Pirates of the Caribbean

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Pirates of the Caribbean

Last Updated: 04/19/2015 09:43

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Game Dscription
Enter the world of Pirates of the Caribbean in the years before The Curse of the Black Pearl. The Golden Age of Piracy is in full swing, and danger awaits intrepid sailors on every horizon!
Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 11/11/2013 5:08pm
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Thank you in advance, anything is something!
Request for the game Pirates of the Caribbean, anything is usefull

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 03/25/2014 6:03pm
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Same, I've to start over on FB now that PD is done with the game, and anything would help.
Thanks in advance as well.

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 03/25/2014 8:27pm
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I was play before plarium games , never found hacks, was few bugs but , seams all server side

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 03/26/2014 1:25pm
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Not work  and crash.

Could someone please check if this cheat[CT File] work?
I just started, cannot know where the cheat to be applied yet.

It should select the rarest reward item from a random list.
It modified the following function @com.playdom.pirates.managers.RewardManager.
Thank you~


Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
01_piratescaribbean.ct 2.08 KB 811

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 03/26/2014 1:59pm
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Ubi Maior Minor Cessat

there is no way to make it return more params through aob? Could you please explain a bit what you did there? I am just done understanding the original one and my brain is already out of juice

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 03/26/2014 3:19pm
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The original function accept a string parameter as, may be, lootTable-key.
From this key, loc_3 is set to a lootTable, with 2 string, one for item list (item_key), and one for corresponding chance list (drop_chance), eg.
item_key = "daddy,long,leg"
drop_chance = "50,1,20"
They then split with comma as array, and set to loc_4 and loc_5 respectively.

A random 1-100 is set to loc_6.

Inside the loop, a current index (loc_7) is loop through the item_key, togather with corresponding drop_chance.

It check if loc_6 less than the current drop_chance, if so the function returns corresponding item_key. (function end)

if loc_6 more than the current drop_chance, then loc_6 is preparing shift to next drop_chancce, by substrating the current drop_chance. then repeat the loop with next item/drop_chance.

Last seems complicated, the net effect of the original function is to drop an item with respective drop_chance as a %, ie. 50% 1st, 1% 2nd, 20% 3rd, 29% drop no thing in above example.

The modified function should be easier to understand. It just set the return item_key loc_2 if and only if a lower drop_chance is found. so the item_key should be with lowest drop_chance.

It will be simplier if the drop_chance is sorted, but it seems it cannot be sure.

Hope not confuse you more :)


No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 03/28/2014 2:07am
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Silence, My brother

Player heavy power AOB also increases the damage dealt by fortresses/bases so it's recommended to use it only for ships

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 05/11/2014 3:15am
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Is it still working?

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 05/14/2014 4:51pm
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ApocalypticGamer Posted on: 11/11/2013 12:08pm
Thank you in advance, anything is something!
Request for the game Pirates of the Caribbean, anything is usefull


Anything? Are you sure you want to say Anything? XD.. In that case:

Rapid Fire Cannons(Useless but interesting XD):
Search: d0 66 d2 b8 01 66 da 4a
Replace: 24 64 02 02 02 02 02 02

You'll get 2 matches, the second one is for Ships, the First one is for Land/Raft Cannons. In the video I modified the Second one.

You can't win with it but pretty interesting if you ask me. :)

Here's what it does:

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 06/05/2014 2:46pm
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Hello people, is it really not hackable since the lastest update?
Thanks for the previous damage hack though. smiley

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 04/06/2015 1:02pm
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I don't think this is Plarium is it?  If it was would be interested to see what other Plarium could be hacked.

RE: Pirates of the Caribbean Posted on: 04/19/2015 9:43am
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HacknSlash Posted on: 04/06/2015 9:02am

I don't think this is Plarium is it?  If it was would be interested to see what other Plarium could be hacked.

I thought this game has already been closed down on facebook?!