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When did you register on Newgrounds?
Sign-Up Date: 7/19/02 Yeah, I signed up when I was 14!!! (broken image removed) Here's the link to my profile, since I don't really care who knows. :twisted: http://gamecharmer.newgrounds.com
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Youth. I'm going to start calling you son (well, not quite, biologically it's possible, legally, not really)
I only signed up in 2008, so there. |
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I just signed up in 09 when I found out about medals, but I've been going there for roughly 7 or 8 years.
Level: 1
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Quote from: "deity" Youth. I'm going to start calling you son (well, not quite, biologically it's possible, legally, not really) I'm 21. (broken image removed)
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I signed up in 2009
This post was imported from an account that no longer exists! Previous Name: phreneticus |
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Haha, holy cow. Just found out I had an account way back in 8/18/04.
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2002, here.
Level: 1
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Cool, another person from 2002. (broken image removed)
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Huh, I was surprised that I even had a Newgrounds account, but when I searched in my spam email, apparently I did.
Made it on 7/25/07 |
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Quote from: "pythag12" Huh, I was surprised that I even had a Newgrounds account, but when I searched in my spam email, apparently I did. You have spam mails of 2007? o_O This post was imported from an account that no longer exists! Previous Name: phreneticus |
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Oh, as in I have a separate email deisgnated for registering for online stuff and the like.
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Apparantly I made mine 9/15/07... I coulda swore I had one and signed up in 00/01 wayyy back when Albinoblacksheep, eBaumsWorld, and GroupX were popular. *sigh* miss those days.
Level: 1
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Indeed. I can't believe eBaumsWorld is still online. You'd think that someone would have shut them down for ripping off other flash artists. (broken image removed)