[Resolved] black box only giving a certain type of gear
SAS 4 Black box edition
black box only giving a certain type of gear Posted on: 04/15/2015 8:58pm
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Hacking Universe

For some reason, after I use the black box edition hack, it gives the same gear over and over again when you disable the hack. 
It pretty much messes up the game when black boxes give the same gear over and over again, even when the hacks are disabled.
Any fix to this?

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

kill first,die last
hackergonnahackLOL Posted on: 04/15/2015 4:58pm

For some reason, after I use the black box edition hack, it gives the same gear over and over again when you disable the hack. 
It pretty much messes up the game when black boxes give the same gear over and over again, even when the hacks are disabled.
Any fix to this?

yep, thats what happens if you use black edition hack :P you get the same gear everytime, however, thats one free black item :D

~zombies eat brains, so don't worry most of u will be fine~

Refresh the page. Refreshing the page is the only way to disable hacks. Simply unchecking them does not disable them.

Typically how I got about it is... if I want to try and score some black gear, I will start the game fresh.. Inject the hacks on the menu and use it to try and score gear on non-black Strongboxes.

I posted a thread about the over-and-over gear, haven't checked it quite yet but I'm curious onto looking more in-depth with this.

So far, what I know is with the correct hacks selected, it will spit out up to 5 different items, and then hold on a very high item, which will repeat over and over for every strong box.

Best bet if you want to try your luck at more black gear, just refresh the page and re-inject the hacks and hope for some variety in the beginning..

I'd hate to recommend trying to score black gear with any of the 10x hacks because you'll be finding yourself doing a lot of selling.

One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster. The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free.

KissMyWeapons - Professional Flash Hacker :D

You get the same shit item because you need to use other data to change the next index of the item, using the hack currently available make it impossible.

In 2291, in an attempt to control violence among deep-space miners, the New Earth Government legalized no-holds-barred fighting. Liandri Mining Corporation working with the NEG established a series of leagues and bloody public exhibitions. The fight's popularity grew with their brutality. Soon, Liandri discovered that the public matches were their most profitable enterprise.
[IGN] KissMyWeapons019


Hacking Universe

I refreshed the page and it still gives me the same box.
Maybe if i clear cookies?

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

Try ranking up.

Hacking Universe

I did. And it just gives a different item over and over again.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

kill first,die last
hackergonnahackLOL Posted on: 04/17/2015 4:10pm

I did. And it just gives a different item over and over again.

Did you say "different"? Well..thats good then, you want different items right? :P

~zombies eat brains, so don't worry most of u will be fine~

Hacking Universe

Well, it gives a different item per level, but it gives it over and over again.
(eg If ronson 55 dropped at lvl 84, ALL the black boxes would give ronson 55 (after you disabled the hacks), so its bad for someone lvl 100.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

hackergonnahackLOL Posted on: 04/17/2015 10:22pm

Well, it gives a different item per level, but it gives it over and over again.
(eg If ronson 55 dropped at lvl 84, ALL the black boxes would give ronson 55 (after you disabled the hacks), so its bad for someone lvl 100.

For this example, it means that if I reach lv85, the black boxes will give another item? Thank you.

Hacking Universe

And BTW it looks like that the black boxes you HAVE are corrupt (all give the same gear), but new black boxes that you get will have different gear.
I just tried that out when I got a new black box and it came with black hardplate armor instead of another ronson 55.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

Can I receive lower level black items after I reach 100? Like, a 80-85 weapon.
Would be annoying if I got past the item loot level : (

hackergonnahackLOL Posted on: 04/18/2015 2:07pm

And BTW it looks like that the black boxes you HAVE are corrupt (all give the same gear), but new black boxes that you get will have different gear.
I just tried that out when I got a new black box and it came with black hardplate armor instead of another ronson 55.

So the best way for that cheat is:
1: Open all existing black boxes
2: Activate that cheat(by using force weapon/force armor together to get 2 different items at 1 level)
3: Disable the cheat and level up
4: Do 1-3 again

kill first,die last

Now you can just use the random black hack, make sure to also apply wide choice of gear hack, otherwise the hack won't work.

This guide will help you: https://konghack.com/topic/9588-sas_4_hacks_guide

~zombies eat brains, so don't worry most of u will be fine~