Escape From Ice Mountain

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Escape From Ice Mountain

Last Updated: 01/05/2011 03:14

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Game Dscription
Escape from the evil Ice Lord
Escape From Ice Mountain Posted on: 01/05/2011 3:14am
Quote Post

2 medals worth 60 points total.

Quick walkthrough:

* Grab the wooden knob near the sink.
* Grab the metal rod near the left wall.
* Talk to the guy close to the wall and choose the following conversation options: 1, 2, 1, 2, 2.
* Melt the ice at the top of the room to create a file.
* Go north from the room and grab the hook on the left wall near the door.
* Talk to the guard, choosing the following conversation options: 2, 1, 2, 1. Patience medal earned.
* Go west and grab the duct tape from the floor and the cup from the top of the barrel in the corner of the room.
* Go east and melt the ice to get a cup of water.
* Go west and talk to the guard, choosing the following conversation options: 2, 1, 2, 1, 1.
* Go east twice and take the key. You Are The King medal earned.

Edit: Medals now have points, so "0 point medals" removed from the thread title.