.SOL Editing help
.SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 6:01pm
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I'm editing a .sol for this game; http://www.kongregate.com/games/JuiceTin/strike-force-heroes-2

So, in it, go to "armorInv", then to any number and finally "modArmor". I'm VERY sure this is what controls the amount of armor points it gives, but, it's somehow not human-readable, so to say, instead of "86" as it shows in the game, it's 1 or 0 with a bunch of other numbers, like this; "1.04327958393842".

Anyone know what this is and if it can be made "human-readable"?

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.
RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 7:15pm
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Your resident no-lifer

What does it increase with each increase of the armor value? I might be able to make something to reverse it if I can find a pattern, so it would be good if you can post a few example values (real ones, ofcourse).

Check out this guy, I always laugh at him.

If any of my AoBs are broken, send me a PM and I''ll see what I can do.

RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 7:52pm
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You know, I think it's actually a multiplier. Set "modArmor" to 1 and you get the normal amount. Set it to 1.5 and you get more half of it.

It depends on the mod itself. if "modArmor" has less than 1, it will have a bad rating. If it has more than 1, it will have a good rating.

If you still need examples, here are some ("legit") values;


By the way, there's also "modCost", which is exactly the same as "modArmor".

So I guess the value of a weapon, armour or attachment depends on Level and the mod it gives

EDIT: Now that I wonder are two things;

A possible list of all the stuff you can get here that is useful, like weapons, armour, attachments and effects.

And, if there's any way I can add another slot or so for the "effect" on a weapon?

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.
RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 9:08pm
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Grammar Führer

That sure as hell look like Float or Double to me. What program are you using for editing the .sol? Have you tried using a HEX editor? When I used to edit .sol the values were usually assigned under Hex as 3FF0, 3FF8, 4000, and so on. That's how float and double are represented. Later on, it converts the values to w/e the game maker has established.
You could always read more of it on the almighty Wikipedia for more info on how it works <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format#Double-precision_examples>.

Now about the possibilities of adding another effect on the weapon and of the list of effects.That depends on how the game reads the "effects" of weapons. How does it read? Is it read as "Perfect" weapon? If so, then it would not be possible, because a perfect weapon would have a pre-set effect list, and as such, you would have to modify the game engine to be able to add another kind of effects. If it's read as attributes, then it might be possible to modify one of the attributes that a weapon has with another. Just modifying the .SOL and make it have more effects would also be possible if it has the attributes listed one by one at the same time as it doesn't have a set limit of how many attributes a weapon can have, associated or not with the quality of the weapon. You'd have to try to see if it's possible or not trying.

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RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 9:15pm
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I use this thing called ".minerva", really handy but not always I guess.

For the effects, according to .minerva, well you can't use .minerva to add stuff, I just figured that out, but how it works, I can only describe it as;

It has this thing, that in .minerva it is a cyan A that says "effects", in which you can tab out and numbers from 0 to probably infinite (at least 3 is the max I could find) come out. These numbers are named as S, and they're green. If you click on them, you'll get a text which depends what kind of effect it has. For example, if the weapon has +30% Accuracy, it would be "accuracyMore".

With .minerva, I can modify it, like if I don't want "burnChance" (Since my Merc has that badass feature already) then I can change that to "accuracyMore". But as I said before, I can't add it.

So, even if I don't really have like a good proof about it, I am somehow very sure that you can add these effects on the weapons yourself, at least from 0 to 2 (which is three effects max).

Is that information good enough or you might require more?

Edit: P.S (Off-topic) Tsumi, put one more hack and get 69 hack count, I'll think you're a total badass. Unless you hate being appreciated.

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.
RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 9:30pm
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Grammar Führer

Well, I have quite a few programs that can edit .SOL files, but first of all, I'd reccomend you to go to our so-very-useful Resource Section and look at the topic of Useful Programs. Minerva is quite old, I mean, QUITE, and has several limitations, so replacing it with a more up-to-date and better program will make your hacking life a lot easier.
Second, I have it opened on 010 Editor and I find it somewhat hard to follow you as we talk about since they are 2 very different types of editors but I'm trying to follow you up. I have played the game before, but still, I didn't try to hack the .SOL since I went straight to a AoB, so right now I'm kind of lost, meh :p.
I noticed that it does have a very simple way of addressing to the positive effects, as well as negative, but since you can't do it on Minerva, try doing it on another program.
P.S: Let me just find a game that I find it's worth hacking and I'll submit it for you :p

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RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 9:55pm
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The Laziest Man on KongHack

.Minerva is so far the best sol editor, but has the awful limitation of not being able to add new objects or booleans or anything. .sol editor could, but its so old and outdated it almost never works on any sol anymore. i assume you would be able to if you edited them in a hex editor frequently, but i dont know of anybody that does such a thing.

RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 10:19pm
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Grammar Führer

You can do that, that's for sure, but there are other ways of doing the samething. If you know how the .SOL stores the value, you can change it to something else. You could always try to change "rangeMore" to "damageMore" and see if the game accepts. It will accept if there's no verification, like a hashtag or w/e else people would put it in the .SOL to make sure they don't hack it.
There are a few games that do that, either encrypt the .SOL or that verify the content of the .SOL with a checksum, but on this case, I don't see that anywhere, so it's more likely that there's no such thing here.
@TNC: People don't do that because right here, on KongHack, people would rather make a AoB than temper with the .SOL. Tampering with the way a game works offers a lot more option than tampering with the .SOL, since doing so just allow you to get a somewhat unfair advantage in the game. But it does have it's benefits as well, so it's also a valid hack atempt I guess.

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RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 10:36pm
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Your resident no-lifer

I tried to find an actual sol edittor on this forum but no luck, the advice was ragnarok or minerva. If there is a better one it would be nice if you can tell us which one it is, as I use minerva as well.
I myself use sol editting as theres a few tricks that can't be done as easilly with aobs. Although aobs do have a lot of advantages certain things are hard to change with them.
Hex editors are an option but you need to know what to do and I don't think theres a tutorial for that here (couldn't find one atleast).

Check out this guy, I always laugh at him.

If any of my AoBs are broken, send me a PM and I''ll see what I can do.

RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/14/2013 10:52pm
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Grammar Führer

It isn't that hard to use a Hex Editor. I, personally, would rather use a Hex Editor than a .SOL editor. It's a lot more powerful, in that you can add new things as well as change them, though, as you said, it does require more knowledge than using a .SOL.
I might write one in the future, as soon as I finish writting the one tut I'm writting right now. Just 2 chapters to go, and finish writting about how to paste .SOLs...
The Hex Editor I was used to use was HexWorkshop Pro. It is paid, but I used it for a long long time. Right now I'm testing Kadat's Choice, 010 Editor. You should try doing it at some time. It let's you do a lot more than you can do with a .SOL Editor. The .SOL I use, however, is the actual .SOL Editor, which, as TNC said, is severally outdated, and won't work all all the time.

No number of hacks, good or bad, can replace Common Sense.
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RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/15/2013 1:06pm
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Well, somebody should update the .SOL Editor then...If they can or want, don't think that might be possible.

It sucks how in .minerva you can't add stuff. I think I might try that 010 Editor if I feel like it since it's not really a big thing for me, you know.

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.
RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/15/2013 1:08pm
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Grammar Führer

It's nice to have a HEX Editor. I began using those before using .SOL ones, so I'm a lot more used to them.
Also, they're nice because you can not only open SOLs, but also other save files, and just about anything you have in mind. :p (Go and hack that annoying pc game, or xbox360 game save lol)

No number of hacks, good or bad, can replace Common Sense.
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In case you'd like me to update one of my hacks, please PM me, I'll bother updating them...
We don't bitetoo much.
In case you're lost, make sure you check both "101" and the "Konghack Wiki".

RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/16/2013 4:35pm
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protected !

I'm using minerva too. It just sucks that u cant add any items/values.

Is there a better .sol editor ?

RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/16/2013 6:03pm
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dudial Posted on: 05/16/2013 12:35

Is there a better .sol editor ?

92Garfield made one: http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?t=515329

I haven't tried it much so I don't know if it's good.

RE: .SOL Editing help Posted on: 05/16/2013 8:44pm
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KongregateHack Posted on: 05/16/2013 14:03
dudial Posted on: 05/16/2013 12:35

Is there a better .sol editor ?

92Garfield made one: http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?t=515329

I haven't tried it much so I don't know if it's good.

By doing a quick test, it pretty much sucks and doesn't even work on Strike Force Heroes 2 at all.

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.