[Help] help to change the code
help to change the code
help to change the code Posted on: 01/12/2015 7:54pm
Quote Post

hi, need help to change this code to throne rush, I think he is to disable the towers.
look to recharge
tried to switch to nop but without success.
I think this code is enough, if not request more details that post here.


_as3_findpropstrict com.progrestar.game.fight.core:BattleObjectInstance::setData
_as3_getlocal <2>
_as3_getlocal <3>
_as3_getlocal <1>
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 82 25
_as3_getproperty attack
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 aa 62
_as3_getproperty recharge
//4f cb 72 04
_as3_callpropvoid com.progrestar.game.fight.core:BattleObjectInstance::setData(param count:4)
//5d b1 72
_as3_findpropstrict setDirection
_as3_getlocal <2>
//66 e4 1d
_as3_getproperty isTurret
//12 0b 00 00
_as3_iffalse offset: 11
//60 9f 3e
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.common.util.abstract.types::Direction
//46 a0 3e 00
_as3_callproperty getRandomDirection(param count:0)
//10 03 00 00
_as3_jump offset: 3
//24 01
_as3_pushbyte 1
//4f b1 72 01
_as3_callpropvoid setDirection(param count:1)

RE: help to change the code Posted on: 01/12/2015 8:56pm
Quote Post
Insert Custom Title Here

_as3_getlocal <2>
_as3_getlocal <3>
_as3_getlocal <1>
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 82 25
_as3_getproperty attack
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 aa 62
_as3_getproperty recharge

Without a source view of your code, this is all I could come up with


_as3_getlocal <2>
_as3_getlocal <3>
_as3_getlocal <1>
_as3_getlocal <3>
//02 02 02
_as3_getproperty attackData
//02 02 02
_as3_getproperty attack
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 aa 62
_as3_getproperty recharge

RE: help to change the code Posted on: 01/12/2015 11:06pm
Quote Post
Simple_AOB Posted on: 01/12/2015 3:56pm

_as3_getlocal <2>
_as3_getlocal <3>
_as3_getlocal <1>
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 82 25
_as3_getproperty attack
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 aa 62
_as3_getproperty recharge

Without a source view of your code, this is all I could come up with


_as3_getlocal <2>
_as3_getlocal <3>
_as3_getlocal <1>
_as3_getlocal <3>
//02 02 02
_as3_getproperty attackData
//02 02 02
_as3_getproperty attack
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 aa 62
_as3_getproperty recharge

here is the code. =)


code 1
package com.progrestar.game.fight.building
    import com.progrestar.cas.signal.*;
    import com.progrestar.common.util.*;
    import com.progrestar.common.util.abstract.types.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.data.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.fight.core.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.fight.dto.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.lib.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.lib.building.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.map.objects.buildings.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.unit.model.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.world.location.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.world.location.map.*;

    public class BattleBuildingInstance extends BattleObjectInstance implements IBuildingInstance
        private var _interactive:InteractiveMapObject;
        private var _flip:Boolean;
        private var _completed:Boolean;
        private var _selected:Boolean;
        private var _level:int = 0;
        private var _signal:BuildingSignal;
        private var _effect:BuildingEffectState;

        public function BattleBuildingInstance(param1:MapModel, param2:BuildingDto)
            _interactive = new InteractiveMapObject();
            _signal = new BuildingSignal();
            _flip = param2.flip;
            _completed = param2.completed;
            _level = param2.level;
            var _loc_3:* = param1.battleController.battleData.desc.defender;
            super(param1, param2.objectId, param2.typeId, param2.position, _loc_3.link.player, param1.battleController.battleData.desc.specs);
            _effect = new BuildingEffectState(_signal.effects);
            _signal.stateChanged = stateChanged as ConstantSignal;
            _signal.hpReduced = hpChanged as ConstantSignal;
        }// end function

        public function get focusChanged() : ConstantSignal
            return _interactive.focusChanged;
        }// end function

        public function get selectChanged() : ConstantSignal
            return _interactive.selectChanged;
        }// end function

        override public function release() : void
            _interactive = null;
            _signal = null;
            _effect = null;
        }// end function

        public function getRecoveryTimeLeft() : Number
            return 0;
        }// end function

        public function set selected(param1:Boolean) : void
            if (_selected == param1)
            _selected = param1;
        }// end function

        override public function setAttackTarget(param1:BattleObjectInstance) : void
            if (param1 != null)
                if (libItem.isTurret)
                    setDirection(Direction.getDirection(area.centerX, area.centerY, param1.area.centerX, param1.area.centerY));
        }// end function

        public function get flip() : Boolean
            return _flip;
        }// end function

        public function get effect() : BuildingEffectState
            return _effect;
        }// end function

        public function get signal() : BuildingSignal
            return _signal;
        }// end function

        public function get flipChanged() : ISignal
            return _signal.flipChanged;
        }// end function

        public function get positionChanged() : ISignal
            return _signal.positionChanged;
        }// end function

        public function get built() : Boolean
            return _completed;
        }// end function

        public function get level() : int
            return _level;
        }// end function

        public function get factory() : ProductionFactory
            return null;
        }// end function

        public function get location() : LocationLink
            return map.battleController.battleData.desc.defender.link;
        }// end function

        public function get libItem() : BuildingLibItem
            return libData as BuildingLibItem;
        }// end function

        public function get levelLibItem() : BuildingLevelLibItem
            return levelData as BuildingLevelLibItem;
        }// end function

        override public function getAttackPower(param1:BattleObjectInstance) : int
            return _specsCache.getBuildingAttack(this, param1 as BattleUnitInstance);
        }// end function

        public function get isWall() : Boolean
            return typeLabel == "wall";
        }// end function

        override protected function updateLibs() : void
            if (levelData != null)
            var _loc_2:* = BuildingLib.instance.getById(typeId);
            var _loc_3:* = BuildingLevelLib.instance.getByTypeId(typeId, _level);
            Assert.isTrue(_loc_2 && _loc_3, "Невалидный объект строения: id" + typeId + "level:" + _level);
            var _loc_1:* = _specsCache.getBuildingHealth(_loc_3);
            setData(_loc_2, _loc_3, _loc_1, _loc_3.attackData.attack * _loc_3.attackData.recharge);
            setDirection(_loc_2.isTurret ? (Direction.getRandomDirection()) : (1));
        }// end function

        public function get clientObjectId() : int
            return id;
        }// end function



code 2
package com.progrestar.game.fight.building
    import com.progrestar.cas.signal.*;
    import com.progrestar.common.util.*;
    import com.progrestar.common.util.abstract.types.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.data.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.fight.core.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.fight.dto.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.lib.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.lib.building.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.map.objects.buildings.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.unit.model.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.world.location.*;
    import com.progrestar.game.world.location.map.*;

    public class BattleBuildingInstance extends BattleObjectInstance implements IBuildingInstance
        private var _interactive:InteractiveMapObject;
        private var _flip:Boolean;
        private var _completed:Boolean;
        private var _selected:Boolean;
        private var _level:int = 0;
        private var _signal:BuildingSignal;
        private var _effect:BuildingEffectState;

        public function BattleBuildingInstance(param1:MapModel, param2:BuildingDto)
_as3_getlocal <0>
//5d c1 6e
_as3_findpropstrict com.progrestar.game.data::InteractiveMapObject
//4a c1 6e 00
_as3_constructprop com.progrestar.game.data::InteractiveMapObject(param count:0)
//5e e6 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_interactive
//61 e6 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_interactive
//5d e0 3d
_as3_findpropstrict com.progrestar.game.map.objects.buildings::BuildingSignal
//4a e0 3d 00
_as3_constructprop com.progrestar.game.map.objects.buildings::BuildingSignal(param count:0)
//5e ec 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
//61 ec 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
_as3_getlocal <2>
//66 e5 24
_as3_getproperty flip
//5e e8 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_flip
//61 e8 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_flip
_as3_getlocal <2>
//66 22
_as3_getproperty completed
//5e e9 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_completed
//61 e9 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_completed
_as3_getlocal <2>
//66 8b 07
_as3_getproperty level
//5e eb 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_level
//61 eb 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_level
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 88 21
_as3_getproperty battleController
//66 8a 21
_as3_getproperty battleData
//66 8e 21
_as3_getproperty desc
//66 df 5c
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.dto:IBattleDesc::defender
//80 ed 76
_as3_coerce com.progrestar.game.fight.dto::IUserDesc
_as3_setlocal <3>
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <1>
_as3_getlocal <2>
//66 f1 63
_as3_getproperty objectId
_as3_getlocal <2>
//66 f1 6d
_as3_getproperty typeId
_as3_getlocal <2>
//66 f0 05
_as3_getproperty position
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 eb 42
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.dto:IUserDesc::link
//66 93 2b
_as3_getproperty player
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 88 21
_as3_getproperty battleController
//66 8a 21
_as3_getproperty battleData
//66 8e 21
_as3_getproperty desc
//66 ec 76
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.dto:IBattleDesc::specs
//49 06
_as3_constructsuper (param count:6)
//5d df 3d
_as3_findpropstrict com.progrestar.game.world.location.map::BuildingEffectState
//60 ec 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
//66 f3 08
_as3_getproperty effects
//4a df 3d 01
_as3_constructprop com.progrestar.game.world.location.map::BuildingEffectState(param count:1)
//5e ed 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_effect
//61 ed 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_effect
//60 ec 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
//60 fc 3d
_as3_getlex stateChanged
//60 97 07
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.cas.signal::ConstantSignal
//61 fc 3d
_as3_setproperty stateChanged
//60 ec 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
//60 b4 72
_as3_getlex hpChanged
//60 97 07
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.cas.signal::ConstantSignal
//61 e2 6f
_as3_setproperty hpReduced
        }// end function

        public function get focusChanged() : ConstantSignal
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 e6 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_interactive
//66 c3 3d
_as3_getproperty focusChanged
        }// end function

        public function get selectChanged() : ConstantSignal
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 e6 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_interactive
//66 c4 3d
_as3_getproperty selectChanged
        }// end function

        override public function release() : void
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <0>
//4e ff 06 00
_as3_callsupervoid release(param count:0)
//60 e6 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_interactive
//4f ff 06 00
_as3_callpropvoid release(param count:0)
//5e e6 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_interactive
//61 e6 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_interactive
//60 ec 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
//4f ff 06 00
_as3_callpropvoid release(param count:0)
//5e ec 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
//61 ec 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
//60 ed 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_effect
//4f ff 06 00
_as3_callpropvoid release(param count:0)
//5e ed 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_effect
//61 ed 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_effect
        }// end function

        public function getRecoveryTimeLeft() : Number
_as3_getlocal <0>
//24 00
_as3_pushbyte 0
        }// end function

        public function set selected(param1:Boolean) : void
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 ea 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_selected
_as3_getlocal <1>
//14 01 00 00
_as3_ifne offset: 1
_as3_getlocal <1>
//5e ea 8c 01
_as3_findproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_selected
//61 ea 8c 01
_as3_setproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_selected
//60 a3 23
_as3_getlex signal
//66 fc 19
_as3_getproperty selected
//4f 97 01 00
_as3_callpropvoid dispatch(param count:0)
        }// end function

        override public function setAttackTarget(param1:BattleObjectInstance) : void
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <1>
//13 33 00 00
_as3_ifeq offset: 51
//60 ea 12
_as3_getlex libItem
//66 e4 1d
_as3_getproperty isTurret
//12 29 00 00
_as3_iffalse offset: 41
//5d b1 72
_as3_findpropstrict setDirection
//60 9f 3e
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.common.util.abstract.types::Direction
//60 d6 07
_as3_getlex area
//66 b0 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerX
//60 d6 07
_as3_getlex area
//66 b1 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerY
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 d6 07
_as3_getproperty area
//66 b0 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerX
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 d6 07
_as3_getproperty area
//66 b1 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerY
//46 ee 8c 01 04
_as3_callproperty getDirection(param count:4)
//4f b1 72 01
_as3_callpropvoid setDirection(param count:1)
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <1>
//4e a0 62 01
_as3_callsupervoid setAttackTarget(param count:1)
        }// end function

        public function get flip() : Boolean
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 e8 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_flip
        }// end function

        public function get effect() : BuildingEffectState
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 ed 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_effect
        }// end function

        public function get signal() : BuildingSignal
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 ec 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
        }// end function

        public function get flipChanged() : ISignal
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 ec 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
//66 fd 3d
_as3_getproperty flipChanged
        }// end function

        public function get positionChanged() : ISignal
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 ec 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_signal
//66 fe 3d
_as3_getproperty positionChanged
        }// end function

        public function get built() : Boolean
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 e9 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_completed
        }// end function

        public function get level() : int
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 eb 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_level
        }// end function

        public function get factory() : ProductionFactory
_as3_getlocal <0>
        }// end function

        public function get location() : LocationLink
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 ba 1b
_as3_getlex map
//66 88 21
_as3_getproperty battleController
//66 8a 21
_as3_getproperty battleData
//66 8e 21
_as3_getproperty desc
//66 df 5c
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.dto:IBattleDesc::defender
//66 eb 42
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.dto:IUserDesc::link
        }// end function

        public function get libItem() : BuildingLibItem
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 ca 72
_as3_getlex libData
//60 88 12
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.lib.building::BuildingLibItem
        }// end function

        public function get levelLibItem() : BuildingLevelLibItem
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 a1 62
_as3_getlex levelData
//60 e0 11
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.lib.building::BuildingLevelLibItem
        }// end function

        override public function getAttackPower(param1:BattleObjectInstance) : int
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 c0 72
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.core:BattleObjectInstance::_specsCache
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <1>
//60 9c 6a
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.unit.model::BattleUnitInstance
//46 ef 8c 01 02
_as3_callproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.data:ISpecsCache::getBuildingAttack(param count:2)
        }// end function

        public function get isWall() : Boolean
_as3_getlocal <0>
//2c a3 53
_as3_pushstring "wall"
//60 c8 72
_as3_getlex typeLabel
        }// end function

        override protected function updateLibs() : void
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 a1 62
_as3_getlex levelData
//13 01 00 00
_as3_ifeq offset: 1
//60 86 12
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.lib.building::BuildingLib
//66 99 01
_as3_getproperty instance
//60 f1 6d
_as3_getlex typeId
//46 e4 25 01
_as3_callproperty getById(param count:1)
//80 88 12
_as3_coerce com.progrestar.game.lib.building::BuildingLibItem
_as3_setlocal <2>
//60 f4 1d
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.lib.building::BuildingLevelLib
//66 99 01
_as3_getproperty instance
//60 f1 6d
_as3_getlex typeId
//60 eb 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_level
//46 be 44 02
_as3_callproperty getByTypeId(param count:2)
//80 e0 11
_as3_coerce com.progrestar.game.lib.building::BuildingLevelLibItem
_as3_setlocal <3>
//60 b5 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.common.util::Assert
_as3_getlocal <2>
//12 03 00 00
_as3_iffalse offset: 3
_as3_getlocal <3>
//2c 8d a3 01
_as3_pushstring "Невалидный объект строения: id"
//60 f1 6d
_as3_getlex typeId
//2c 8e a3 01
_as3_pushstring "level:"
//60 eb 8c 01
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.building:BattleBuildingInstance::_level
//4f b6 01 02
_as3_callpropvoid isTrue(param count:2)
//60 c0 72
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.game.fight.core:BattleObjectInstance::_specsCache
_as3_getlocal <3>
//46 f0 8c 01 01
_as3_callproperty com.progrestar.game.fight.data:ISpecsCache::getBuildingHealth(param count:1)
_as3_setlocal <1>
//5d cb 72
_as3_findpropstrict com.progrestar.game.fight.core:BattleObjectInstance::setData
_as3_getlocal <2>
_as3_getlocal <3>
_as3_getlocal <1>
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 82 25
_as3_getproperty attack
_as3_getlocal <3>
//66 81 25
_as3_getproperty attackData
//66 aa 62
_as3_getproperty recharge
//4f cb 72 04
_as3_callpropvoid com.progrestar.game.fight.core:BattleObjectInstance::setData(param count:4)

//5d b1 72
_as3_findpropstrict setDirection
_as3_getlocal <2>
//66 e4 1d
_as3_getproperty isTurret
//12 0b 00 00
_as3_iffalse offset: 11
//60 9f 3e
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.common.util.abstract.types::Direction
//46 a0 3e 00
_as3_callproperty getRandomDirection(param count:0)
//10 03 00 00
_as3_jump offset: 3
//24 01
_as3_pushbyte 1
//4f b1 72 01
_as3_callpropvoid setDirection(param count:1)
        }// end function

        public function get clientObjectId() : int
_as3_getlocal <0>
//60 a6 09
_as3_getlex id
        }// end function



RE: help to change the code Posted on: 01/13/2015 2:29am
Quote Post
Insert Custom Title Here

I would try this, it seems to disable the tower's ability to attack a target.

override public function setAttackTarget(param1:BattleObjectInstance) : void
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <1>
//13 33 00 00
_as3_ifeq offset: 51
//60 ea 12
_as3_getlex libItem
//66 e4 1d
_as3_getproperty isTurret
//12 29 00 00
_as3_iffalse offset: 41
//5d b1 72
_as3_findpropstrict setDirection
//60 9f 3e
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.common.util.abstract.types::Direction
//60 d6 07
_as3_getlex area
//66 b0 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerX
//60 d6 07
_as3_getlex area
//66 b1 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerY
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 d6 07
_as3_getproperty area
//66 b0 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerX
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 d6 07
_as3_getproperty area
//66 b1 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerY
//46 ee 8c 01 04
_as3_callproperty getDirection(param count:4)
//4f b1 72 01
_as3_callpropvoid setDirection(param count:1)
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <1>
//4e a0 62 01
_as3_callsupervoid setAttackTarget(param count:1)
        }// end function

Changed to
override public function setAttackTarget(param1:BattleObjectInstance) : void
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <1>
//13 33 00 00
_as3_ifeq offset: 51
//60 ea 12
_as3_getlex libItem
//66 e4 1d
_as3_getproperty isTurret
//12 29 00 00
_as3_iffalse offset: 41
//5d b1 72
_as3_findpropstrict setDirection
//60 9f 3e
_as3_getlex com.progrestar.common.util.abstract.types::Direction
//60 d6 07
_as3_getlex area
//66 b0 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerX
//60 d6 07
_as3_getlex area
//66 b1 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerY
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 d6 07
_as3_getproperty area
//66 b0 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerX
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 d6 07
_as3_getproperty area
//66 b1 5f
_as3_getproperty com.progrestar.framework.core.types:IArea2D::centerY
//46 ee 8c 01 04
_as3_callproperty getDirection(param count:4)
//4f b1 72 01
_as3_callpropvoid setDirection(param count:1)
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <1>
//4e a0 62 01
_as3_callsupervoid setAttackTarget(param count:1)
        }// end function

RE: help to change the code Posted on: 01/13/2015 7:54pm
Quote Post

error, the game fell  =(