Tie Fighter Assault
(40 points)

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Tie Fighter Assault

(40 points)
Last Updated: 09/10/2014 15:23

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Game Dscription
Fight through waves of Tie fighters to reach the Death Star and blow it up!
Tie Fighter Assault Posted on: 09/10/2014 3:23pm
Quote Post


Millennium Falcon Clear - 10 points - Finish the game using Teejays Millennium Falcon
Tie Defender Clear - 10 points - Finish the game using Umbras Tie Defender
X-Wing Clear - 10 points - Finish the game using Luciaras X-Wing
Y-Wing Clear - 10 points - Finish the game using Melanies Y-Wing Beat the game with X-Wing to get all 4 medals at once


Search for: 96 02 00 08 01 4e 96 02 00 08 02 4e 96 05 00 07 0? 00 00 00
Replace with: 96 02 00 08 01 4e 96 02 00 08 02 4e 96 05 00 07 01 00 00 00

Master_X has returned, in HEXADECIMAL (nope, not yet in 3D)