Kongregate Badge Hack : The Chrome Extension
KBH Made Easy
Kongregate Badge Hack : The Chrome Extension Posted on: 01/01/2017 8:18pm
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Version 1.0 -- https://konghack.com/filemanager/get/3SSvtSx8964x58695c18a7ff7

Installation Instructions
1. Download the ZIP and extract it to a folder of your choice.
2. Open "chrome://extensions" in your browser
3. Drag the KBH.crx file onto the "chrome://extensions" page and install the extension
4. Run the "KBHPT Installer.exe" to install the final piece


1. Load up any Kongregate game that has a badge/achievement
2. Click on the Axe icon that is KBH
​3. Click the red button that says "Badge Me!"
4. If requested to open the URL, click "Always Allow" and then Launch
5. A black box will pop up and close automatically. You will be disconnected from Kongregate. Refresh the page and you will have your badges

Tested to work on the following browsers:
Chrome, Torch, Chromium

Tested on the following Windows Versions:
Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10


Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
ckbh.zip 138.68 KB 1,425

RE: Kongregate Badge Hack : The Chrome Extension Posted on: 01/01/2017 10:38pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Tested, works great. :D

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: Kongregate Badge Hack : The Chrome Extension Posted on: 01/01/2017 11:16pm
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Oh, hey...

Great job Simple. It allows you to achieve badges with ease.

Just tested this out on a few games. A few observations. It didn't work on games requiring unity plugin. I got a message that unity was not supported by chrome and to use firefox, but I guess that the game has to completely load for the achievement to be awarded?

Other than the unity games, it worked for everything else I tested... except for this game www.kongregate.com/games/Pseudolonewolf/mardek-rpg-chapter-3  (I noticed the black box did not pop up after hitting badge me button)

I tested this out on both chrome and chromium after I noticed that eventually it stopped working with chrome, after maybe 10 minutes.  I noticed that chrome automatically, permanently blocked the extension b/c it was not from the chrome web store. 

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tl17 Posted on: 03/07/2017 12:21pm

Just tested this out on a few games. A few observations. It didn't work on games requiring unity plugin. I got a message that unity was not supported by chrome and to use firefox, but I guess that the game has to completely load for the achievement to be awarded?

Other than the unity games, it worked for everything else I tested... except for this game www.kongregate.com/games/Pseudolonewolf/mardek-rpg-chapter-3  (I noticed the black box did not pop up after hitting badge me button)

I tested this out on both chrome and chromium after I noticed that eventually it stopped working with chrome, after maybe 10 minutes.  I noticed that chrome automatically, permanently blocked the extension b/c it was not from the chrome web store. 

"I noticed that chrome automatically, permanently blocked the extension b/c it was not from the chrome web store." -This is not something I can work around without uploading to the Chrome Store and is global for any and all plugins.

"Doesn't work on Unity" - Worked fine for me: http://i.imgur.com/KeYGdrY.png .This program is completely game independent, just like the regular KBH is. When you get a message from chrome telling you something is not supported, that has nothing to do with KBHPT/CKBH (this program). The program works by scraping the holodeck statistics, so as long as you can see the Badge Tab where the Kong Chat is, it should work.

RE: Kongregate Badge Hack : The Chrome Extension Posted on: 03/11/2017 11:06pm
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what if you make it private, so its on the store, but not "public" 

RE: Kongregate Badge Hack : The Chrome Extension Posted on: 03/12/2017 12:49am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

There are a few games that KBH will never be able to work on, and those are MMO style games that use the entire server-2-server setup.  We can't send badge data, because it's configured to only accept data from the game's server.  Swords and Potions is a great example of this.  Instead of using the normal API, they send everything securely between servers.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

"I noticed that chrome automatically, permanently blocked the extension b/c it was not from the chrome web store." -This is not something I can work around without uploading to the Chrome Store and is global for any and all plugins.

"Doesn't work on Unity" - Worked fine for me: http://i.imgur.com/KeYGdrY.png .This program is completely game independent, just like the regular KBH is. When you get a message from chrome telling you something is not supported, that has nothing to do with KBHPT/CKBH (this program). The program works by scraping the holodeck statistics, so as long as you can see the Badge Tab where the Kong Chat is, it should work.

oh ok, I wasn't sure if a unity game had to actually load. So it seems to be the game itself, as you say.


Thanks! it's working great.

God of Mystery

can this be installed anywhere or does it need to be in a specific location?

Reign of Light

It was working fine when i installed it on my desktop. Chrome does have a build in function that turns off the extension when u close the chrome browser, shouldn't be any trouble for such a great badgehacker. That does mean u need to reupload it for every new browser session unless someone can correct me on this one.

RE: Kongregate Badge Hack : The Chrome Extension Posted on: 06/19/2017 11:47pm
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Mjnmoe Posted on: 06/19/2017 12:02pm

can this be installed anywhere or does it need to be in a specific location?

The executable can be installed to anywhere that an admin can install to. Once it is installed, the extracted file (KBHPT.exe, etc.) cannot be moved from that folder/location unless the installer is run again and the registry keys are updated by the installer.

This is really awesome. Works pretty well. Though when I click the badge button on the extention I only get the page refreshing on games like Super Stacker 2 and Rogue Soul 2. Works fine on Unity games.


This hack works very well. Installation was quick and easy and all you had to do was let the browser load for a few seconds before clicking "Badge Me!"