Miami Shark-migrated-Last Updated: 08/06/2014 14:54 | |
Miami Shark-migrated-Last Updated: 04/02/2010 01:39 |
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Its as easy as hell for most medals. The only ones I am stuck on are the :
Any help would be greatly appreciated. |
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game is encrypted, so i want to see if deity can crack it
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The source is obfuscated, though I managed to get one AoB:
Crush 1 yachts to get Sailor: 96 05 00 07 5F 00 00 00 49 12 9D 02 00 1A 00 96 => 96 05 00 07 01 00 00 00 49 12 9D 02 00 1A 00 96 All the rest I managed to get legit whilst trying to work out the above: you just have to be fast at taking down the flying things... |
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yay it worked. I even got that annoying sperm combo medal using speedhack, so now i have all not glitched, not broken medals possible. Yay.............
or do i? |
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Thanks Deity! I'm guessing you might have to be very quick at taking down those planes.
Although, that ducks one is annoying me too! But thanks for all your help! (broken image removed) |
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Quote from: "Master_X" yay it worked. I even got that annoying sperm combo medal using speedhack, so now i have all not glitched, not broken medals possible. Yay............. sperm combo? I hope your not talking about getting the both the literate and the illiterate medals. The guys on the bbs board are already giving you a hard time thinking you hack haha |
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dont really know much about newgrounds and looking at this through terminal services so I can't really test it, but this should get you what you the duck one fairly easily - though I say that without even playing the game (broken image removed)
++_root.dc1y; if (_root.dc1y == 15) { _root.medal_popup.unlockMedal("Ducks"); } // end if Intialize //96 0b 00 08 45 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 _push "dc1y" 0 Medal: //96 02 00 08 02 _push "dc1y" //4e _getMember //96 05 00 07 0f 00 00 00 _push 15 This post was imported from an account that no longer exists! Previous Name: Anonymous |
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I got both the medals without hacking, so did others- remember, at the beginning, a few people waited to see what was up with those, then some gracious soul posted that if you had not played the game yet, you could open the game in two tabs and play both of them at the same time, then time properly to get both the lit and illit medals.
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Yeah but how many people were lucky enough to find that out before they even opened the game? the odds are quite slim I assure you.
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I'm fully aware of that.
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Quote from: "xycho666"
nah, i meant real comboing. and i guess i should look on that bbs, i am getting popular and i kinda like it. If you checked my profile, look on my join date, it is quite cool |
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the medium badge on Kong is buggy. when playing legit, it may award if you miss 1 plane but catch all the rest |
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the medium badge on Kong is buggy. when playing legit, it may award if you miss 1 plane but catch all the rest |