[Information] SAS 4 Premium Weapons
Any way to get them?
RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/09/2017 3:54pm
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You can hack premium guns (tip: something around the ID of existing guns needs to be edited.....)

Also for Elite cores, you can force them to drop from a crates, but certain ones will get you banned same as the "force trident open"

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/12/2017 3:00am
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Hacking Universe

Alright, I've released my private trainer (after a long delay), so you guys can enjoy hacking the game to its doom...
There is some utility hacks there, plus the long awaited MP stats hack.
Below is the tutorial for Monster Debugger and the Premium weapons hack.
UPDATE: Here's the Monster Debugger Tutorial:
-Download Monster Debugger and Fiddler.
-Download the modified SWFs.
For skill hacks (skills get modded):
For character stats + fake name (set by me):
Then, you open up fiddler's autoresponder, and click add rule. Type
at the top, and the directory to the modified swf on your computer at the bottom.
Check "Enable Rules" at the top, and also "Unmatched Requests Passthrough".
Since the swf file is sent through HTTPS, you need to enable https traffic decoding.
You can do this by going to Tools > Options > HTTPS, and then checking "Capture HTTPS Connects" and "Decrypt HTTPS Traffic".
For more info: https://www.fiddlerbook.com/fiddler/help/httpsdecryption.asp
Open up Monster Debugger, and then SAS 4. Click play and Monster Debugger should be working.
If you want to figure out which variables are which, try to use my elite trainer, and then find the variable holding the amount.
Here are my notes, for those who want to find the classes to make AoB hacks and those who want to use Monster Debugger (on the bottom)
Correction: o18104 is cores.
Also a note to those who want to hack premium weapons: You must refresh, and then you will see your premium weapon!

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
sas4apr20skillshack.swf 7.59 MB 1,033
sas4apr20namespoof.swf 7.59 MB 1,142
sas4guide.txt 2.53 KB 932

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/15/2017 5:45pm
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how would you add badges from championhships?

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/15/2017 8:38pm
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Hacking Universe

Try looking for o3053 (a method) and run the method.
Change the 2nd parameter with the badge ID, with 0 being bronze, 1 being sliver, etc.
Note that this doesn't save.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/16/2017 3:58am
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ahh so theres no way to keep the badges rip 

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/16/2017 10:05pm
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Hacking Universe

Run the MP stats hack before you play.
Also refresh after applying.
BTW if something breaks I'm not going to fix it.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/17/2017 12:26am
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All the hacks worked fine for me except the 1 million HdA thing I have no clue what that does it just crashes my game 

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/17/2017 1:19pm
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Hacking Universe

BTW if you are going to use the Monster Debugger method (and you changed the SWF with it), don't apply hacks to it. You must close fiddler if you want to use AoB hacks via the trainer.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/23/2017 2:15pm
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After using the trainer hacks has anyone run into problems playing in multiplayer? I havent been able to play any multiplayer game after applying the lvl100 hack, just stuck at "looking for players".

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/23/2017 7:29pm
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Why Everybody need Premium weapons i don't see they Different from Normal Weapons ?

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/24/2017 8:07am
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Some premium weapons offer better stats? idk

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/25/2017 1:31am
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Hacking Universe
Rez00 Posted on: 09/23/2017 10:15am

After using the trainer hacks has anyone run into problems playing in multiplayer? I havent been able to play any multiplayer game after applying the lvl100 hack, just stuck at "looking for players".

Try nightmare mode.
If you can't find anyone, try creating a character, closing, applying the hack before hitting the play button, and checking your characters.
Chances are large level ups per game cause autoban.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/26/2017 6:59pm
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hackergonnahackLOL Posted on: 09/24/2017 9:31pm
Rez00 Posted on: 09/23/2017 10:15am

After using the trainer hacks has anyone run into problems playing in multiplayer? I havent been able to play any multiplayer game after applying the lvl100 hack, just stuck at "looking for players".

Try nightmare mode.
If you can't find anyone, try creating a character, closing, applying the hack before hitting the play button, and checking your characters.
Chances are large level ups per game cause autoban.

Thanks for the reply, unfortunatly it seems like using this hack leads to an instand MP ban. other hacks work great, I guess its the large lvl/xp jump that sets off alarms.
Edit: I made a new account and the hack worked in MP, seems like my account has been MP banned so even deleting the char didnt work.

Edit2: Rip 2nd account doesnt connect to MP anymore.

RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/29/2017 10:05am
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followed all steps but doesn't work for me, if I select capture traffic on fiddler the game doesnt load

if I uncheck capture traffic on fiddler, game loads but nothing happens on monster debugger.


RE: SAS 4 Premium Weapons Posted on: 09/29/2017 11:34pm
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Hacking Universe
tqran Posted on: 09/29/2017 6:05am

followed all steps but doesn't work for me, if I select capture traffic on fiddler the game doesnt load

if I uncheck capture traffic on fiddler, game loads but nothing happens on monster debugger.


Check the option  "Unmatched Requests Passthrough".

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.