Idle PinsLooking for Derium h4xLast Updated: 03/09/2022 14:23 |
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Using the information already posted in the database I was able to find Crysblood (Double*1) but I have been unable to find or locate Derium, I am beginning to think it's hosted server-side and if that's the case, I would like a confirmation. Please and Thank you. ^_^ Here is the link to the game. |
Level: 1
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I managed to find derium via the unknown initial value, decrease by 50 on each present purchase, but it's essentially an encrypted value. You'll wind up with 4 different values and changing ANY of them will immediately crash the game.
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Alrighty. Thanks. ^_^ I figured it was something like that, these numbers USUALLY give themselves up easier than this damn Derium. |
Level: 1
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Ugh, now he's added a derium premium shop. From digging around, it looks like it's all server sided.
Level: 1
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Anyone have any luck with the valentine's day event?
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Can you elaborate. What value type do you search for (4bytes, double, what)? Which chocolate do you search for? |
Level: 1
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I think it may have been 4bytes, but it's probably safe to just run ALL.
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Can someone help me with getting this setup? No matter what I do, the hack isn't working. I'm using the newest version of cheat engine and am on firefox. |
Level: 1
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Johnkt93 Posted on: 02/24/2020 5:17pm Can someone help me with getting this setup? No matter what I do, the hack isn't working. I'm using the newest version of cheat engine and am on firefox.
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Hi all, can you guys help me out what am i doing wrong? |
Level: 1
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Yup, you need to look for the number of cells you have assigned to a single pin, not your total. You won't be able to change the total as it's a calculated value. Essentially, add 10 to a pin, search for double 10. Add 10 more, search for 20. You'll wind up with 2 values. Set those to 9999999 for a few seconds and you'll have yourself a pin with levels into the thousands. Then, click MAX and hit minus on that pin to stop the levels from going too high.
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Thank you very much it worked, my logic was flawed :) |
Level: 1
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The valentine's day stuff isn't the actual value. It's some crazy BS number, but it works.
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The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 02/24/2020 10:28pm Johnkt93 Posted on: 02/24/2020 5:17pm Can someone help me with getting this setup? No matter what I do, the hack isn't working. I'm using the newest version of cheat engine and am on firefox.
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Sometimes the one using the most cpu is not the correct one. |