how to use the hack injector ?
how to use the hack injector ? Posted on: 05/16/2013 10:48pm
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how to use the hack injector ?

RE: how to use the hack injector ? Posted on: 05/16/2013 10:59pm
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Grammar Führer

Hack injector? Do you mean how to use the Userscript? Or how to use Cheat Engine?
Try using the search next time...

No number of hacks, good or bad, can replace Common Sense.
If you don't know how to use a hack, don't complain about them. Ask first, then complain.
In case you'd like me to update one of my hacks, please PM me, I'll bother updating them...
We don't bitetoo much.
In case you're lost, make sure you check both "101" and the "Konghack Wiki".

RE: how to use the hack injector ? Posted on: 05/16/2013 11:10pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

If you are referring to the userscript, see the home page.

How to Use

Step 1) Sign up on Kong Hack
Step 2) Activate your account and sign into the website

You need to be logged in for the script to function correctly.

BTW, if you don't know how to use a userscript and start flaming the boards or the chat, you will be banned.  Your IP, phone number, butt buddy's name, etc will be posted on /b/.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez