[request] Fantasy onlineLast Updated: 12/14/2012 23:10 | |
Fantasy OnlineAuto-PostLast Updated: 09/19/2012 02:29 | |
Fantasy Online-migrated-Last Updated: 11/06/2011 22:36 |
5 | ||
One Small Pixel Step |
Reach level 4 |
15 | ||
King Crab Creme Brulee |
Complete the quest "Kill the King Crab" |
30 | ||
A Champion Among Us |
Complete the quest "We Are the Champions!" |
30 | ||
Undead Labor Woes |
Complete the quest "Ex Miner Pitbossy" |
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Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there. |
Level: 1
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* inverse 0 OH SHI
Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there. |
Level: 1
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(Santa Clause) * i = presents!
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I searched and it appeared there was a topic, but it was locked, so I hope it's okay that I make a new topic here. I want to make the first post updated with all working hacks you guys can contribute with in order to make it as easy as it can get to find hacks for this game.
WPE: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discussion (WPE Pro, http://home2.paulschou.net/tools/xlate/) I want to try manipulate the game by sending custom packets etc, but I need some help: All incoming packets are coded like this: "%xt%[base64 code]%-1%[00 byte]" Example: Code: [Select] %xt%bW1lPTM3NnwyMDgxfDE1ODZe%-1%. The problem is the packets I send. They appear like this example: Code: [Select] %xt%F%FFrMHFdkQnliyQou5XL0PpyYPTSYmJfyQHxAKkATdELM5hnRArd028JVxmDnhWUAzOOMboafp9LfhZVQOe+yrw==%9%. The %'9'% is variable, and it seems to always start with '%xt%F%' but I have no success in decoding this, so I ask you guys if you can help me with this :|--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AoB: temporarily empty Other CE hacks: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Hack (Cheat Engine) Values for X and Y position are 4 byte. Move around and scan increased and decreased. Recommended is walking down-right and scan increased value, and walking up-left and scan decreased value. How it works: 1. Change the X and Y values 2. Walk somewhere. 3. You will now start walking from the custom location to the actual spot you clicked. 4. For other people it appears you're just walking a short distance. 5. Spam click to break out of the ghost walk, and the teleport takes effect. X inc right ---> Y inc down | v Might be outdated, but should at least end with 3 and B. X address: (broken image removed)?? 163 Y address: (broken image removed)?? 16B Pirate Shores....Pirate Shores 2...Mirky Woods X=2830000000... X=3160000000....... X=3270000000 Y=2620000000... Y=2610000000....... Y=2710000000 Crab Coast.........Mirabella Cove...Mirky Woods 2 X=2610000000.... X=3100000000... X=3290000000 Y=2940000000.... Y=3010000000... Y=3010000000 Noob Island......Forgotten Wasteland...Mirky Woods 3 X=2500000000.. X=3160000000......... X=3290000000 Y=3140000000.. Y=3200000000......... Y=3210000000 Cave of Some Return...Forgotten Underground...Mirky Woods 4 X=2820000000........... X=3140000000............ X=3290000000 Y=3320000000........... Y=3300000000............ Y=3310000000 Swamp Grotto...Forgotten Under Underground...Mirky Woods 5 X=2350000000.. X=3100000000.................... X=3290000000 Y=3430000000.. Y=3410000000.................... Y=3410000000 Halloween Isle...Cave of Despair ...Haunted Forest X=2670000000.. X=3040000000.... X=3270000000 Y=3500000000.. Y=3500000000.... Y=3500000000 The underlined areas are duplicates of maps (to fill the 3x5 area), not attached to any room so you can be in any room (chat and quest related type of room) while being there! It's also possible to get further right of the map, where the accessibility seems to be dupes of mirky woods, but the background is all black. At the very top left, at x:0 y:0, there is a quest npc that doesn't do anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |