[Request] Please add kingsroad android version.
I'm a dick and can't spell, so I'll fuck it up multiple times for teh lulz
Please add kingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/17/2017 1:02pm
Quote Post

Please add kingsroad android version.

I want to do some cheat for android version.

thank you. XD

RE: Please add kkingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/19/2017 2:40pm
Quote Post

I also would like to see an android version.

RE: Please add kkingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/19/2017 3:34pm
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Ubi Maior Minor Cessat
jowback Posted on: 01/17/2017 8:02am

Please add kkingsroad android version.

I want to do some cheat for android version.

thank you. XD

the game entry is for all platforms. Make sure to submit android hacks with the proper hack type or even better add a tag prefix like [ANDROID-ONLY] ie: "[ANDROID-ONLY]Unlimited free box spins"

RE: Please add kkingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/19/2017 3:38pm
Quote Post
Zenwaichi Posted on: 01/19/2017 10:34am
jowback Posted on: 01/17/2017 8:02am

Please add kkingsroad android version.

I want to do some cheat for android version.

thank you. XD

the game entry is for all platforms. Make sure to submit android hacks with the proper hack type or even better add a tag prefix like [ANDROID-ONLY] ie: "[ANDROID-ONLY]Unlimited free box spins"

It's not, I already tested it and returned an error.

RE: Please add kkingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/19/2017 7:37pm
Quote Post
Ubi Maior Minor Cessat

I tried and it did seem to work. You should tell me more about the error if you want to solve the problem

RE: Please add kkingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/19/2017 11:01pm
Quote Post
Zenwaichi Enviado em: 01/19/2017 2:37 pm

Eu tentei e ele pareceu funcionar. Você deve me dizer mais sobre o erro se você quiser resolver o problema

The error just closes the game.

RE: Please add kkingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/19/2017 11:23pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
jowback Posted on: 01/19/2017 6:01pm
Zenwaichi Enviado em: 01/19/2017 2:37 pm

Eu tentei e ele pareceu funcionar. Você deve me dizer mais sobre o erro se você quiser resolver o problema   < Any more of this kinda bullshit and I'm going to ban you.

The error just closes the game.

What error?!?!?  And when?!?!  What are you doing?  Provide some fucking steps to reproduce what you're talking about?

Opening the trainer closes the game?
Applying any hack closes the game?
Applying a non-android hack closes the game?
Applying an android-only hack closes the game?
Closing the game closes the game?
Opening the KHUT closes the game?
Doing a search for running processes in the KHUT closes the game?

Come the fuck on man.  Provide more info.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: Please add kingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/20/2017 1:03am
Quote Post
As massas ignorantes Publicado em: 2017/01/19 18:23
jowback Publicado em: 2017/01/19 18:01
Zenwaichi Enviado em: 2017/01/19 14:37

Eu tentei e ele pareceu funcionar. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR/> <

O erro apenas fecha o jogo.

Que erro?!?!? E quando?!?! O que você está fazendo? Fornecer alguns passos de merda para reproduzir o que você está falando?

Abrir o treinador fecha o jogo?
Aplicar qualquer hack fecha o jogo?
Aplicar um hack não-Android fecha o jogo?
Aplicar um hack somente para o Android fecha o jogo?
Encerrar o jogo fecha o jogo?
Abrir o KHUT fecha o jogo?
Fazer uma busca por processos em execução no KHUT fecha o jogo?

Venha a porra do homem. Fornecer mais informações.

Depois de aplicar o hack o jogo fecha, um erro aconteceu diz a mensagem.

Veja o vídeo com o erro.

Assista ao vídeo trabalhando com o mecanismo de fraude.

nop.. contact

RE: Please add kingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/20/2017 4:00am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

There we go.  Creating another entry in the DB won't solve your problem.  This is something for Kolonel to look into.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: Please add kingsroad android version. Posted on: 01/20/2017 12:08pm
Quote Post
The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 01/19/2017 11:00pm

There we go.  Creating another entry in the DB won't solve your problem.  This is something for Kolonel to look into.

Thank you, and sorry for me being an ass.