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i know I saw someone suggest this, but I cant find where. Idea is simple, a border around the outside of your village, to aid in the distinguishing of villages from their surroundings. I liked the Idea, so I whipped up a sloppy solution. function drawUserTile(tileName,x,y){ $('#' + tileName).css('border', 'none').css('background-color', '#' + mapdata[x][y].n).attr('title', mapdata[x][y].name).attr('data-original-title', mapdata[x][y].name).tooltip('fixTitle'); if(x>1){ if(mapdata[x-1][y].nid != mapdata[x][y].nid){ $('#' + tileName).css('border-left', 'thick dotted gold'); } } if(x<25){ if(mapdata[x+1][y].nid != mapdata[x][y].nid){ $('#' + tileName).css('border-right', 'thick dotted gold'); } } if(y>1){ if(mapdata[x][y-1].nid != mapdata[x][y].nid){ $('#' + tileName).css('border-top', 'thick dotted gold'); } } if(y<25){ if(mapdata[x][y+1].nid != mapdata[x][y].nid){ $('#' + tileName).css('border-bottom', 'thick dotted gold'); } } }
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