Additional Info
shamelessly stolen from ( with a few modifications of course)
This file is interpreted when a Flash Player instance launches a SWF and gives indication of what should or shouldn’t be done. Many other options are specified in the Adobe FlashPlayer Admin Guide… but most of is NOT DOCUMENTED! There is a LOT of thing to talk about and many cutting edge tools to improve your understanding of flash. So let’s get into it The TreasureThe complete list of features of mm.cfg is at the end of the post, but first lets talk about what’s most interesting. TraceOutputBuffered = 1|0This feature is essential to the rest of all the cool features because they output A LOT of lines in the flashlog This is a very simple features but it change everything. Did you ever had problem tracing to many information and losing half of it in the flashlog? AS3Verbose = 1|0This one is totally crazy. click here to reveal output verify Main/CallFoo() define incoming args @0 arg 0 @1 arg 0 @2 arg 0 @3 arg 0 @4 arg 0 @5 arg 0 alloc local traits @6 alloc 4 @7 alloc 8 alloc CallStackNode @8 alloc 48 param 0 @9 ldop 0(@5) @10 imm 4 debug_enter @11 imm 0 @12 imm 1 @13 lea 0(@7) @14 lea 0(@8) @15 lea 0(@6) save state @16 def @9 @17 imm 165651400 @18 st 0(@6) <- @17 @19 usea @16 @20 st 0(@7) <- @19 @21 def @10 cse @11 @22 st 4(@7) <- @11 @23 cm MethodEnv::debugEnter (@3, @4, @5, @15, @12, @14, @13, @11) @26 ld 164427072(0) cse @11 @27 ucmp @26 @11 @28 jne @27 -> 0 @29 alloc 0 stack: scope: [global Object$$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] locals: Main@16 0:debugfile "C:\Dev\src;;" @30 imm 164421632 @31 ldop 44(@30) @32 imm 165988864 save state @33 cm Debugger::debugFile (@31, @32) stack: scope: [global Object$$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] locals: Main@16 2:debugline 29 cse @30 cse @31 @35 imm 29 save state @36 cm Debugger::debugLine (@31, @35) stack: scope: [global Object$$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] locals: Main@16 4:getlocal0 @38 use @16 [0] stack: Main@38 scope: [global Object$$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] locals: Main@38 5:pushscope stack: scope: [global Object$$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] Main@38 locals: Main@38 6:debugline 31 cse @30 cse @31 @39 imm 31 save state @40 def @38 @41 use @40 [0] @42 st 4(@7) <- @41 @43 cm Debugger::debugLine (@31, @39) stack: scope: [global Object$$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] Main@40 locals: Main@16 8:pushbyte 3 @45 imm 3 stack: int@45 scope: [global Object$$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] Main@40 locals: Main@16 10:returnvalue cse @14 save state @46 def @45 @47 cm MethodEnv::debugExit (@3, @14) @49 use @46 [2] @50 ret @49 @51 bb AS3Trace = 1|0This one is also very useful for debugging If you got a crash hard to find, you can turn this on and you will see ALL the last function executed that leaded to the crash. You can even see Timer Call and Events callbacks! Click to show Output 1255552 AVMINF: MTHD ProfilerAgent/stopProfiling () @ 0x05DA35A0 1255552 AVMINF: MTHD global/flash.sampler::stopSampling () @ 0x0A8C2B20 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.display::DisplayObject/get root () @ 0x0A8C06B0 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2110 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2110 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2110 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2110 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2110 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2110 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2AD0 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2B70 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C0DF0 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/stop () @ 0x0A8C2CB0 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/reset () @ 0x0A8C1B20 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/get running () @ 0x0A8C1C30 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2D00 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C2110 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/stop () @ 0x0A8C2CB0 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.system::System$/resume () @ 0x0A8C2D50 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/tick () @ 0x0A8C2DA0 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch () @ 0x0A8C2FF0 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C3040 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C1AC0 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD Main/OnTimer () @ 0x00B70910 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD global/trace () @ 0x0A8C2170 MyTimer 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/tick () @ 0x0A8C2DA0 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch () @ 0x0A8C2FF0 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C3040 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD () @ 0x0A8C1AC0 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD Main/OnTimer () @ 0x00B70910 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD global/trace () @ 0x0A8C2170 MyTimer AS3StaticProfile = 1|0This flag enable Just in Time Compiler (NanoJIT) logs. It gives detailed information on function conversion, bytecode conversion, MIR (machine-dependent intermediate representation) created, memory used and many others. Click to show output size profile Main/CallFoo abc 12 mir 880 md 204 1773K mir/s 74K md/s 96% in compile during 854 micros 204 bytes from 55 MIR instructions 61 MD. max span 0 cse 7 dead 0 76 bytes of stack with 5 spills 5 steals 5 remats using 0 times size profile Main/CallFooBar abc 23 mir 1088 md 262 2386K mir/s 85K md/s 96% in compile during 921 micros 262 bytes from 68 MIR instructions 76 MD. max span 0 cse 10 dead 0 88 bytes of stack with 8 spills 7 steals 5 remats using 0 times verified instructions 3395 verified code size 7441 cpool size 0 cpool int size 1 cpool uint size 0 cpool double size 0 cpool string size 568 cpool namespacesize 12 cpool namespace set size 0 cpool multiname size 75 methods size 20100 instances size 39 classes size 2 scripts size 8 bodies size 82873 18 0 % 36 B 0 % kill 5 0 % 5 B 0 % label 1 0 % 4 B 0 % ifngt 10 0 % 40 B 0 % jump 6 0 % 24 B 0 % iftrue 22 0 % 88 B 1 % iffalse 4 0 % 16 B 0 % ifeq 4 0 % 16 B 0 % ifne 2 0 % 8 B 0 % iflt 2 0 % 2 B 0 % pushwith 93 2 % 93 B 1 % popscope 2 0 % 2 B 0 % nextname 16 0 % 16 B 0 % pushnull 2 0 % 2 B 0 % pushundefined 79 2 % 158 B 2 % pushbyte 6 0 % 19 B 0 % pushshort 9 0 % 9 B 0 % pushtrue 6 0 % 6 B 0 % pushfalse 1 0 % 1 B 0 % pushnan 50 1 % 50 B 0 % pop 21 0 % 21 B 0 % dup 2 0 % 2 B 0 % swap 113 3 % 331 B 4 % pushstring 43 1 % 86 B 1 % pushint 11 0 % 22 B 0 % pushdouble 202 5 % 202 B 2 % pushscope 1 0 % 2 B 0 % pushnamespace 2 0 % 6 B 0 % hasnext2 143 4 % 382 B 5 % newfunction 60 1 % 216 B 2 % callproperty 102 3 % 102 B 1 % returnvoid 9 0 % 9 B 0 % returnvalue 13 0 % 26 B 0 % constructsuper 9 0 % 30 B 0 % constructprop 49 1 % 173 B 2 % callpropvoid 4 0 % 8 B 0 % newobject 5 0 % 10 B 0 % newarray 2 0 % 2 B 0 % newactivation 45 1 % 114 B 1 % newclass 391 11 % 1011 B 13 % findpropstrict 119 3 % 290 B 3 % findproperty 96 2 % 197 B 2 % getlex 158 4 % 432 B 5 % setproperty 18 0 % 36 B 0 % getlocal 18 0 % 36 B 0 % setlocal 2 0 % 2 B 0 % getglobalscope 9 0 % 18 B 0 % getscopeobject 365 10 % 938 B 12 % getproperty 174 5 % 443 B 5 % initproperty 2 0 % 4 B 0 % getslot 102 3 % 204 B 2 % setslot 6 0 % 6 B 0 % convert_i 11 0 % 11 B 0 % convert_u 11 0 % 11 B 0 % convert_b 6 0 % 14 B 0 % coerce 3 0 % 3 B 0 % coerce_a 7 0 % 7 B 0 % coerce_s 1 0 % 1 B 0 % negate 2 0 % 2 B 0 % increment 6 0 % 6 B 0 % not 6 0 % 6 B 0 % add 4 0 % 4 B 0 % subtract 1 0 % 1 B 0 % multiply 5 0 % 5 B 0 % divide 1 0 % 1 B 0 % lshift 3 0 % 3 B 0 % rshift 2 0 % 2 B 0 % bitand 2 0 % 2 B 0 % bitor 6 0 % 6 B 0 % equals 2 0 % 2 B 0 % lessthan 2 0 % 2 B 0 % greaterequals 1 0 % 1 B 0 % increment_i 275 8 % 275 B 3 % getlocal0 49 1 % 49 B 0 % getlocal1 36 1 % 36 B 0 % getlocal2 17 0 % 17 B 0 % getlocal3 13 0 % 13 B 0 % setlocal1 14 0 % 14 B 0 % setlocal2 11 0 % 11 B 0 % setlocal3 23 0 % 144 B 1 % abs_jump 54 1 % 330 B 4 % debug 168 4 % 456 B 6 % debugline 19 0 % 50 B 0 % debugfile AS3DynamicProfile = 1|0This one give dynamic information about the opcodes being called and gives statistic for each. My question is: Having access to the CPI (Cycle per instruction) will we be able to conclude all Click here to show sample output total count=278 cycles=35508249 avg CPI=127727 user 1.9% gc 0% decoder 97.7% verifier 1.6% codegen 0.2% count cycles %count %time CPI opcode ----- -------- ------- ------- --- ------ 2 34714742 0.7 97.7 17357371 decode 211 602237 75.8 1.6 2854 verifyop 6 89138 2.1 0.2 14856 codegenop 3 78305 1.0 0.2 26101 newclass 7 4813 2.5 0.0 687 findpropstrict 6 3922 2.1 0.0 653 setslot 4 3260 1.4 0.0 815 initproperty 4 2724 1.4 0.0 681 getproperty 9 1859 3.2 0.0 206 getlocal0 4 1639 1.4 0.0 409 verifypass 2 1190 0.7 0.0 595 returnvoid 1 755 0.3 0.0 755 pushnamespace 3 745 1.0 0.0 248 abs_jump 2 550 0.7 0.0 275 findproperty 5 527 1.7 0.0 105 pushscope 1 403 0.3 0.0 403 pushnull 2 382 0.7 0.0 191 pushbyte 1 331 0.3 0.0 331 popscope 1 331 0.3 0.0 331 pushundefined 2 238 0.7 0.0 119 pushint 2 158 0.7 0.0 79 pushdouble LogGPU = 1|0This enable logging GPU information about current SWF while it runs. Click here to reveal sample output [GPU-BLEND] SUCEEDED to create D3D device [GPU-BLEND]0x1161000 MONITOR/DEVICE SWITCH, old=0x0, new=0x18fd00 [GPU-BLEND]0x1161000 Started (wMode=GPU) on device 10de 402 ( NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT mem:free=718, used=0 [GPU-BLEND]Begin render aa=4. Free TextureMem=712 Mb, Used = 5 [GPU-BLEND]Using 0x13b7080 as RT vp= 0 0 800 600, aa = 4 [GPU-BLEND]Clearing buffer 0x13b7080 { 0 0 800 600 } with color ffffffff [GPU-BLEND]Filling border & background on 0x13b7080 3 3 11 11 with bo:ffffffff, ba:ff00ff00 [GPU-BLEND]Using 0x13b7080 as RT vp= 0 0 800 600, aa = 4 [GPU-BLEND]End render [GPU-BLEND]0x1161000 Started (wMode=GPU) on device 10de 402 ( NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT mem:free=716, used=0 [GPU-BLEND]Begin render aa=4. Free TextureMem=712 Mb, Used = 5 [GPU-BLEND]Using 0x11b7080 as RT vp= 0 0 800 600, aa = 4 [GPU-BLEND]Clearing buffer 0x11b7080 { 0 0 800 600 } with color ffffffff [GPU-BLEND]Filling border & background on 0x11b7080 3 3 11 11 with bo:ffffffff, ba:ff00ff00 [GPU-BLEND]Using 0x11b7080 as RT vp= 0 0 800 600, aa = 4 [GPU-BLEND]End render PreloadSwf?flashvar1=value&…This is mainly used by the FlashBuilder Profiler. When you launch a SWF profiling, FlashBuilder add this line to mm.cfg to make it run another SWF before the one you profile. This one is just crazy powerful: See: One SWF to rule them all! and New visual Profiler The Full Listundocumented features will be written in bold AllowUserLocalTrust = 1|0 Lets you prevent users from designating any files on local file systems as trusted. AS3AllocationTracking = 1|0 Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile Allocation in FlexBuilder anymore) AS3AutoStartSampling = 1|0 Specify if we need a feedback before starting the profiler or we start right away. AS3CSE = 1|0 CSE is an acronym for “Common Subexpression Elimination”. It seems plausible that these may be employed by the Flash virtual machine to optimize the byte-code before executing AS3DCE = 1|0 DCE is an acronym for “Dead Code Elimination”. It seems plausible that these may be employed by the Flash virtual machine to optimize the byte-code before executing AS3DynamicProfile = 1|0 When enabling this (you might crash half the time) the flash player is going to collect precious profiling information on opcodes used in the Swf (count/Time/%/Cycles) AS3MIR = 1|0 Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, FlashPlayer won’t keep information on Machine-dependant intermediate representation – NanoJIT) AS3Sampling = 1|0 Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile in FlexBuilder anymore) AS3SSE = 1|0 *My guess is it turns on and off SSE optimization AS3StaticProfile = 1|0 Information Generated by NanoJit (just in time compiler used in Tamarin), including a lot of statistic on code conversion, time to process and memory use AS3Trace = 1|0 If turned on, ALL function called (at runtime) will be outputed in the flashlogs! AS3Turbo = 1|0 ?? AS3Verbose = 1|0 Trace detailed information about SWF ByteCode structure and Runtime parsing of the bytecode! AssetCacheSize=X Lets you specify a hard limit, in MB, on the amount of local storage that Flash Player uses for the storage of common Flash components. AutoUpdateDisable = 1|0 Lets you prevent Flash Player from automatically checking for and installing updated versions. AutoUpdateInterval = X Lets you specify how often to check for an updated version of Flash Player. AutoUpdateVersionUrl = [URL] Lets you specify a precise server to look up for new flash version AVHardwareDisable = 1|0 Lets you prevent SWF files from accessing webcams or microphones. CodeSignLogFile ?? CodeSignRootCert = 1|0 ?? Convert8kAnd16kAudio = 1|0 ?? CrashLogEnable = 1|0 ?? DisableAVM1Loading = 1|0 If turned on, no SWF of version 8 and earlier can be loaded. DisableDeviceFontEnumeration = 1|0 Lets you prevent information on installed fonts from being displayed. DisableIncrementalGC = 1|0 Lets you enable/disable Garbage Collector Incremental policies (more info on the GC) DisableMulticoreRenderer = 1|0 Lets you turn off multiple core rendering DisableNetworkAndFilesystemInHostApp = 1|0 Lets you prevent networking or file system access of any kind. DisableProductDownload = 1|0 Lets you prevent native code applications that are digitally signed and delivered by Adobe from being downloaded. DisableSockets = 1|0 Lets you enable or disable the use of the Socket.connect() and XMLSocket.connect() methods. DisplayGPUBlend = 1|0 If set to 1, it will prevent GPU use even if the SWF context is setted to use GPU and your card support it. EnableIncrementalValidation = 1|0 ?? EnableLeakFile = 1|0 ?? EnableSocketsTo = [address] Lets you create a whitelist of servers to which socket connections are allowed. EnforceLocalSecurityInActiveXHostApp = 1|0 Lets you enforce local security rules for a specified application. ErrorReportingEnable = 1|0 Set the ErrorReportingEnable property to 1 to enable the debugger version of Flash Player to write error messages to the log file. FileDownloadDisable = 1|0 Lets you prevent the ActionScript FileReference API from performing file downloads. FileUploadDisable = 1|0 Lets you prevent the ActionScript FileReference API from performing file uploads. ForceGPUBlend = 1|0 Force GPU blending even if you video card is not officialy supported (At your own risk!) FrameProfilingEnable = 1|0 Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile Frames in FlexBuilder anymore) FullScreenDisable = 1|0 Lets you disable SWF files playing via a browser plug-in from being displayed in full-screen mode. GCStats = 1|0 Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile GC in FlexBuilder anymore) GPULogOutputFileName Lets you specify the output file for the GPU informations HeapProfilingAS3Enable = 1|0 Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile Heap in FlexBuilder anymore) LegacyDomainMatching = 1|0 Lets you specify whether SWF files produced for Flash Player 6 and earlier can execute an operation that has been restricted in a newer version of Flash Player. LocalFileLegacyAction = 1|0 Lets you specify how Flash Player determines whether to execute certain local SWF files that were originally produced for Flash Player 7 and earlier. LocalFileReadDisable = 1|0 Lets you prevent local SWF files from having read access to files on local hard drives. LocalStorageLimit = X Lets you specify a hard limit on the amount of local storage that Flash Player uses (per domain) for persistent shared objects. LogGPU = 1|0 Lets you specify if you want to output debug GPU log MaxWarnings = X The default value of the MaxWarnings property is 100. After 100 messages, the debugger version of Flash Player writes a message to the file stating that further error messages will be suppressed. OverrideGPUValidation = 1|0 Overrides validation of the requirements needed to implement GPU compositing. OverrideUserInvokedActions = 1|0 ?? PolicyFileLog = 1|0 Enables the logging of policy file messages. PolicyFileLogAppend = 1|0 Set the PolicyFileLogAppend property to 1 to save previous policy file log entries PreloadSwf?flashvar1=value&… Lets you specify a SWF to be loaded before the main swf.This is the profiler agent, a little flash app (ProfilerAgent.swf) that connect to the FlexBuilder Profiler via socket (localhost:9999). ProductDisabled = 1|0 Creates a list of ProductManager applications that users are not permitted to install or launch. ProductDownloadBaseUrl ?? ProfileFunctionEnable = 1|0 Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile function in FlexBuilder anymore) ProfilingOutputDirectory = [path] Specify where to save the ProfilerData file ProfilingOutputFileEnable = 1|0 Specify if we want to create a file containing all the profiler data (flashprof_1265745253708.dat) RendererProfilingEnable = 1|0 Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile in FlexBuilder anymore) RTMFPP2PDisable = 1|0 Specifies how the NetStream constructor connects to a server when a value is specified for peerID, the second parameter passed to the constructor. RTMFPTURNProxy = 1|0 Lets Flash Player make RTMFP connections through the specified TURN server in addition to normal UDP sockets. ScriptStuckTimeout = X Lets you specify the time after what the timeout (too much time running a script) exception will popup SecurityDialogReportingEnable = 1|0 Lets you specify whether the Security dialog should be visible or not. SuppressDebuggerExceptionDialogs = 1|0 Lets you specify whether the Error dialog should be visible or not. ThirdPartyStorage Lets you specify whether third-party SWF files can read and write locally persistent shared objects. TraceOutputBuffered = 1|0 Specify the flash player to use a buffer before writing to disk. If you had problem when tracing tousands of lines and line were skipped, this solve the thing. It’s also a lot faster (1000000 trace in 7 seconds instead of 3200 trace in 7 sec!) TraceOutputFileEnable = 1|0 Set TraceOutputFileEnable to 1 to enable the debugger version of Flash Player to write trace messages to the log file. TraceOutputFileName= [path] !OBSOLETE! The following table shows the flashlog.txt file location:
Lets you specify if you want to use elevated privileges or not WindowlessDisable = 1|0 Lets you disable Floating Flash (ex: Ads) I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
Additional Info
first of all, this post is so horibly broken it pains me. your l33th4x isnt even on the same line as the other banners. theres a huge ass scroll bar on the bottom as well. and the code black square things extends as far as the longest line so theres a fuckton of empty black space.
Additional Info
interesting. It seems tims post cleaner cleaned out all the paragraph tags and page breaks lol. I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |