Dota 2
a MOBA style game
Dota 2 Posted on: 06/19/2013 3:03am
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Never let a computer tell me shit.

I started playing Dota 2 and pretty quickly found I couldnt see far enough to be competitive. So I made this zoom hack that lets you set the camera further away. 

Dota 2 zoom camera hack

Currently, it seems to glitch if you set the zoom too high. I think 1700 is about as far as it goes.

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dota2zoomhack.rar 5.77 KB 712

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 06/29/2013 9:48am
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Wouldn't that be detectable?

Also I think you can set the zoom range by going into console if you didn't know by now. You can set launcher option (by going into properties at the steam where dota is located) and typing -console

RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 07/01/2013 11:59am
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.

yes, I know that now, but I didnt  find out about the console until I was writing the program to apply the hack lol.

In any case, I had way more fun doing this than I ever had playing the game.

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 10/15/2013 12:03pm
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Hi this is one of the Dota2 players and i have a suggestion for you actully it will be one of the most populer ones if applied if you can make a dota2 Chest unlocker * a program that helps poor players unlock chests and make it easy to download * no surveys and scams of this kind it will be one of the best favourse for players and if you know a safe program for me to use please send me the file to it * with its password if its password protected* thank you for you effort * yours trully from egypt *
RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 10/15/2013 4:32pm
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Never let a computer tell me shit.
what is a chest and how do you unlock them?

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 10/16/2013 5:00am
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Basically, sometimes you get item drops, and in those drops there may be Treasure Chests. To unlock them, you have to buy a key from the Store. I think it's impossible to create a hack that opens the chests.
RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 10/16/2013 8:33pm
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Inventory for the game is stored serverside.. And the protection for the inventory servers is top-of-the line when it comes to valve. So this wouldn't be possible.

RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 06/19/2014 1:27pm
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any hack for auto use items?

like it will automatically use hands of midas 

auto use dagon

and many more

RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 07/25/2014 7:55pm
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I'm playing DotA 2 but I didn't know that you can zoom in and out lol i will try this console out and use it wisely

Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM

RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 07/27/2014 12:43am
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kentpachi1 Posted on: 06/19/2014 9:27am

any hack for auto use items?

like it will automatically use hands of midas 

auto use dagon

and many more

Try google smart casting. It's not automate, but still better than pressing multiple hotkeys.

spyrosys Posted on: 07/25/2014 3:55pm

I'm playing DotA 2 but I didn't know that you can zoom in and out lol i will try this console out and use it wisely

You can, but only when you played with bots.
Rather than using console, create autoexec.cfg in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg
Open in notepad and put this code in

 //Enablin stuffs con_enable "1" developer "1"	//Developer mode sv_cheats "1"  // Cam need this switch  //Console output, so yo dont get spammed by consoles con_filter_enable "1"								//Enable filters con_filter_text "!!!"								//Write filter settings  //Cam, here is where you set the distance value dota_camera_distance "1700"   //Example for macro, auto-click when you press a unbind a bind a "mc_attack;+attack" 
RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 09/11/2014 6:00am
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is there anything else than zoom hack for dota2???

RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 09/21/2014 6:39am
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kolonelkadat Posted on: 06/18/2013 11:03pm

I started playing Dota 2 and pretty quickly found I couldnt see far enough to be competitive. So I made this zoom hack that lets you set the camera further away. 

Dota 2 zoom camera hack

Currently, it seems to glitch if you set the zoom too high. I think 1700 is about as far as it goes.

Master what is the benifits when you used zoom camera hack in gameplay??  I think any units that are close to each other are harder to click when your camera is further away.

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dota2zoomhack.rar 5.77 KB 712
RE: Dota 2 Posted on: 10/28/2014 7:20pm
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It's easier to position yourself for teamfights when you have a clearer view on everyone's position.

If you have issues clicking on units because the camera is too far zoomed out, you need to get better.