Anyone have any idea?.....
Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/24/2011 9:16am
Quote Post
Hey guys, im just asking for a bit of help.

I have to play this boring thing called Mathletics ( after school most days and score a certain amount of points to avoid getting in trouble.

This game as a feature that allows you to verse 1-3 other players around the world in a speed sum answering contest.

Each player gets the same questions and they are fairly basic 26+19 etc.

For winning it gives you 50 points to your account.

I want to design a bot for this in visual basic but i have a few problems that i would like some help with please.

My problem is that after decomping the that controles the  quiz i have failed to find what variable or part of the memery stores the question (required of i want to build a bot) I found this within the file
Code: [Select]
function QuizDisplay(mcTarget, quizManager)
        eventSource = quizManager;
        mcQuizDisplay = mcTarget;
        mcStrikes = (MovieClip)(mcTarget.strikes_mc);
        mcInputBox = (MovieClip)(mcTarget.inputBox_mc);
       ------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> txtQuestion = (TextField)(mcTarget.question_txt);
        ----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>txtAnswer = (TextField)(mcTarget.answer_txt);
        mcQuizDisplay._alpha = 0;
        mcQuizDisplay._x = QUIZDISPLAY_HIDE;
        mcQuizDisplay._visible = false;
        mcInputBox._visible = false;
        mcStrikes._visible = false;
        txtQuestion.htmlText = "";
        txtQuestion.html = true;
        txtQuestion.embedFonts = true;
        txtAnswer.maxChars = 2;
        txtAnswer.restrict = "0-9";
    } // End of the function
    static function init(mcTarget, quizManager)

I used this while in a quiz
Code: [Select]
javascript:var value = document.embeds[0].GetVariable("inputhere"); alert(value);
With all the values there and more throughout the whole lot of game files and found it all came up with a big fat NULL

The only vars it gave anything back with were the values that you see if you open firebug during a quiz.

Code: [Select]
// <!CDATA[
3var fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3 = new SWFObject('', 'LiveMathletics', '100%', '100%', '9.0.28', '#89b7e7');
4fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.setAttribute('redirectUrl', '');
6fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addParam('allowScriptAccess', 'Always');
7fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('id', '%7b47**********6BE-9256-4D10-A728-DED7*****%7d');
8fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('podId', 'AUS.0001');
9fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('skintype', 'LiveMathletics');
10fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('returnURL', '*********Id%3dC5886601108D47C29AF3FA47162E5516%26classname%3d8D33333333331.%26classroomId%3d%*******%3d%7b47ED56B65-4D10-A72868FB534%7d%26re%3d1');
11fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('reportURL', '');
12fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('dataURL', '');
13fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('quizSWF', '');
14fobaa4e1bbd2fe46019309095e53ee8dc3.addVariable('worldMapSWF', '');
16// ]]>

The only way ive been able to cheat the game so far is to decompress and hex edit then recompress and place in cache. But all ive managed to do with that is make it so the computer on vs computer option doesent do anything.

Any ideas on how i can cheat this game?

if looking in part of the memory with the question and answer stored is a lost cause can anyone recomend a good charicter recognition module for VB i could use to scan the question.

Thanks in advance
Re: Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/24/2011 9:45am
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.
just use cheat engine then use this AoB. but by god dont ask how to use an AoB. youve already posted in the wrong section, asking for help to do something unethical. but im helping you anyways because i think this is stupid.

just use this AoB and read the fucking faq,

always submit 50 score with 0 strikes
96 04 00 04 01 08 0b 4e 96 04 00 04 01 08 0c 4e 47 96 04 00 04 01 08 0b 4e 96 04 00 04 01 08 42 4e 96 04 00 04 01 08 26 4e
96 04 00 07 32 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 02 02 02 47 96 05 00 07 32 00 00 00 96 04 00 04 01 08 42 4e 96 04 00 04 01 08 26 4e

i caqnt test this... so not guaranteed. should be only 2 results. change both.

that AoB changes
Code: [Select]
function sendUpdate()
        remotingService.SendScore(matchToken, myToken, myStatus, totalScore, totalScore + strikes);
    } // End of the function
    function sendFinalUpdate()
        if (this.Cheating())
            myStatus = "cheat";
        } // end if
        remotingService.SendScore(matchToken, myToken, myStatus, totalScore, totalScore + strikes);
    } // End of the function
Code: [Select]
function sendUpdate()
        remotingService.SendScore(matchToken, myToken, myStatus, 50,50);
    } // End of the function
    function sendFinalUpdate()
        if (this.Cheating())
            myStatus = "cheat";
        } // end if
        remotingService.SendScore(matchToken, myToken, myStatus, 50,50);
    } // End of the function

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

Re: Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/24/2011 12:03pm
Quote Post
cum here
Moved to other, as it was in Kongregate

Re: Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/25/2011 7:10am
Quote Post
Quote from: "kolonelkadat"
just use cheat engine then use this AoB. but by god dont ask how to use an AoB. youve already posted in the wrong section, asking for help to do something unethical. but im helping you anyways because i think this is stupid.

just use this AoB and read the fucking faq,

always submit 50 score with 0 strikes
96 04 00 04 01 08 0b 4e 96 04 00 04 01 08 0c 4e 47 96 04 00 04 01 08 0b 4e 96 04 00 04 01 08 42 4e 96 04 00 04 01 08 26 4e
96 04 00 07 32 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 02 02 02 47 96 05 00 07 32 00 00 00 96 04 00 04 01 08 42 4e 96 04 00 04 01 08 26 4e

i caqnt test this... so not guaranteed. should be only 2 results. change both.

that AoB changes
Code: [Select]
function sendUpdate()
        remotingService.SendScore(matchToken, myToken, myStatus, totalScore, totalScore + strikes);
    } // End of the function
    function sendFinalUpdate()
        if (this.Cheating())
            myStatus = "cheat";
        } // end if
        remotingService.SendScore(matchToken, myToken, myStatus, totalScore, totalScore + strikes);
    } // End of the function
Code: [Select]
function sendUpdate()
        remotingService.SendScore(matchToken, myToken, myStatus, 50,50);
    } // End of the function
    function sendFinalUpdate()
        if (this.Cheating())
            myStatus = "cheat";
        } // end if
        remotingService.SendScore(matchToken, myToken, myStatus, 50,50);
    } // End of the function

Thanks a lot for the help, i dont know what Aob is so i just hex edited the file and put it in to cache and loaded it. It didnt do what you said it would but i did do one interesting thing. Instead of sending 50 qs correct, it dident send anything to the server so even if i win it dosnt count towards my qs correct.

Thanks for trying mate i really appreciate you helping me even though i posted in the wrong section (broken image removed) I will keep trying

I am interested in how you edited that though, how did you know what hex values reprisented the words.

Do you know of any tutorials that could help me improve at hex editing a flash game
Re: Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/25/2011 7:45am
Quote Post
To learn about AoB's, follow the links in my signature.
Re: Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/25/2011 2:18pm
Quote Post
TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
I didn't do what you told me to and it didn't work.  Thanks for trying!


The Hacking FAQ is the best place to start.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

Re: Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/25/2011 10:16pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "The Ignorant Masses"
I didn't do what you told me to and it didn't work.  Thanks for trying!


The Hacking FAQ is the best place to start.

What i did works exactly the same as what you said to do, it's also more consistent as you can leave the site and the hacked swf remains in the browsers cache ready to be loaded again. It works the same if not better than cheat engine array of bytes hacking.
Re: Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/25/2011 10:29pm
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.
Quote from: "thunderteem"
What i did works exactly the same as what you said to do
somehow but not really...

SWF files are typically compressed and then Inflated in memory. A hex editor wont inflate the SWF. so there is a chance that you didnt change the right bytes...

If you use CE, you may need to speed hack it to 0 (before loading the page) to put in the cheats but who knows.

 and who knows, maybe my hack is wrong. maybe it isnt happy with how I pushed onto the stack...

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

Re: Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/28/2011 11:47am
Quote Post
Im pretty sure i got the right bytes

They were 2 of the same like it said there should be and they edited fine.

Once the swf was recompressed and added to the cache it was loaded successfully but instead of giving 50 points after a game it dident give you any. No matter how many questions you answered.

Anyway i will look ino the cheat engine byte hack see if that helps.

i also have a quick question when you decompile flash files what are _loc# and how do you find and edit there values?
Re: Anyone have any idea?..... Posted on: 02/28/2011 1:04pm
Quote Post
TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
The Answers You Seek Are Here

These are not the droids you are looking for...

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez