SynergismSynergismLast Updated: 07/04/2021 10:46 |
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Can't seem to find any values for money/crystals etc... Anyone have any luck? |
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Try directly open the iframe page(should be like, go check the sources with chrome) and you can modify almost everything in the console. |
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aside from the save editing entry i would say the simplest way would be to change your system time to get a few hours of offline progress at a time function obtain() { var str = window.atob(document.getElementById("inX").value); numberOfMultipliers = window.atob(document.getElementById("inX").value).match(/"multiplierBought":(.*?),"/)[1]; multi = 1; if (multi < 1) { multi = 10; var plusOne = parseFloat(numberOfMultipliers) + 1; document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML = 'Current number of multipliers bought is ' + plusOne + '. One multiplier added. You will get another in ' + multi + ' clicks.'; var replacement = '"multiplierBought":' + plusOne; var moddedString = window.btoa(str.replace(/"multiplierBought":\d+(\.\d+)?/i, replacement)); document.getElementById("inX").value = moddedString; document.getElementById("notif").innerHTML = 'Status: Number of multipliers has been set to ' + plusOne + '.'; } else { document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML = 'Current number of multipliers bought is ' + numberOfMultipliers + '. You will get one more multiplier in ' + multi + ' clicks.'; document.getElementById("notif").innerHTML = 'Status: Ready.'; } } |
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Game save code is Base64 Encoded |
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q2w3e2007 Posted on: 05/10/2020 9:32am Try directly open the iframe page(should be like, go check the sources with chrome) and you can modify almost everything in the console. |