KBH v7.1 [broken]
by pkedpker
KBH v7.1 [broken] Posted on: 11/02/2012 3:48pm
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.

this verion is no longer working. The new version is here.

Newest version is v7.1 


How to use KBH 
Thanks to ?????

Screenshot below

Windows 7 64bit
"Component 'MSWINSCK.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"


Copy the ocx file to C:\Windows\SysWOW64
Run cmd.exe and enter regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\MSWINSCK.OCX

Whats new?
Advantages in this new version
new author, new kbh. fixes old version errors

---old version log kept for posterity---
v7.0 fixed support for all games and auto rater support works properly, service mode possible
v6.0 again fixed auto login was bugged
v5.0 fixed badge hack and auto login
v4.0 fixed the badge hack works again.
v3.0.1 fixed auto relogger and that anoonying bug with categories to submit always displaying -1 and might of fixed client side not available error (not likely (broken image removed))
v3.0 fixed it works again, as for auto rater it sucks I recommend using praetor's Kong VBS AutoRater Click here
v2.0.12 fixed getting categories again.
v2.0.11 new auto rater v2.0 with more states.. now detects if your rating games logged out.. it will ask you to login (thats the bug where it stopped rating.. because somehow it logs you out (kong security?).
Fixed the login box from saying Wrong password everytime you open it.. just a simple typeo instead of > 0 (greater then) I put <> 0.. (not equal to 0). Which gave you the wrong password because it's actually equal to zero being it is.. empty!.
v2.0.9 now has a built-in auto rater v1.0 and was updated shortly to version v1.1 with automatic stop at 50 rated games.
v2.0.8 now supports <> symbols for the Learn to fly game where the badge variable requires the less than symbol Completed game in (< 19 days)
v2.0.7 now supports ", for MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction game maybe other games which also used this odd combination in variables.. If anyone finds that KBH doesn't find all variables tell me so I can update it.
v2.0.5 now supports (), for lets say pirate defense you need 175,000 points it would have to decocde Scored 175,000 (hardmode) meaning the , and () now it supports that. Also v2.0.5 has better load time so fixed that by using a timer to do the processes while the program is loaded.
~v2.0.4 with same variables sent at once bug.. doesn't work and errors on serverside could be detected as a hacking attempt and get you banned.. now it's fixed it can still be done if you send same variables but its in your control now.. before it was automatic control.
~v2.0.2/v2.0.3 is much faster then v2.0.1 by atleast 1-2 seconds! thats about everything I've updated.. it no longer relays on internet explorer control to do the hacking job. But totally winsock powered. (It's user-agent is Google Chrome meaning it will always login kong using that no idea how detectable that makes it.. shouldn't be if everyone uses Google Chrome).
Involving how it sends the variables to server.. it would auto select and send filled in variables like for game splitter the StarsCollected variable could be either 10 stars or 25 for 2 badges.. you could send the higher value for that variable 25 and get both badges but if you send both SAME variable names with different values the server doesn't accept that and could get your account banned/flagged.
~Fixed this problem by letting the user now select what you want to send in the 2nd box.. no more automatic sending for badge only games!.

if it says

Welcome, Guest_59adfc5f0e6902f28348ac
then you are not logged in Internet Explorer (Internet explorer won't help you in v3.0 you must use Menu--> Login to kongregate

its also important that you tick that checkbox that says remember me.. because you will close internet explorer and it will get reloaded in KBH.. so if your still logged out then it still won't work.

Quote from: Gameace
You have to set the value to 1 I believe, click the variables button and it will have a list with almost all the games and what the variables you need to change to get the badges are. The get button doesn't necessarily work all the time and it might just bring up something random if there's none to bring up. More or less you choose which variable, change the number to submit then click set then send the packet as long as you did everything else right it should work.

the Get catagories button should always work.

Ash wrote that his doeo game categories don't fully load up?

but here is a screenshot I took to show otherwise all catagories..


Lieutenant Ash
oeo 9480 [{"name":"doeocaught_easy","value":500},{"name":"kingtime_easy","value":20},{"name":"HighScore-Normal","value":30000},{"name":"kingtime_hard","value":50}]
it only shows kingtime_hard so i tried to change kingtime_hard to 50 and doeocaught_hard to 1 but i didnt get the badge only the -10 score?

Ash you are right on the dot you used the VARIABLES button to get the variables for that game now what you do is see the picture

click kingtime_hard in first box then click ">" button
then in the next box click kingtime_hard again to keep it selected.
now go to the New value: box at the very right change 999999 to 50 don't forget to press SET or it won't work
then just press Send Packet to Kongregate and your done!

You can also view each edit you made in the second box if you forget using the GET button and the 99999 should change to the score you put in using the SET button

yes the first box gets all the possible variables needed for highscore sending even the hidden ones so you see them all no more playing the game to find the variables.

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 01/06/2013 9:25pm
Quote Post
Is this being updated any time soon? Last time I used it it didn't work for some multiplayer game badges. I used 7.1 btw.

#1 Social Engineering Forum
RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 01/12/2013 2:54am
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It won't download for me. :<
RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 01/26/2013 4:58pm
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The Crazy Man
RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 01/27/2013 7:23am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
kbhv7_1.zip 154.24 KB 1,075

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 02/11/2013 6:15am
Quote Post
Seems to work pretty good, after some trouble inputting the mswinsck.ocx file, thanks for reviving it.
RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 02/27/2013 12:54am
Quote Post
I am having a problem. I login into kong on my browser then when I go to log onto Kong on the program I get this message: Run -time error -2147012879 (80072ef1): The operation has been canceled.

Is there something else I need to do?

RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 02/27/2013 1:28am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
No clue at this point. I don't get any errors, it loads the game data just fine, but my password hash is always screwy and nothing submits. Might be because I have a super kong account, or something like that, but who knows. :P

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 02/27/2013 9:32pm
Quote Post
On attempting to Log-In, using v7.1, I ger a Run-time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument.
All attempts at self resolution have failed.
RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 03/02/2013 1:38am
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.
running as admin?

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 03/02/2013 6:58am
Quote Post
Having a custom title makes me fucking cool.
im having trouble with the mswinsck.ocx file. it says it's missing. what am I doing wrong?

hack the planet

RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 03/02/2013 8:20am
Quote Post
I also get the "Run-time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument." error when trying to login.
Moreover, when I try to get game categories I get "Error occured most likely internet issue, try to press Get Categories again."
RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 03/03/2013 5:43am
Quote Post
I got the same issue as ellmoe, was working fine like 1-2 days ago now all of a sudden I go to login on KBH and get the exact same error which is Run-time error '-2147012879 (80072ef1)': The operation has been canceled.
RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 03/03/2013 4:08pm
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.
at a glance, it looks like kong has gotten an https cert and this is whats causing the error. I dunno. I'll look at it closely after work.

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: KBH v7.1 [FIXED] Posted on: 03/03/2013 10:31pm
Quote Post
Well, I have been logged into KBH for the past week, and haven't closed it. It still works fine with setting and submitting the proper catagories, and also gets the correct catagories when I put the link in.

But when I hit "Get Catagories" I get a box pop-up called "KBH" with an errorText.test
Even though there is an error, It properly gets all of the catagories, and lets me submit whatever I want still, so no problem there, but yeah, I have had it open for the last week, so I have not gotten any login troubles since I haven't had to relogin. Hope this helps, somehow, but I don't plan to log out of it incase it breaks forever :x

Speaking of, this video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plPLq-6_Qdg there, someone made a updated guide to the 7.1 KBH, so I don't know if someone wants to rip it off of youtube and put it in the download or anything, but I figured I would mention it. Not much help to those who already know, but it is there and less than a month old.