Realm of the Mad God.. again
Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 01/28/2011 2:56pm
Quote Post
I'd like to continue the discussion with Imk0tter's godmode explanation located here (if someone can quote it, feel free to do so, I can't).

I guess I understand the basic idea. So I went through the latest version with Sothink in raw data mode, cobbled my arrays together, searched with HxD, and found.. nothing. The same happened with all three in the above explanation mentioned arrays.

To take the first array as example, I couldn't find _as3_returnvalue (still 48). I tried doing a partial AOB search, but it wasn't very successful (14 03 00 00 61 04 2A was the closest I could find). Was that patched? Or am I just missing something?

(also please refrain from bickering about inane BS until the topic gets locked)
Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 01/28/2011 2:59pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
Wow, what a first post!

+1 to Lock the topic.  Unless someone has something new to add, there is nothing to talk about.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 01/29/2011 9:37am
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.
minus one to locking. +1 to moving to help as a

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 02/04/2011 3:18pm
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I opened it directly without changing the swf. Using CE to search and HxD to modify.

Anyway, I think I found out why the AOBs didn't show up, I followed the guide a bit too closely and it apparently omitted unimportant parts in the AOB, so obviously it didn't show up in HxD. Duh.

Thanks so far. I might have a question later, so, uh, -1 to locking!

/sneakedit: I
Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 02/04/2011 3:57pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
Just in case you were all wondering, there isn't any kind of counter system that tracks your +/- stuff...  It's not like anything automatically locks when you hit 3 or anything...

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 02/05/2011 12:54am
Quote Post
I think I got the projectile collision down, but I can't get the game to skip my character when projectiles are looking for something to hit (in fact, it seems to PREFER me instead of random objects).

So now I have to basically change the code to _as3_getlocal <5> => compare with _as3_getlex _-8f => if equal => don't return my position but continue on. However, whatever I try, it ends up making the game spasm out the second there's a projectile on the screen. Any ideas? It's also possible that I'm looking in the wrong place, but not very likely.

Code: [Select]
//62 05
_as3_getlocal <5>
//60 1a
_as3_getlex _-8f
//66 43
_as3_getproperty player_
//14 11 00 00
_as3_ifne offset: 17
//62 0b
_as3_getlocal <11>
//12 03 00 00
_as3_iffalse offset: 3
_as3_getlocal <3>
//11 54 00 00
_as3_iftrue offset: 84
//62 05
_as3_getlocal <5>
Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 02/05/2011 2:27am
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.
does player equal -8f?
if not, go to NO, otherwise continue reading //14 11 00 00
i dunno do damage or something...
just do whatever.

you want that shit to just jump to no no matter what. so, change 14 to 10. i think its 10. 99.9999% sure its 10.

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 02/05/2011 1:04pm
Quote Post
Tried that.. same result. Tried to nop //62 05 48 as well. And every possible combination. This is always what happens when I shoot, or someone else/monsters do.

(broken image removed)
Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 02/05/2011 4:33pm
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.
try this
goto the top of the function and replace the first 4 bytes with this
d0 24 00 48

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 02/05/2011 11:59pm
Quote Post
Hi! I'm new.... and I've had some mild success with:
Code: [Select]

//62 07  -> 24 00
_as3_getlocal <7>  [Change to push 0]
//62 05
_as3_getlocal <5>
//66 e9 05
_as3_getproperty radius_
//af -> ad
_as3_greaterthan  [Change to less than]

My client doesn't register the hits, but he still takes damage.... Perhaps it's from the server-sided packets mentioned by Imk0tter.  I swapped some of the maths around for the greater-than check, and pushed 0 into local variable 7.  Forgive me if I'm not completely familiar with the terminology of the actionscript bytecode, I'm exceedingly fresh and new.

I also attempted kolonelkadat's tweak to registers test, basically everything went nuts =)
Have another "Oh holy crap!" that I created by loosely trying to replace some more math by the projectile proximity code.

Code: [Select]
Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 02/08/2011 5:46pm
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Leave _as3_greaterthan as it is, apply the same logic to the other check and you'll be where I am.. also yeah, I'm getting the same result again too.

I've been testing a bit on 110.2 and now the monsters die on my screen, but not on the server it seems (no exp).. they still show up on the minimap, and deal invisible damage.
Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 04/28/2011 2:52am
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AOB i think i can find one but am going to need some help can any admins help me please
Re: Realm of the Mad God.. again Posted on: 08/14/2011 11:52pm
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Honestly as of build 118 does anything in the projectile class gets called anymore?
I successfully decompiled the source, got the AoB 's (yes they look simliar to the old ones)
and found them with CE being on a map.

Attaching the CE-Debugger to it using an access BP on the offset nothing ever happens.

Did they completely switch to using server-based entity tracking or am I'm doing something wrong?