[Information] KH War TODO List
RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/27/2015 5:14pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
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Nujabes Posted on: 01/27/2015 10:54am

Please don't add some shit like Energy in order to do action and SUPER LONG waiting time. I hate those games when everything is running but I gotta wait for like 20 hours to get to where I wanna be at and then running out of energy, I just exit out of the game and go to a different game and don't look back. Sigh, If you must, I can see....

Some things I would like is a lot of contents, as in like weapons with interesting attack animation or gives us cool skills that belongs on differnt kind of weapon or skills combo with other skills that creates unique animation or it doesn't have to be weapons but techs. Also when finish looting a nation, we should get some weapon along with the resources.....

But I don't know how this game will be, just blindingly putting my 2cent.

Have you played the game yet?

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/27/2015 8:33pm
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So, did the other icons today. It seems like you scale those images down to 22x22 on the map. Thats why i have choosen to use that size as my canvas. I have included several alternatives for some icons this time. There are also bigger versions of the tech icons with 22x22 instead of the 15x15 just to have the smaller icons at the same size.


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icons2.zip 5.37 KB 813

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/27/2015 8:41pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
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Fuck Yeah!  I'll get those up when I have time tonight. :)

Hey, look at that, you're a sponsor now...

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/28/2015 3:04pm
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The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 01/27/2015 3:41pm

Hey, look at that, you're a sponsor now...

It's magic! Just like in the game but i just gonna tell everyone i am super skilled :D

I am trying to do the big logo for kongregate next, we'll see what i can come up with. But another question, do you think the map might cause problems because it is derived from the original image? I guess it is a grey zone and hard to check. Just a thought so no copyright issues gonna occur.

Coming back to the music idea i think http://ocremix.org/ is good and safe to use. At least people could hear music from that site while playing your game.

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/28/2015 5:59pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
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As far as the map goes, I'm not really for sure what to do about it.  I'm not planning on publishing a "full world map" like what I've posted about in here before.  Worst case scenario, I use some bullshit program to generate one, delete all map points, and spin a new one.  Not a big deal.  Our full world map will be colored with nation colorings. :D

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/29/2015 12:44am
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I finished up entering the tech into the tech manager so that's done. I wasn't sure if I should change the name or descriptions for the end game techs so I just left them as they were. Also, there were two techs, Programming Prodigy and Hacker Extraordinaire, that I thought might be perfect for a sort of KongHack easter egg that could slide under the radar and get onto Kongregate when the game is ready. Either the tech name or the description could be changed so if someone can think of something creative that could be cool.

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/29/2015 12:51am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Sounds good to me.  Thanks for the help man!

I'm going to throw in another end game tech that adds air combat, since none of the end game techs add that.  

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/29/2015 1:26am
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Yeah no problem, some of the changes in tech have made some weapon names confusing, and as a result the weapon descriptions are off, I can change those names and descriptions if needed

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/29/2015 1:32am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Wound up adding 3 new end-game techs. :)

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/29/2015 7:20pm
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Well I can't post in the Fucking Fuck topic because that would be a double post and the website doesn't allow that (smart move in my opinion) but I've come up with new names and descriptions for the weapons that make more sense with the new tech names and descriptions, but I haven't added them in yet because I wanted to make sure that it was okay to do that first. No plan to alter any of the attributes or anything but just to make everything fit together correctly and to make sure we aren't using the exact text for everything from War of Conquest. Here's what I've got, made some minor changes like giving a new description for the club weapon, and some more major changes like sandfish infiltration being changed to Coordinated Mole Strike because sandfish no longer makes sense with the new tech name and desciption. If you let me know it's okay I'll enter these in to the weapon manager when I get some time.

Old Name New Name Old Description New Description
Club Wooden Club Blunt branches stripped of their leaves, used to pummel your opponents. Large tree branches used to bash in skulls of enemies.
Bone Spear Bone-Tipped Spear Spear tipped with sharpened bone fragment. A long pole with a sharpened bone attached to the end.
Bomber Squadron Bomber Unit A squadron of aircraft capable of dropping heavy explosives on the enemy. A troop of pinpoint accurate bombers that fly fearlessly into enemy territory.
Nuclear Attack Nuclear Strike A barrage of nuclear weapons dropped from bomber planes. A devastatingly destructive and powerful attack that levels cities.
Infantry and Artillary Artillery Bombardment Infantry invasion backed up by artillary strikes. A long range attack designed to breach the enemy's fortifications
Missile Barrage Missile Barrage A powerful missile assault. Launched from a distance, so a successful counter-attack from the enemy is unlikely. Long distance missile assault that cannot easily be countered.
Antigen Spore Barrage Biochemical Salvo Concentrated antigen spores delivered via missiles to enemy cities. Orchestrated biochemical attacks that target enemy cities.
Nuclear Missile Strike Nuclear Missile Strike A tactical nuclear missile strike. A calculated and precise nuclear missile strike.
Laser Satellite Laser Satellite Laser equipped satellite with powerful offensive capabilities. A satellite that orbits miles above the surface of the Earth equipped with extremely dangerous lasers.
Advanced Missile Strike Advanced Missile Strike No Description Available An accurate and effective missile strike that cripples the enemy.
Supervirus Contagion Superviral Assault Delivery of a highly contagious and quickly fatal genetically engineered virus. Release of a extraordinarily fatal and contagious virus in enemy territories.
Flesh Drip Bacteria Contagion Flesh-Eating Bacterial Assault A genetically engineered bacteria that is spread through the air, and causes the victims skin to dissolve over a matter of days. Release of an airborne bacteria that eats flesh into the atmosphere of enemy territories.
Sandfish Infiltration Coordinated Mole Strike An underground infiltration of large fish that can swim through sand, for use in terrifying surprise attacks. An organized infiltration of enemy lands by genetically enhanced moles that leaves the enemy vulnerable.
Blowgun Blowgun Shoots poison tipped darts. Capable of shooting poisonous darts.
Nanobot Plague Nanobot Plague No Description Available Nanobots that enter the bodies of enemies and kill them from within, giving the appearance of illness.
Nanobot Attack Swarms Nanobot Attack Swarms Enormous super-intelligent clouds of trillions of nanobots, sent swarming into enemy territory to leave a path of destruction in their wake. Clouds of nanobots that swarm into enemy territory and destroy everything in their path.
Android Invasion Android Infiltration An overwhelming invasion of powerful robotic soldiers, with air and artillary support. Ten thousand robots sent into enemy territory to claim it for the nation.
Cybanthropic War Machines Cybanthropic War Machines Devastatingly powerful entities. Heavily armed, armored and shielded, these behemoths are capable of walking or flying. Neither man nor machine, they are both. Heavily armed, armored, and shielded hybrids of man and machine.
Geographic Spatial Inversion Geographic Relocation Utilizes zero point energy to instantly invert the locations of large fragments of space-time, allowing us to essentially swap positions with enemy territories. The ability to instantly invert the locations of space-time, allowing the ability to swap positions with enemy territories.
Storm and Drought Storm and Drought Utilizes our methods of climate control to inflict drought, interspersed with violent storms, upon our enemy. Use the ability to control weather to summon storms to ravage enemy territories and droughts to kill their crops.
Telekinetic Warriors Telekinetic Soldiers Warriors trained in telekinesis, wearing ethereal armor and bearing weapons that strike of their own accord. Soldiers trained physically and mentally how to succeed in battle.
Warriors Gate Warrior's Gate Summoned bands of warriors from beyond this world, bound to aid us in battle. A horde of otherworldly warriors summoned to fight the enemy.
Summoned Forest Command Nature An area of dense forest, animated and summoned to our aid in battle. Turn  plants and animals against the enemy to cause chaos.
Band of Abominations Horde of Abominations A band of mighty and horrific creatures summoned from another realm. A swarm of horrifying creatures summoned to destroy the enemy in battle.
Envision the Land Telekinetic Terraforming No Description Available Transform the terrain to strike the enemy from an advantageous position
Legion of Titans Legion of Titans An army of otherworldly behemoths summoned to fight with us. An army of terrifying and brutally strong monsters.
Minor Force of Will Destructive Force A telekinetic unleashing of devestating havoc upon the enemys territories. A telekinetic attack that causes chaos in enemy territories.
Major Force of Will Devastating Force An awesome telekinetic energy attack capable of destroying entire cities in an instant. A telekinetic attack capable only of destroying entire cities because it is so chaotic.
Geographic Teleportation Geographic Teleportation To force the exchange in location of one of our territories with one of our enemys, by use of teleportation technology. An attack that instantly inverts the locations of space-time, allowing the ability to swap positions with enemy territories.
Geographic Wipe Geographic Obliteration The utter obliteration of an enemy territory, by teleporting its entire mass to another dimension. An attack that ensures the destruction of enemy land by teleporting it to an entirely different dimension.
Mercenary Tripe Mercenaries A skilled band of mercenaries that weve paid to have fight for us. A mercenary group who fights for the highest bidder.
Guerilla Band Guerilla Warfare Band of well trained guerilla fighters willing to die for their cause. Bands of untrained fighters that sneak into enemy territory and attack unpredictably.
Death from the Skies Death from Above Massive winged beasts summoned from hidden realms to fight for us in battle. Summon a monstrous flying beast from another world to fight in battle.
Militia Militia No Description Available A group of organized citizens who have trained themselves to fight ferociously for their nation.
Warrior Jinni Genie of War A powerful warrior jinni, who will crush our enemy in battle for us. A mystical lamp which holds a trapped genie, who can provide military aid to whoever holds his lamp.
Krynid Attack Seeds of Rebellion Seed pods launched into enemy territory, that latch on to inhabitants and transform them into Krynids, huge shambling piles of vegetable matter that leave destruction in their wake. Seed pods that brainwash enemy citizens into rebelling.
Blot Out the Sun Blacken the Skies Plants that produce billowing clouds of thick pollen, blotting out the sun over enemy territories. Utilize plants that will produce clouds of thick pollen that will block out the sun over enemy territories.
Krynid Invasion Seeds of Destruction Seed pods that transform enemy citizens into super-intelligent Krynids, capable of wrecking devestating coordinated havoc upon the enemy. Seed pods that brainwash enemy citizens into turning against each other.
Roots of Despair Organic Sabotage No Description Available Trees that grow roots beneath enemy lands and sap the ground of all its resources and cause chaos and destruction.
Mind Hurl Missile Barrage Telekinetic Missile Bombardment A barrage of explosive missiles is hurled upon our foes telekinetically. An unusually accurate bombardment of missiles that are controlled by telekinesis.
Trebuchet Trebuchet A powerful weapon capable of launching festering meat through enemy defenses. A powerful weapon that uses gravity to launch projectiles at the enemy.
War Hammer Mace Large iron hammer useful for crushing the bones of enemies. Large crushing weapon designed to break the bones of enemies.
Long Bow Long Bow A heavy bow capable of lauching speeding arrows many hundreds of feet. A sturdy bow designed to fire  arrows that can pierce armor.
Chariot Chariot A heavy wheeled platform driven by horses and carrying warriors armed with spears and bows. A lightweight platform driven by horses carrying warriors into battle.
Sword Phalanx Sword Legion Troop of soldiers trained in the use of the blade. Army of soldiers trained to slash and hack the enemy to bits.
Centurion Centurion Well trained, heavily armored sword wielding soldiers. Superiorly trained and heavily armored swordsmen.
Infantry Foot soldiers A large corps of highly trained full time soldiers. A large division of ground infantry that will fight to the death.
Ambassador International Diplomat Highly skilled diplomats backed up by a mighty military force, seeking to convince territories that joining us is in their best interest. An extremely persuasive diplomat who uses trickery to seduce other nations.
Stone Spear Stone-Tipped Spear Spear tipped with a hard, sharp point of stone. Long woooden pole with a sharpened stone attached to the end.
Catapult Catapult A powerful device capable of launching massive stones through enemy defenses. A large device that uses trajectory to hurl stones through enemy defenses.
Cannon Brigade Cannon Salvo Large group of cannons with infantry support. Large regiment of cannons set up to fire at the enemy in quick succession.
Musketeers Marines Units of highly trained troops armed with individual muskets. Specially trained troops prepared to fight on the front lines.
War Dogs War Dogs Large and vicious dogs trained to run down our enemies. Ferocious dogs trained to fear nothing.
Tank Platoon Tank Brigade Large unit of armored tanks equipped with heavy weapons. Brigade of armored tanks equipped with explosive weapons and heavy guns.
RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/29/2015 8:08pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Looks great to me! :)

If possible, can you add a little more info to Geo Wipe, Cybanthropic War Machines, and Death from the Skies, as they're the 3 largest end game weapons.  Wipe is purchase only, +2000 general, CWM adds a ton of Air Combat, and DftS is purchase that adds more air combat than CWM but is timed.


Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/29/2015 8:19pm
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Cybanthropic War Machines Cybanthropic War Machines Devastatingly powerful entities. Heavily armed, armored and shielded, these behemoths are capable of walking or flying. Neither man nor machine, they are both. Heavily armed, armored, and shielded hybrids of man and machine that fly into battle programmed to know nothing other than destruction and victory, virtually impossible to destroy due to their composition from the rarest of metals and only the most elite soldiers that have proven themselves through battle.
Geographic Wipe Geographic Obliteration The utter obliteration of an enemy territory, by teleporting its entire mass to another dimension. An attack that ensures the destruction of enemy land by teleporting it to an entirely different dimension, chances of resistance by any enemy are so unlikely that it has been said to be almost impossible to defend against.
Death from the Skies Death from Above Massive winged beasts summoned from hidden realms to fight for us in battle. Summon an immortal flying beast from a parallel universe that goes into battle knowing that its only purpose for existing is slaying the enemy.

Gave these techs a bit more of a badass kind of description, and I'll start entering them in soon

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/29/2015 11:09pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

FUCK YEAH!  Go for it!

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/30/2015 5:45am
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Weapon names and descriptions are done, if anyone comes across a typo or anything in the weapons or techs and their descriptions while leveling up or something point them out, they should be easy to fix, I think I caught most of them (I'd be amazed if I caught all of them) but at least it's a start

RE: KH War TODO List Posted on: 01/30/2015 1:02pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Thanks Man!

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez