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It works now, thanks (broken image removed)
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Should contain a .txt file of some sort that stores links of the games already rated, and skips those links, so that we don't have to go through some ~350 games after a week.
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Quote from: "SomeOtherGuy" Should contain a .txt file of some sort that stores links of the games already rated, and skips those links, so that we don't have to go through some ~350 games after a week.What do you mean? Program stores PageNextToLastRatedPage(FromTheEnd) in Settings.ini file. Read program description on first page carefully (broken image removed) |
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i tested it on a old account i made for fun and it works great! (broken image removed) i love it! fastest auto rater although i dont trust it enough to give it my main account info yet.....
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Quote from: "bobbert4ever" i tested it on a old account i made for fun and it works great! (broken image removed) i love it! fastest auto rater although i dont trust it enough to give it my main account info yet..... why not? I mean, it's been tried by decent amount of people and there hasn't been any complaints about accounts. Unless, of course, bairog is collecting them all for a much later use :lol: |
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Quote from: "bobbert4ever" although i dont trust it enough to give it my main account info yet.....Well if you don't trust me I can upload source code. That is not a secret (broken image removed). You will be able to view it or even compile it using any C# compiler. Or even improve it. You are wellcome. Tell me if you want. Quote from: "Spellcater4" Unless, of course, bairog is collecting them all for a much later use :lol:Yeah, I am an evil account master. Obey me! Ha-ha-ha!!! (broken image removed) |
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The auto rater was working great, but today I came across an annoying thing...I don't know if it's just with this game or not. It somehow logged me out and kept me asking to log back in. And it only happened with this game. I didn't reach the rating limit, 'cause I could manually rate it. After rating it and starting the auto rater again, it worked all right. Really awkward
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Quote from: "whatever" The auto rater was working great, but today I came across an annoying thing...I don't know if it's just with this game or not. It somehow logged me out and kept me asking to log back in. And it only happened with this game. I didn't reach the rating limit, 'cause I could manually rate it. After rating it and starting the auto rater again, it worked all right. Really awkwardSounds really strange. What do you mean? You started program, it rated some games and in process of rating "this game" (you didn't mention it's name so I couldn't try it by myself) program logged you out? What text appeared at that time in program log? What happened when you tried to start program again? It didn't logged you in? |
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I was going to post a screenshot here, but after manually rating it started working normally. It happened when it loaded Draw-Play. I don't know if it was the program or if it was Kong. I can't recall exactly what appeared in the log. It appeared on the thing that looks like the browser and shows the kong site, kinda like Kong logged me out. Kong was asking me to input my username a password, and the program wouldn't move on if I didn't. I even tried to type my data, but nothing happened. =/
So I tried starting it again over and over, and I got the same thing. Only after manually rating the game it stopped |
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Well, really looks like Kong server problems. Tried to rate this game by myself (with program of course) and everything was ok :?: .
My program NEVER logges you out only server can. Or maybe browser itself (there is a setting how long it is saving cookies) but as far as I know it keep you logged in during whole session untill you close browser. So I suppose it will not happend again (broken image removed) |
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Well, it just happened again. This time I got a screenshot
![]() |
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Ok. As I can see program successfully rates game "4 ball pong" and then started loading game "Dragondash". Logging out happened just before going to that game's page. Then program tried to click a star, that action flashed log in popup screen and program thought that rating limit was reached because game was not rated. So the question is why doest you browser logges you out in process of browsing.
Did you ever had such situation (loggin out while surfing not after browser closing)? And BTW what IE version do you have? And what settings do you have on general tab of browser settings? |
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I don't use IE, but I believed the installed version is 7. That situation never happened, at least not while actually surfing. It has already happened of the auto-rater saying I reached the rating limit while I didn't. Why does the IE version matter? Also, I didn't understand what you wanted with the last question =P
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Quote from: "whatever" It has already happened of the auto-rater saying I reached the rating limit while I didn't.If you have popup log in window it is because log out had happened, if not - it is because you use too small TimeToSubmitRating value. Quote from: "whatever" Why does the IE version matter?Because my program uses component which works with IE 6.0 or higher. I thought maybe you have IE 5 (broken image removed) Quote from: "whatever" Also, I didn't understand what you wanted with the last question =PI mean launching IE, clicking Tools menu, selecting Internet Options, selecting Privacy tab and looking if Default button is enabled. If so - click it. Maybe you browser blocks cookies. Last thing that comes to my mind is simply update IE to the latest version. Sorry but I can't help you more than that. Good luck. |
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| keeps logging me out while trying to rate jurassic is it that you get the link for the pages, so I can try and rate the games manually?