KBH v1.2.0.0 [WORKING] (kongregate badge hack)
by kolonelkadat
DaFuq2004 Posted on: 01/19/2014 11:34pm

Well... I created an account long time ago, it was (obviously) level 0 and in 1 day I leveled it up to 45, now I'm 65, never got banned.


Isn't most anything? In statistical terms, you might be what's called an outlier. There are always exceptions. :B As the expression goes: "You only get in trouble if you get caught." Some people get bans. Some don't. I've seen others on Kong keep their gained levels but lose some of their gained points--like, 5,000 or something.

Also, I think many of the people who get banned via being reported come to others' attention by setting impossible high scores in games. Anyone who sets a (legally unobtainable) high score of 9,999,999 in a game, cementing their position forever at the top of the all-time high scores table, isn't doing anything except painting a target on their back.

FinalStrife7 Posted on: 01/20/2014 1:34am
DaFuq2004 Posted on: 01/19/2014 11:34pm

Well... I created an account long time ago, it was (obviously) level 0 and in 1 day I leveled it up to 45, now I'm 65, never got banned.


Isn't most anything? In statistical terms, you might be what's called an outlier. There are always exceptions. :B As the expression goes: "You only get in trouble if you get caught." Some people get bans. Some don't. I've seen others on Kong keep their gained levels but lose some of their gained points--like, 5,000 or something.

Also, I think many of the people who get banned via being reported come to others' attention by setting impossible high scores in games. Anyone who sets a (legally unobtainable) high score of 9,999,999 in a game, cementing their position forever at the top of the all-time high scores table, isn't doing anything except painting a target on their back.

Ya... I know that, but seriously I screw it up and never got a Ban, my account is 4 years old already and I still remember that many people whisper me "Hacker" or "Tell me your secret" LoL, then I removed the comments, make my profile private and start to win badges a little bit slowly, because, I ranked up 45 levels in one day, just imagine at what place I was in the Score Table of the Day, Week & Month.

Is there a mirror of this somewhere? No matter how I try to download it, I can't seem to be able to.

disgruntled old man
kolonelkadat Posted on: 06/30/2013 5:11am

Newest version is v1.2.0.0

Download - You must have the latest .NET Framework installed!

That link works.

New to Kong Hack and want to learn the basics? Check out the [Kong Hack 101] and the [Hacking 101].
Wanna learn how we make the hacks? Start with getting [the tools], then check these out: [AoB tutorial] | [.sol guide] | [Unity3d tutorial] | kadat's [video tutorials]
And if you don't already have it, check out the [Kong Hack Ultra Trainer]. You'll be glad you did!

Assuming any issues with the current build should be posted here so. Just trying out the kbh program for the first time but right after I hit log in it say Logging you in, hang on tight... then spits out the error below

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'

Again, first time using it, tried it with kongregate open/closed and cookies on/off all through firefox 26.0 with net 4.0 framework and most recent flash installed on win7 32bit. It's from the kbhfpx1200.zip that has the exe with 3 dll files.

Any ideas?

TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Install the 4.5 framework.  I think it's posted a dozen times somewhere in this thread to always use the latest, and 4.5 is the latest last I checked...

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

And apparently I am the idiot that managed to miss that huge detail. Thank you, it works fine now.

gates Posted on: 01/20/2014 11:09pm
kolonelkadat Posted on: 06/30/2013 5:11am

Newest version is v1.2.0.0

Download - You must have the latest .NET Framework installed!

That link works.

It doesn't seem to be working for me. Like I said earlier, "Hmm. I tried that on Chrome and Firefox. On Firefox, it comes up with "The download cannot be saved because an unknown error occurred. Please try again." On Chrome, nothing happens."

TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Then apparently you're blocking bit.ly.  Try not using an insane amount of adblockers, or, I hate to say this, try IE.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

I don't think I'm blocking bit.ly; I can get to http://www.konghack.com/filemanager/get/S4tDwRx1653x53df69057b59d by clicking on the link. When I try to use IE, it just says "kbhfpx1200.zip couldn't be downloaded".

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
kbhfpx1200.zip 232.76 KB 1,678
disgruntled old man
JRichardson1729 Posted on: 01/26/2014 11:01am

I don't think I'm blocking bit.ly; I can get to http://www.konghack.com/filemanager/get/S4tDwRx1653x53df69057b59d by clicking on the link. When I try to use IE, it just says "kbhfpx1200.zip couldn't be downloaded".

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you aren't logged into this site in IE and just using IE to go to the link? Either way, go to that konghack URL in whatever browser you're using right now to read this.

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
kbhfpx1200.zip 232.76 KB 1,678

New to Kong Hack and want to learn the basics? Check out the [Kong Hack 101] and the [Hacking 101].
Wanna learn how we make the hacks? Start with getting [the tools], then check these out: [AoB tutorial] | [.sol guide] | [Unity3d tutorial] | kadat's [video tutorials]
And if you don't already have it, check out the [Kong Hack Ultra Trainer]. You'll be glad you did!

No, I logged into Konghack on IE and when I go to that link on Firfox, it gives the error:

"The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading."

TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

You sir are either behind an insane firewall or you have a virus.

Either way, throw your computer away and get a new one.  :)

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 01/26/2014 12:23pm

You sir are either behind an insane firewall or you have a virus.

Either way, throw your computer away and get a new one.  :)

Really? Hmm, that would the first that I've known of having an insane firewall.

TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

That's why I gave you an A or B.  I was referring to those shitty anti-viruses built into a firewalls.  I've seen firewalls that stop downloading files that they can't read, and 99% of the time they can't read zip files because they are terrible.

Anyway, if you want to be a dick about it...

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez