Opinion on Kongregate MMO's?
Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/25/2013 5:47pm
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Sol Penguin

I personally hate just about every MMO on Kongregate, the only multiplayer I like to play really, is Shellshock Live 2. I feel like most of them are just clones of one another and are, generally, really lackluster and boring.

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/25/2013 6:51pm
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Browser based games require the least amount of effort and cost the least to maintain, hence why it is profitable to churn them out like hot cakes because there are people out there dumb enough to keep spending money on them. Capitalism at work.

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/25/2013 7:22pm
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Way before I'd ever found Kong I'd tried a couple on Facebook and they were equally as bad as the average one here. In my limited experience, it's something endemic to the genre and platform, independent of Kong. I even looked into how to make one way back when and the overall template is the same (and for sale). For a cool, idk, $600, you could buy the template for those basic going-on-"missions"-uses-energy with timers game. Whether it was a Harry Potter rip off, a sci-fi adventure, or a car racing game, the template was exactly the same.

Like evilsnow said, they're so prevalent because they're profitable. Nobody played the Jaguar game system. It tanked. Everyone played the SNES. It flew into the history books. Those MMOs are the height of casual gaming, which is all anyone has time for these days.

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/25/2013 9:42pm
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Grammar Führer

Eh, I wonder why you even bother playing MMOs. I mean, sure there will be one or two games out there (not only Browser MMOs, but also a lot of other MMOs out there). MMOs are the hype of the gaming world right now (and has been for more than several years) and it will probably still be for the next years until a real Genius of the Game World ascend and invent a new genre (those kind of things don't happen every day).
All in all, I'd say that browsers MMOs are just the tip of the iceberg of crappy games and easy way of making money. I don't even bother to play them anymore, and the few ones that I have played just proved to me that when it's about making money, only the first one is good, the rest is just plain copying with or without any atempt to make it seems like a new game or other game.

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RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/25/2013 10:20pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Guys, I once had an MMO on Kongregate.  It was fun as hell to build, but kinda rough to play.

Anyone interested in teaming up to build a new game?  Something different than what's currently available.  Something supremely bad ass.

I have a fairly good idea of what I want to build, but it's going to take someone to handle writing, most likely multiple graphic artists, someone for audio effects, etc. to pull off the project I have in mind.

Why complain about MMO's when you can just make a better one?  smile

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/25/2013 10:52pm
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Grammar Führer
The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 12/25/2013 7:20pm

Guys, I once had an MMO on Kongregate.  It was fun as hell to build, but kinda rough to play.

Anyone interested in teaming up to build a new game?  Something different than what's currently available.  Something supremely bad ass.

I have a fairly good idea of what I want to build, but it's going to take someone to handle writing, most likely multiple graphic artists, someone for audio effects, etc. to pull off the project I have in mind.

Why complain about MMO's when you can just make a better one?  smile

I'm sure that if everyone had the same goal as you have then there would have never been a need for people to complain about how the MMOs are.
Also, I'd love to help with making a new game, however I fear that my knowledges aren't that great to start with. Only thing I know is how to write books, revise and translate them, and how to hack a few games >_>.

No number of hacks, good or bad, can replace Common Sense.
If you don't know how to use a hack, don't complain about them. Ask first, then complain.
In case you'd like me to update one of my hacks, please PM me, I'll bother updating them...
We don't bitetoo much.
In case you're lost, make sure you check both "101" and the "Konghack Wiki".

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/25/2013 11:35pm
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I'd be interesting in writing, but as I'm a teacher, my schedule and available time is pretty hit-and-miss during the school year.

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/25/2013 11:56pm
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Grammar Führer
SaucyJack Posted on: 12/25/2013 8:35pm

I'd be interesting in writing, but as I'm a teacher, my schedule and available time is pretty hit-and-miss during the school year.

I'd love writting as well, but then, it depends on the scenario :p.
Also, I feel your pain. Though I don't really like teaching, I've had a fair share of teaching lol.

No number of hacks, good or bad, can replace Common Sense.
If you don't know how to use a hack, don't complain about them. Ask first, then complain.
In case you'd like me to update one of my hacks, please PM me, I'll bother updating them...
We don't bitetoo much.
In case you're lost, make sure you check both "101" and the "Konghack Wiki".

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/26/2013 1:17am
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I think we'd all like to help with writing. It's the other positions that are harder to fill :/

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/26/2013 1:29am
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Sol Penguin

I'd be interested in helping with the project, but don't know what I could do for the idea you have. I have little to no programming knowledge when it comes to games. I do draw every so often, you can see examples here http://imgur.com/BRwQLM0 , http://imgur.com/BSGHuXM , http://imgur.com/U9TIvDO and I'm not sure that that's the style of drawing you'd want. I sometimes mess around with spriting when I do ROM hacks but not much. I can create interesting lore and stories, and have for other projects, but really, that's all I got

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/26/2013 1:32am
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The Laziest Man on KongHack

I can also help with writing or revising. I was actually the "editor" for a published book, so i must not be too terrible.

I R gud @ engrishing.

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/26/2013 2:28am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Have any of you played SpaceBase DF-9 yet?

I want to make an MMO version of that game that doesn't suck ass. :)

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 12/26/2013 4:23am
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pengu Posted on: 12/25/2013 8:29pm

I'd be interested in helping with the project, but don't know what I could do for the idea you have. I have little to no programming knowledge when it comes to games. I do draw every so often, you can see examples here http://imgur.com/BRwQLM0 , http://imgur.com/BSGHuXM , http://imgur.com/U9TIvDO and I'm not sure that that's the style of drawing you'd want. I sometimes mess around with spriting when I do ROM hacks but not much. I can create interesting lore and stories, and have for other projects, but really, that's all I got

Those actually aren't that bad, in my opinion. Enough to carry a game, though the more relevant concern is if you'd be able to create the sheer amount of graphics necessary for an MMO (assuming you were working alone). :/

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 01/01/2014 3:45am
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This is really exciting, guys! I've been feeling the same about these MMO's. I just casually play flash games to take a break from work. Though I don't have the time to contribute to this project right now, I'd really love to see what you come up with = )

RE: Opinion on Kongregate MMO's? Posted on: 01/01/2014 4:15am
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Troubadour´s dog

Well, as long as it doesnt end being like all the other kong mmo games that they jsut seem they changed the script and characters (that even most developers doesnt even try to hide it anmore), it would be cool.