[Help] Monster Debugger
need help with that
Monster Debugger Posted on: 05/17/2015 9:21pm
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Hacking Universe

i need to know how to link monster debugger to the sas 4. Can anyone help me?

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

RE: Monster Debugger Posted on: 05/17/2015 10:41pm
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kill first,die last
hackergonnahackLOL Posted on: 05/17/2015 5:21pm

i need to know how to link monster debugger to the sas 4. Can anyone help me?

Nightshades knows how to do that...don't know if he is willing to tell you but you can PM him and see.

This video shows what monster debugger can do and how you can use it (it might help ya)



~zombies eat brains, so don't worry most of u will be fine~

RE: Monster Debugger Posted on: 05/17/2015 10:43pm
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Hacking Universe

it probably is easy to link to swf, a lot of people did it on youtube but just didn't explain it correctly.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

RE: Monster Debugger Posted on: 06/04/2015 2:04am
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Believe you need to insert the following code into one of the packages in the SWF or maybe create a seperate package with that code in it. Not 100% sure, there should be a way to automatically do it with a SWC file with some programs. Not a lot videos or turorials on that program.

package {

    import com.demonsters.debugger.MonsterDebugger;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class Main extends Sprite {
        public function Main() {
            // Start the MonsterDebugger
            MonsterDebugger.trace(this, "Hello World!");