CALL | |
0x43 | callmethod | Call a method identified by index in the object's method table. |
0x44 | callstatic | Call a method identified by index in the abcFile method table. |
0x45 | callsuper | Call a method on a base class. |
0x46 | callproperty | Call a property. |
0x4C | callproplex | Call a property. |
0x4E | callsupervoid | Call a method on a base class, discarding the return value. |
0x4F | callpropvoid | Call a property, discarding the return value. |
0x41 | call | Call a closure. |
IID | |
0xEF | debug | Debugging info. |
0xF0 | debugline | Debugging line number info. |
0xF1 | debugfile | Debugging filename info. |
III | |
0x83 | convert_i | Convert a value to an integer. |
0x84 | convert_d | Convert a value to a double. |
0x85 | coerce_s | Coerce a value to the any type. |
0x86 | astype | Return the same value, or null if not of the specified type. |
0x87 | astypelate | Return the same value, or null if not of the specified type. |
0x88 | convert_u | Convert a value to an unsigned integer. |
0x60 | getlex | Find and get a property. |
0x61 | setproperty | Find and get a property. |
0x64 | getglobalscope | Gets the global scope. |
0x65 | getscopeobject | Get a scope object. |
0x66 | getproperty | Get a property. |
0x68 | initproperty | Initialize a property. |
0x6A | deleteproperty | Delete a property. |
0x6C | getslot | Get the value of a slot. |
0x6D | setslot | Set the value of a slot. |
0x6E | getglobalslot | Get the value of a slot on the global scope. |
0x6F | setglobalslot | Set the value of a slot on the global scope. |
0x70 | convert_s | Convert a value to a string. |
0x71 | esc_xelem | Escape an xml element. |
0x72 | esc_xattr | Escape an xml attribute. |
0x73 | convert_i | Convert a value to an integer. |
0x74 | convert_u | Convert a value to an unsigned integer. |
0x75 | convert_d | Convert a value to a double. |
0x76 | convert_b | Convert a value to a Boolean. |
0x77 | convert_o | Convert a value to an Object. |
0x78 | checkfilter | Check to make sure an object can have a filter operation performed on it. |
0x80 | coerce | Coerce a value to a specified type. |
0x81 | convert_b | Convert a value to a Boolean. |
0x90 | negate | Negate a value. |
0x91 | increment | Increment a value. |
0x92 | inclocal | Increment a local register value. |
0x93 | decrement | Decrement a value. |
0x94 | declocal | Decrement a local register value. |
0x95 | typeof | Get the type name of a value. |
0x96 | not | Boolean negation. |
0x97 | bitnot | Bitwise not. |
0xA0 | add | Add two values. |
0xA1 | subtract | Subtract one value from another. |
0xA2 | multiply | Multiply two values. |
0xA3 | divide | Divide two values. |
0xA4 | modulo | Perform modulo division on two values. |
0xA5 | lshift | Bitwise left shift. |
0xA6 | rshift | Signed bitwise right shift. |
0xA7 | urshift | Unsigned bitwise right shift. |
0xA8 | bitand | Bitwise and. |
0xA9 | bitor | Bitwise or. |
0xAA | bitxor | Bitwise exclusive or. |
0xAB | equals | Compare two values. |
0xAC | strictequals | Compare two values strictly. |
0xAD | lessthan | Compare two values strictly. |
0xAE | lessequals | Determine if one value is less than or equal to another. |
0xAF | greaterthan | Determine if one value is greater than another. |
0xB0 | greaterequals | Determine if one value is greater than or equal to another. |
0xB1 | instanceof | Check the prototype chain of an object for the existence of a type. |
0xB2 | istype | Check whether an Object is of a certain type. |
0xB3 | istypelate | Check whether an Object is of a certain type. |
0xB4 | in | Check whether an Object is of a certain type. |
0xC0 | increment_i | Increment an integer value. |
0xC1 | decrement_i | Decrement an integer value. |
0xC2 | inclocal_i | Increment a local register value. |
0xC3 | declocal_i | Decrement a local register value. |
0xC4 | negate_i | Negate an integer value. |
0xC5 | add_i | Add two integer values. |
0xC6 | subtract_i | Subtract an integer value from another integer value. |
0xC7 | multiply_i | Multiply two integer values. |
0x42 | construct | Construct an instance. |
0x55 | newobject | Create a new object. |
0x56 | newarray | Create a new array. |
0x57 | newactivation | Create a new activation object. |
0x58 | newclass | Create a new class. |
0x59 | getdescendants | Get descendants. |
0x5A | newcatch | Create a new catch scope. |
0x5D | findpropstrict | Find a property. |
0x5E | findproperty | Search the scope stack for a property. |
0x47 | returnvoid | Return from a method. |
0x48 | returnvalue | Return a value from a method. |
0x49 | constructsuper | Construct an instance of the base class. |
0x4A | constructprop | Construct a property. |
0x2F | pushdouble | Push a double value onto the stack. |
0x30 | pushscope | Push an object onto the scope stack. |
0x31 | pushnamespace | Push a namespace. |
0x32 | hasnext2 | Determine if the given object has any more properties. |
0x02 | nop | Do nothing. |
0x03 | throw | Throws an exception. |
0x04 | getsuper | Gets a property from a base class. |
0x05 | setsuper | Sets a property in a base class. |
0x06 | dxns | Sets the default XML namespace. |
0x07 | dxnslate | Sets the default XML namespace with a value determined at runtime. |
0x08 | kill | Kills a local register. |
0x1B | lookupswitch | Jump to different locations based on an index. |
0x1C | pushwith | Push a with scope onto the scope stack |
0x1D | popscope | Pop a scope off of the scope stack |
0x1E | nextname | Get the name of the next property when iterating over an object. |
0x1F | hasnext | Determine if the given object has any more properties. |
0x20 | pushnull | Push null. |
0x21 | pushundefined | Push undefined. |
0x23 | nextvalue | Get the name of the next property when iterating over an object. |
0x26 | pushtrue | Push true. |
0x27 | pushfalse | Push false. |
0x28 | pushnan | Push NaN. |
0x29 | pop | Pop the top value from the stack. |
0x2A | dup | Duplicates the top value on the stack. |
0x2B | swap | Duplicates the top value on the stack. |
0x2C | pushstring | Push a string value onto the stack. |
0x40 | newfunction | Create a new function object. |
IIM | |
0x35 | li8 | |
0x36 | li16 | |
0x37 | li32 | Load a 32bit integer from global memory to local stack. |
0x38 | lf32 | |
0x39 | lf64 | |
0x3A | si8 | |
0x3B | si16 | |
0x3C | si32 | Store a 32bit integer into global memory. |
0x3D | sf32 | |
0x3E | sf64 | |
0x52 | sxi16 | Sign extends 16bit. (Undocumented) |
0x50 | sxi1 | Sign extends. (Undocumented) |
IIU | |
0x51 | sxi8 | Sign extends 8bit. (Undocumented) |
0x53 | applytype | Apply Type. (Undocumented) |
0x5F | finddef | Undocumented |
0x2D | pushint | Push an int value onto the stack. |
0x2E | pushuint | Push an unsigned int value onto the stack. |
0x24 | pushbyte | Push a byte value. |
0x25 | pushshort | Push a short value. |
0x82 | coerce_a | Coerce a value to the any type. |
0x67 | getouterscope | Undocumented |
0x89 | coerce_o | Convert value to null if its undefined. (Undocumented) |
0xF3 | timestamp | Timestamp |
0xEE | abs_jump | Absolute Jump (Undocumented) |
JUMP | |
0x09 | label | Compiler uses this opcode to indicate backwards label offets?. |
0x0C | ifnlt | Branch if the first value is not less than the second value. |
0x0D | ifnle | Branch if the first value is not less than or equal to the second value. |
0x0E | ifngt | Branch if the first value is not greater than the second value. |
0x0F | ifnge | Branch if the first value is not greater than or equal to the second value. |
0x10 | jump | Unconditional branch. |
0x11 | iftrue | Branch if true. |
0x12 | iffalse | Branch if false. |
0x13 | ifeq | Branch if the first value is equal to the second value. |
0x14 | ifne | Branch if the first value is not equal to the second value. |
0x15 | iflt | Branch if the first value is less than the second value. |
0x16 | ifle | Branch if the first value is less than or equal to the second value. |
0x17 | ifgt | Branch if the first value is greater than the second value. |
0x18 | ifge | Branch if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. |
0x19 | ifstricteq | Branch if the first value is equal to the second value. |
0x1A | ifstrictne | Branch if the first value is not equal to the second value. |
0x62 | getlocal | Get a local register. |
0x63 | setlocal | Set a local register. |
0xD0 | getlocal0 | Get a local register 0. |
0xD1 | getlocal1 | Get local register 1. |
0xD2 | getlocal2 | Get local register 2. |
0xD3 | getlocal3 | Get local register 3. |
0xD4 | setlocal0 | Get local register 0. |
0xD5 | setlocal1 | Set local register 0. |
0xD6 | setlocal2 | Set local register 2. |
0xD7 | setlocal3 | Set local register 3. |
UNU | |
0xFF | OP_ext | |