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There's any trick or valide alternative CE's speedhack? Thanks in advance?
Level: 1
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Learn English instead of using translators. ? I'm a total dick, and I don't appreciate crap like this.
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| I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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Thanks Kolonel, now I'm trying to attach to a different process instead of plugin-container.
Level: 1
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First banned user FTW! ?
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Hmm, I wonder from what country he actually is.
Also, "and sometime I'm very tired so I write crap like that". Yeah, that is a bad excuse, but it still is a better excuse than saying that you use a fuckin' mobiphony for texting. (No, mobiphony is MY word, beat it) Hating the Soviet Union since 1924. |
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I horrid at speaky eNgrish. ? I love ? Thank you for sending me there. ? I dint no b00t all that cock.
Yum yums! |
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So this is what it feels like to watch me. ?
Level: 1
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Quick question for our annoying friend:
How many times did you wind up at meat spin? ? I set the ban to expire about a week ago, so you must have wound up there quite a bit before you realized you could get back on and post again, lol. Anyway, this is for you bud. ![]()
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Hey TIM I greatly enjoyed meatspin. ? I love watching that cock twirl round and round. ? I would love it if someone would give me one some day. |
Level: 1
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Good news! ? You've hit the site from 22 different IP addresses so far, and you've been sent to meatspin 37 different times.
I love having logs. 264 = old account 1484 = new account Here's a quick CSV dump. ? (ID, IP, Last Time) "264","","2012-11-20 08:22:39" "264","","2012-10-31 20:09:33" "264","","2012-10-11 11:39:00" "264","","2012-10-10 05:50:27" "264","","2012-11-04 15:41:04" "264","","2012-10-08 17:33:18" "264","","2012-10-10 14:17:49" "264","","2012-10-15 10:01:29" "264","","2012-10-16 03:28:56" "264","","2012-11-26 23:55:46" "264","","2012-10-28 14:49:30" "264","","2012-10-19 12:14:16" "264","","2012-10-14 13:52:22" "264","","2012-10-10 10:41:41" "264","","2012-11-12 16:15:08" "264","","2012-12-12 03:35:44" "264","","2012-10-09 12:15:07" "264","","2012-10-12 15:52:32" "264","","2012-10-17 13:07:39" "264","","2012-10-24 11:09:42" "264","","2012-10-09 06:11:20" "1484","","2012-12-12 03:59:28" If I wanted to hard ban, I could simply ban... - - But why would I want the fun to end? ? Besides, I would prefer picking the addresses off one by one strictly for amusement. ? It's not like I can't just hit delete. ? I can spend 3 seconds clicking a delete button while that douchebag spends a half hour dicking around with a post. ? I've added a nice new button to my toolset called "DBAN" ? Delete and Ban. ? Why? ? Why not. ? :)