[Information] KH War TODO List
RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/22/2015 1:19am
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This sounds like a good game..got it playable yet or what?

Nothing to see here, move along.

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/22/2015 1:51am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

There are currently 72 people in the high scores list.  You tell me if it's playable.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/23/2015 5:42am
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Hm, theme still resets after a reload. Thought you said it's remembered now.

I liked the separate buttons better, 1 click vs 2 clicks. Only annoyance was that on startup move was selected, but clicking performed attack.

Could you add some indication when one is under attack? Like "Blabla captured your X/Y tile" or something.
Maybe split the log vertically - attack+defense and everything else?

Since you'll be adding timestamps for offline defense, add also a "last active" column to the high scores page, please.

I have gone to find myself. If I return before I get back, please hold me here until I arrive.
RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/23/2015 11:06am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

1) Don't really care about the theme.  I'm half tempted to just remove it.
2) I switched to a drop-down, since the buttons would line-break on half of the themes.  Eliminating the selection solves this.  Basically, choose one or the other, themes or buttons.
3) There's no way of doing that.  This is not a "live client" kinda game.
4) The log will probably be going away, since it takes up too much room and looks kinda ugly.
5) LOLNO.  That'd make it too easy to attack people.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/25/2015 7:01am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

New displays are up for your landmarks & orbs!  The display also displays the number of forts you have on those tiles and can be clicked on to be taken to those tiles.  That display also refreshes as you interact with landmark and orb tiles, so you can actively watch your fort count increase on your landmarks/orbs.

The in game currency is now closed off from the site points.  I have plans for building a connection script that will allow you to "transfer" points from the site into the game and vise versa.  This should solve any issues we'll have down the road when accepting Kred purchases.

More info coming later. :)

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/25/2015 1:44pm
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What kind of graphics are you planning to use for the icons? More realistic ones like in the original or stuff like this what i did for fun here:

Some icons just seem weird and don't explain themself very well. When recreating them would be goog to think about how to show what they mean a bit better.

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/25/2015 4:58pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Damn it zucker, I was soooo close to hiring someone to do the game graphics off of fiverr.  What you've got going on there looks great!

Would you be interested in making the graphics for the game then?

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/25/2015 5:52pm
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Hehe, why not but be aware that i am pretty slow. Those icons took me quite a while and some could definitely be improved.I did the ones first that seemed easy enough as pixel art is a tedious work. A problem would be resizing those as pixel art is not meant to be scaled down.

If someone wants to join in or has any tips for improvements or alternatives it would be great. I would also need to know which kind of graphics are needed besides those icons.

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/25/2015 6:19pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

All of the icons, the weapon type icons, and the landmark icons.

Here's a zip of all of the current icons.  I lvoe the khwar icon you have in your sig.  Can you make a larger version so we could use it as the logo on Kongregate?


Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
war.zip 129.82 KB 745

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/25/2015 8:57pm
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Points millionaire xD

Question/proposal on how us who are not very good in graphics/programming/brainstorming could help:
Is there a wiki/link or whatever which explains the various aspects of the game that is the basis of KH war? If yes wouldn't be helpful to start/migrating it to one platform that would serve as a future reference/help manual for the players?

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/25/2015 11:19pm
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@shalala You can always start one on wikia :)
The game is a clone of War of Conquest, there is documentation on their site, although not everything is implemented here.

@TIM reminder - energy system. Check your Psi logs of #konghack :)

I have gone to find myself. If I return before I get back, please hold me here until I arrive.
RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/26/2015 2:31pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

You could always make new topics in our War forum here.  That way I could port this stuff over to content pages within the game so we won't need an external wiki source.

Speaking of wiki's, I have it in my "global todo" to build us a wiki module.  No idea when that will happen though.  so much backlog...

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/26/2015 8:35pm
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Here are the icons, they should be usable but there is room for improvement. Changing graphics later shouldn't be a problem if i come up with something better or someone else does. The smaller tech icons are pretty close to the original as it is hard to change much at that size.


A question for the other three images (fort, orb, water): Are they supposed to be that big or are they displayed at a smaller size? If you have to scale them ingame i would not create them as pixel art as that scales pretty bad. If you are only using them at a certain size i would like to create them at that size directly.

Oh and the logo of the game for kongregate, how big would that need to be?

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
icons.zip 15.11 KB 836

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/26/2015 8:52pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

I totally googled for those images and stuck them into the game.  Feel free to re-define them as you see fit.

As for the logo, per Kongregate: 250 × 200 pixels or larger :smile:

UPDATE: Got the new graphics in.  Had to run a purge in cloudflare.
Those are EXTREMELY BAD ASS MAN!  Thanks for the graphics. :thumbsup:

Here's our world map: https://khwar.com/.cache/world_map.png
It was caught in the CF cache as well. :tongue:

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/27/2015 3:54pm
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Please don't add some shit like Energy in order to do action and SUPER LONG waiting time. I hate those games when everything is running but I gotta wait for like 20 hours to get to where I wanna be at and then running out of energy, I just exit out of the game and go to a different game and don't look back. Sigh, If you must, I can see....

Some things I would like is a lot of contents, as in like weapons with interesting attack animation or gives us cool skills that belongs on differnt kind of weapon or skills combo with other skills that creates unique animation or it doesn't have to be weapons but techs. Also when finish looting a nation, we should get some weapon along with the resources.....

But I don't know how this game will be, just blindingly putting my 2cent.