[Information] Hack Database 1.0
keep track of your hacks
Hack Database 1.0 Posted on: 03/24/2014 11:59am
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protected !

Someone told me  "a good hacker keeps track of his hacks".
I never wrote down what i did with a game when i was new to hacking. The problem is when a game gets updated, you have to search functions, etc. again if you dont remember what you did to create a hack. Wasted time ;)

So i wrote this little tool (last year). Simple database. You just add your hacks, comments, whatever.
The entries are saved automatically in programm dir (hack.entries.db) each time you add/rename/delete a hack.
(it's a simple INI file, i suck with SQL, also 1000+ entries are loaded within <0.5 sec, fast enough)

Download: Hack Database 1.0



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RE: Hack Database 1.0 Posted on: 03/24/2014 1:18pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

You do realize that Kolonel is working on a super trainer that interfaces with the website, right?  Alpha testing has it working extremely well so far. :)

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: Hack Database 1.0 Posted on: 03/24/2014 2:28pm
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 03/24/2014 9:18am

You do realize that Kolonel is working on a super trainer that interfaces with the website, right?  Alpha testing has it working extremely well so far. :)

dudial's comments and such are all client sided. its for people that make a LOT of hacks to write down where they found it and what they did, in case it ever gets downvoted..

but yes, the ultra trainer's alpha is pretty smooth. kadat just needs to get his lazy ass to fix the couple of problems that are there

RE: Hack Database 1.0 Posted on: 03/24/2014 3:33pm
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protected !

compare it to some notebook. it doesnt run hacks or anything. just to track own hacks in case game gets updated, etc . ;)


RE: Hack Database 1.0 Posted on: 05/14/2014 5:12pm
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This is very useful!! I'll switch to this now.  I've been using Excel and Notepad txt files to keep track of my rummaging.. not exactly the best way of doing it but it was something up until... well now. hah! Thanks again boss man!