[Request] Warlight.net - Hackable or not? Trying to make an AOB
Warlight.net Single Player - Can it be hacked? Trying to figure out an AOB or something

I've read the AOB guide and tried to figure out ways to achieve my goal, but I keep coming up empty. I'm wondering if I just don't know enough, or if hacking is simply impossible because of how the game works. I think every submit/request might be managed server-side. I thought there'd still be a way to do what I want, but I havent' figured one out.

What I want to do is know where the AI units are in a Single Player game. I tried making AOB hacks for the Fog options, but they don't seem to be working.

If there was even just a way to identify the numerical data sent by the server (what # armies are in which territories), I could figure out locations by comparing the numbers across different games (narrowing down correlations by process of elimination). I can't seem to figure out where those values would be stored, though.

Thanks for any help!


Ubi Maior Minor Cessat

Trying to hack a kongregate game with hacks already made for it would only be beneficial. It would tell you it's approachable enough for somebody to take and you could always for guidance by hack makers. Just don't make the common mistake of choosing mmoesque games. 

There were hacks for the Kongregate version of it once, so I thought it might be possible to hack on the main site. But the Kong version might have worked differently.

The Laziest Man on KongHack
GameStrat Posted on: 04/30/2015 5:32am

There were hacks for the Kongregate version of it once, so I thought it might be possible to hack on the main site. But the Kong version might have worked differently.

usually games have different versions between different sites. some things may be drastically different, but it should still be hackable.