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It's time to re-double our efforts on this game. Someone has been hacking accounts left and right this last week, and they finally hit mine. Frankly, I'm a bit pissed, so it's time to break their authentication and take shit down. (broken image removed)
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What do you mean by "hacking accounts"? Hacking directly into accout should be kinda impossible. They've must gain acces to Ceasary database or bruteforce...
Level: 1
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When you login to Caesary, you pass a name and a toke to their servers. The name doesn't matter. I tried it last night and it worked fine. Basically, you change the name being sent and you are in as whatever name you are sending, lol.
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Quote from: "htffthgfhfy1" hey sorry for not reading the entire comments but on cheate engine 5.5 i thought u can do the army glitch you just have to find out what writes to the adress then what accesses that pointer and so on, i tried this and i hit dead ends or loops around i also wanted to try wpe pro but its a pain in the ass shuting of the virus protector i was wondering if anyone could tell me anyway to hack caesery its not such a good game and idc if i get banned i just wanna go out having fun just message me or w/e maybe easier way doing the pointer thing? o and i forgot i tried using wpe pro to record like item usage or goat usage or something to try to get that to repeat tried looking at packets and see if i can edit i dunno im a noob hacker just want to put my ideas out there or something... id like to have more tools and options how to hack i just got cheat engine and wpe pro. oya in wpe pro you need more then 3 or 4 senders or u will get error and set receive as port id thing =/ someone message me lolOh my fuck, my eyes actually hurt after looking at that. Can someone please do a grammar check on that and post it? lol idek why i still come here |
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ya ok i already forgot what i said in that but i got a breakthough...
PRESSED ENTER ok when you have wpe pro running if you click to record packets when you first log in when you click server 1-5 or w/e Then in the recording list your sending something to keep the client to stay alive i would give a post but i guess its a code for my kong account only.. Like in one sent packet it says like http:blah then it has my username : name if u change that<<, and paste it in another window it appears and with that name but when i do it and the name exist it appears like this Caesary username-1 and i cant log onto someones account. idk DO IT URSELF RECORD LOGING INTO THE SERVER AND MESS WITH THOSE PACKETS and try editing it so its not your name its someone else i think im close... |
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Quote from: "PseudoFamous" Oh my fuck, my eyes actually hurt after looking at that. Can someone please do a grammar check on that and post it? Code: [Select] Hey, sorry for not reading the entire thread, but I thought, that you can do the "army glitch" with Cheat Engine 5.5. You just have to find out, what writes to the adress, then what accesses that pointer and so on. I tried this and I hit dead ends or loops. I also wanted to try WPE Pro (<totally retarded comment what a pain in the ass it is to shut a virus program down>). I guess the same applies to the second post. :roll: Code: [Select] I already forgot what I said in that post, but I got a breakthrough. Even google translator "speaks" better English than this douchebag. This post was imported from an account that no longer exists! Previous Name: phreneticus |
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Multiple threads in the Kongregate Caesary forums about the false-ID hack previously mentioned. Apparently people are logging in as others and doing all sorts of nastiness (i.e. guild leaders demoting everyone, really messing around and messing up cities and troops, etc.)
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Quote from: "yqsaovemsac" Multiple threads in the Kongregate Caesary forums about the false-ID hack previously mentioned. Apparently people are logging in as others and doing all sorts of nastiness (i.e. guild leaders demoting everyone, really messing around and messing up cities and troops, etc.)Good thing too, last time I joined a "guild", I got yelled at. I didn't think asking for help was such a horrible thing to do to receive a warning, then I got kicked for "stealing stuff", even though I was framed because some guild members sent me stuff and sent a fake message to the guild leader saying that "I was asking for free stuff, but gave nothing in return." What bullshit. I hate Caesary, do as you wish, and if someone is going to ruin them, make it punch hard and well worth the effort! P.S. The community sucks, don't ever go to the forum. |
Level: 1
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Yeah, it's total chaos
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Quote from: "The Ignorant Masses" Yeah, it's total chaos ITs Not chaos, its spartaaa.... ... . |
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sry that was completely worthless wasnt it (broken image removed)
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That joke has been run into the ground so hard that it's just sad, so yes.
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Something i just piked up from random chatter is that someone found a way to "hack into the database" of Caesary.
someone actually posted a complete list of locations of castles in the game which seem to come from a database query. any ideas on that? |
Level: 1
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We can't verify anything, as Caesary isn't saying much to the dev staff. All I can tell you is that people have finally started testing SQL injections, and a few have worked. Also, Caesary doesn't backup regularly...
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http://k1.caesary.net/en/indexKongregat ... me=Caesary
AT k5.heroicera, put in the kong server you want, 1-5, at putkongnamehere, put in your kong name, you can get into any account sadly |