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Game on Kongregate | Hack Bot |
Call of Gods-migrated-Last Updated: 02/28/2014 17:47 | |
Call of GodsAuto-PostLast Updated: 09/19/2012 02:29 |
5 | ||
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Interior Decorator |
Build any 5 buildings within your castle |
15 | ||
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Heroic Growth |
Level up to level 20 |
30 | ||
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Master Spelunker |
Complete 4 different dungeons on "hell" difficulty |
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Hi guys, Yes, I'm a newbie. Don't hit to hard on the head if I ask for newbities, it hurts ! |
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I posted a bot for this 2 or 3 years ago. I couldnt be bothered to sniff packets so I just listened to the debug output from trace. I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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Hi Kolonel, Yes, I'm a newbie. Don't hit to hard on the head if I ask for newbities, it hurts ! |
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running it in a browser object completely defeats the purpose of embedding it in the app. make sure you are including references to AxInterop.ShockwaveFlashObjects and Interop.ShockwaveFlashObjects I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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Gonna try that in C# this morning Yes, I'm a newbie. Don't hit to hard on the head if I ask for newbities, it hurts ! |
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login stuff private string gameBaseURL = ""; private string gameUserIDString = "kongregate_user_id="; private string gameAuthString = "kongregate_game_auth_token=";
public AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash swf_warflow; HtmlElementCollection col = browser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("script"); string tempString = col[2].OuterHtml; tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, "\\s|\r\n|\n|\"|'", "", RegexOptions.Multiline); string flashvars = Regex.Match(tempString, "swfobject.embedSWF.*{.*}").Value; tempString = LoginScripts.parseFlashVars(flashvars); _mw.swf_warflow.FlashVars = tempString;
_mw.swf_warflow.LoadMovie(0, "http://s" + (cb_server.SelectedIndex + 1) + ""+swf_version); public static string parseFlashVars(string vars) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(vars, @"{[\s\w\W]*}", RegexOptions.Multiline)) { //MessageBox.Show("Flashvars input should have the following form" + Environment.NewLine + // "{" + Environment.NewLine + "userID : 1234567," + Environment.NewLine + "ip : ''," + Environment.NewLine + "ports : '6002'," + Environment.NewLine + "sessionKey : \"2b7e81274e0d16b5b5083e20bef9adc4\"," + Environment.NewLine + "locale:\"en_US\"," + Environment.NewLine + "version:\"1.01\"," + Environment.NewLine + "reportURL:\"\"," + Environment.NewLine + "customerURL:\"\"," + Environment.NewLine + "gameURL:\"\"," + Environment.NewLine + "loginURL:\"\"," + Environment.NewLine + "rechargeURL:\"\"," + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "fid:\"null\"," + Environment.NewLine + "bfid:\"null\"," + Environment.NewLine + "rootpath:\"\"" + Environment.NewLine + "}", // "Input Error", // MessageBoxButtons.OK); return "error"; } else { string tempString = vars; tempString = Regex.Match(tempString, @"{[\s\w\W]*}", RegexOptions.Multiline).ToString(); tempString = tempString.Substring(tempString.IndexOf("{") + 1, tempString.LastIndexOf("},") - 1); tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, "\\s|\r\n|\n|\"|'", "", RegexOptions.Multiline); tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, @"\d{4})", "gods.comÖ$1", RegexOptions.Multiline); tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, @":", "=", RegexOptions.Multiline); tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, @"Ö", ":", RegexOptions.Multiline); tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, @",", "&", RegexOptions.Multiline); tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, @"http=", "http:", RegexOptions.Multiline); return tempString; } }
I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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Hi Get request for login GET /php/platform/kongregate/login.php?kongregate_user_id=myuserid&kongregate_game_auth_token=b68464c251085146b9c30ce7179ecd7da5550be7c0e1997048ead04bec68e300&sid=s10&time=1393579686&sign=mysign HTTP/1.1 Host:
SWF embed source code
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // login webBrowser1.Navigate(""); webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted); } private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender,WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { //Retrieve page source code string tempString = webBrowser1.Document.ActiveElement.OuterHtml; // Parse flashvars from source code /* tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, "\\s|\r\n|\n|\"|'", "", RegexOptions.Multiline); string flashvars = Regex.Match(tempString, "swfobject.embedSWF.*{.*}").Value; tempString = parseFlashVars(flashvars); axShockwaveFlash1.FlashVars = tempString;*/ // the lazy and bad method to get there axShockwaveFlash1.FlashVars = "url="; axShockwaveFlash1.EmbedMovie = true; axShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(0, ""); } Note: XXXXX are my ids... Yes, I'm a newbie. Don't hit to hard on the head if I ask for newbities, it hurts ! |
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so it took me a bit more work than expected to get mine running again... sign=Regex.Matches(browser.Document.Body.InnerHtml, "sign=(?<sign>[\\da-zA-Z]+)\"")[0].Groups["sign"].Value; browser.Navigate(string.Format("http://s{0}{1}{2}{3}&{4}{5}&sid=s{0}&time={6}&sign={7}", cb_server.SelectedIndex + 1, gameBaseURL, gameUserIDString, tb_uname.Text, gameAuthString, tb_upass.Text, Regex.Matches(browser.Document.Body.InnerHtml, "time=(?<time>\\d+)")[0].Groups["time"].Value,sign), "_self", null, string.Format("Referer:{0}{1}&{2}{3}", gameUserIDString, tb_uname.Text, gameAuthString, tb_upass.Text) ); HtmlElementCollection col = browser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("script"); //foreach(HtmlElement x in col) // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(x.OuterHtml); //return; string tempString = col[2].OuterHtml; tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, "\\s|\r\n|\n|\"|'", "", RegexOptions.Multiline); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(tempString); string flashvars = Regex.Match(tempString, "swfobject.embedSWF.*{.*}").Value; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("unprocessed flashvars:::" + flashvars); tempString = LoginScripts.parseFlashVars(flashvars); _mw.swf_warflow.FlashVars = tempString; _mw.swf_warflow.LoadMovie(0, string.Format("http://s{0}{1}",cb_server.SelectedIndex + 1,Regex.Matches(browser.Document.Body.InnerHtml, "versionTag=_v=(?<version>\\d+)")[0].Groups["version"].Value)); browser.Dispose(); I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it. |
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Thanks for that! Got it working now (it's embedded into the flash object) Yes, I'm a newbie. Don't hit to hard on the head if I ask for newbities, it hurts ! |