, use words that can be easily understood, don't use fucking l33tsp34k, with the best grammar you can use, so don't fucking contract every fucking sentence you can fucking think of, got it? So, it doesn't matter if you can't spell a word, make elementary grammar mistakes or can't speak in clear english, as long as you try to stick to the basics and don't go too far from what is usually expected from the situation, you won't get your ass banned.

thenewcomer Posted on: 05/17/2013 01:59
Tsumi Posted on: 05/16/2013 19:05

Have you tried asking for one of the hackers who sit on the chat? There should be someone there almost everynight bored enough to hack the game. Just make sure you ask politely, with a proper English...

next time, emphasize the asking politely =P also state that the majority of us n00bies in chat just dont care about anything. so dont expect hacks. they can ask, but we arent a peronal hacking army. if we were, we would be charging people now wouldnt we =P

It's better to ask on the chat than make ANOTHER topic, on the SAME sub-forum, on the SAME WEEK, while you're still able to see the other topic on the list... So please... for the good of us all, learn how to use the SEARCH function, how to use YOUR EYES, the SCROLLING of the mouse or the all-mighty PAGEDOWN.
Also, Gates is almost enough of a "personal hacking army" ;).
(if you can see two pums, you're good :p)

No number of hacks, good or bad, can replace Common Sense.
If you don't know how to use a hack, don't complain about them. Ask first, then complain.
In case you'd like me to update one of my hacks, please PM me, I'll bother updating them...
We don't bitetoo much.
In case you're lost, make sure you check both "101" and the "Konghack Wiki".

RE: BeGone - Unity Posted on: 05/17/2013 4:14pm
Quote Post

wow !! fucking x '3' times ...u must be really pissed :(