I''m new to bytecode Hacking and I need some help. (Page 1) - KongHack
I''m new to bytecode Hacking and I need some help.
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Join Date: | 11/06/2011 | Last Login: | 11/06/2011 | Badass: | #5894 | Points: | 101.87 | Post Count: | 2 | Karma: | 0 |
I am new here obviously to learn bytecode hacking. The thing is that I never coded before and I have problems understanding the Intro to ByteCode Hacking Tutorial posted in the forum by pyhtag12.
I mean how do I know which thing to change to what? AS3 is kind of difficult and I don't know if I will succeed. :roll:
What I have understood is that the code starts with { and ends with }. Between these two brackets there are lines of codes which seem to be useless when trying to find the code. For example below:
private function calculateDamage() : Boolean { //d0 _as3_getlocal <0> //30 _as3_pushscope //28 _as3_pushnan //d5 _as3_setlocal <1> //24 00 _as3_pushbyte 0 //63 04 _as3_setlocal <4> //27 _as3_pushfalse //d6 _as3_setlocal <2> //24 ff _as3_pushbyte -1 //d7 _as3_setlocal <3> //10 6c 00 00 _as3_jump offset: 108 //09 _as3_label //24 ff _as3_pushbyte -1 //63 04 _as3_setlocal <4> //10 59 00 00 _as3_jump offset: 89 //09 _as3_label //60 1b _as3_getlex com.wbwar.creeper::GameSpace //66 f9 0d _as3_getproperty instance //66 b6 01 _as3_getproperty glop //66 99 06 _as3_getproperty data //60 8a 03 _as3_getlex gameSpaceX //62 04 _as3_getlocal <4> //a0 _as3_add //60 8b 03 _as3_getlex gameSpaceY //d3 _as3_getlocal <3> //a0 _as3_add //60 1b _as3_getlex com.wbwar.creeper::GameSpace //66 97 09 _as3_getproperty WIDTH //a2 _as3_multiply //a0 _as3_add //66 e5 12 _as3_getproperty {} //75 _as3_convert_d //d5 _as3_setlocal <1> //d1 _as3_getlocal <1> //60 b7 01 _as3_getlex com.wbwar.creeper::Glop //66 c4 0f _as3_getproperty MIN_HEAT //0f 29 00 00 _as3_ifnge offset: 41 //26 _as3_pushtrue //d6 _as3_setlocal <2> //5e f9 02 _as3_findproperty health //60 f9 02 _as3_getlex health //60 bf 03 _as3_getlex com.wbwar.creeper:Weapon::damageAmt //a1 _as3_subtract //68 f9 02 _as3_initproperty health //60 f9 02 _as3_getlex health //24 00 _as3_pushbyte 0 //0c 11 00 00 _as3_ifnlt offset: 17 //5e f9 02 _as3_findproperty health //24 00 _as3_pushbyte 0 //68 f9 02 _as3_initproperty health //5d a4 03 _as3_findpropstrict destroy //4f a4 03 00 _as3_callpropvoid destroy(param count:0) //26 _as3_pushtrue //48 _as3_returnvalue //c2 04 _as3_inclocal_i <4> //62 04 _as3_getlocal <4> //24 01 _as3_pushbyte 1 //16 9f ff ff _as3_ifle offset: -97 //c2 03 _as3_inclocal_i <3> //d3 _as3_getlocal <3> //24 01 _as3_pushbyte 1 //16 8d ff ff _as3_ifle offset: -115 //d2 _as3_getlocal <2> //96 _as3_not //2a _as3_dup //12 05 00 00 _as3_iffalse offset: 5 //29 _as3_pop //60 8d 03 _as3_getlex building //96 _as3_not //12 1f 00 00 _as3_iffalse offset: 31 //5e f9 02 _as3_findproperty health //60 f9 02 _as3_getlex health //2f 15 _as3_pushdouble 0.01 //a0 _as3_add //68 f9 02 _as3_initproperty health //60 f9 02 _as3_getlex health //60 99 03 _as3_getlex maxHealth //0e 09 00 00 _as3_ifngt offset: 9 //5e f9 02 _as3_findproperty health //60 99 03 _as3_getlex maxHealth //68 f9 02 _as3_initproperty health //d2 _as3_getlocal <2> //48 _as3_returnvalue }// end function
The code above is finally super short:
//5e f9 02 _as3_findproperty health //24 00 _as3_pushbyte 0 //68 f9 02 _as3_initproperty health //5d a4 03 _as3_findpropstrict destroy //4f a4 03 00 _as3_callpropvoid destroy(param count:0) //26 _as3_pushtrue //48 _as3_returnvalue The problem I encounter is how you know which parts of the long code you must take for a final code?
I am sorry if I sound stupid but I really want to learn and get my way rather than acting like a retard begging for codes. I prefer learn and contribute later.
I look forward to get some answers asap. (broken image removed)
I want to start with finding the Fly hack in Transformice (broken image removed)
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Join Date: | 02/16/2010 | Last Login: | 05/22/2020 | Badass: | #574 | Points: | 4,993.68 | Hack Count: | 9 | Vote Count: | 14 | Post Count: | 63 | Birthday: | 04/18/1992 | Karma: | 2 |
You only take as much as you feel necessary. AoB hacking is comparable to finding a unique piece of a hypothetical string that is infinitely long (sort of like DNA if you have seen the bases represented of colors, but I digress). You take a piece of this string (unique byte data) and scan the entire string for it, leaving you with the exact spot where your code-of-interest is. Then you simply change the part you want, and only that part is changed.
With your example, I would take:
//5e f9 02 _as3_findproperty health //24 00 _as3_pushbyte 0 //68 f9 02 _as3_initproperty health //5d a4 03 and make it:
5e f9 02 24 00 68 f9 02 5d a4 03 That might be able to be shortened, but w/e. Change 00 to whatever you feel necessary.
TIM the Enchanter |
Level: 1
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Bear in mind that transformice is a topic that typically ends in a ban. Should you find hacks, post that you found them, but please refrain from actually posting what you found, as this thread will turn into a flood of newfag posts.