Shellshock Live 2ShellShock Live 2Last Updated: 11/01/2017 07:42 |
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Updated my hack submission with a beta feature to automatically set your ingame Power/Angle to match how you want to aim in the program according to the sliders. If done correctly, will greatly increase accuracy |
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Just wanted to say that I also updated my aiming assistant to add a couple of weapons, the most important of those hover and big hover. So if you absolutely struggle aiming the hover you should download the new version now. |
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Guys please help how is this supposed to work? So I download the file but when I got to firing range it doesn't work. Can someone please help me and are we able to do this through armor games? |
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Ninjozi Posted on: 10/11/2015 9:52am Guys please help how is this supposed to work? So I download the file but when I got to firing range it doesn't work. Can someone please help me and are we able to do this through armor games?
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OMG OMG OMG Thank you!!! It worked :) |
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Thanks alot for your hard work on this, i enjoy it ^^ |
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Thanks a lot. Really. I've been using both of your guys' tools for a while now and I'm delighted to find out they're updated. |
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any idea how to hack skill points for the tank? |
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hulkado Posted on: 10/24/2015 7:04pm any idea how to hack skill points for the tank? |
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I made a couple improvements, including a mirror mode for shooting reflected shots off the edges. Also created an auto-aim feature that clicks the correct position to set the angle/power. Attached Files
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Hello RobinGlub! |
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Hi RobinClub, |
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The bot is kinda half done. I did most of the work months ago, might come back to it now. |
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wow this is pretty cool, thanks. |
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Hey guys there is a trick with paper. Go to the training ground and fire at 100% at each angle put paper on the screen and mark where your tank is, angle of shot and where it landed it works every time and wind changes the landing spot about .5 degrees(per wind power(.5*windpower)) when shooting full power. |