Revert to Growth

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Revert to Growth

Last Updated: 11/10/2009 21:45

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You've crash landed on an unknown planet. You must revert to growth to return home!!!
Revert to Growth Posted on: 11/10/2009 1:28am
Quote Post
I'm having trouble making the SOL file load all the medals.

Anyone had luck? I just got the game complete medal with everything in the SOL checked, had to go back and uncheck one key box to get the key achievement in game after getting a key in one level.

The rest just confuses me (500 plants? 50 plants in one level, what the fuck?), but then again alcohol makes everything confusing to begin with for me.
Re: Revert to Growth Posted on: 11/10/2009 10:14am
Quote Post
I got all but Green Gamer by playing with the walkthrough, no matter what I do I can't seem to get Green Gamer.

The source is encoded and crashes sothink.
Re: Revert to Growth Posted on: 11/10/2009 6:32pm
Quote Post
I had cool post, but it failed on me.

There is one level on which you can build 41 plants, enough to give you that medal (if you mean 30 plants in one level)
On rest there is walkthrough
Re: Revert to Growth Posted on: 11/10/2009 9:45pm
Quote Post
I got all the other medals easy, but I find the fact that 500 plants is hilarious.