KH Easy Trainer 1.41
RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 08/09/2013 12:23am
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Oh, hai...

Sorry for not using this and giving feed back as soon as possible, it actually had a glitch with my computer and it wasn't 100% compatible...

Anyways, it works really awesome! The only downside to it is that it actually DOES NOT support un-writable AoBs...  :(
Other than that it's a great hacking tool!

Keep up the good work!yes

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 08/09/2013 12:42am
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
EHoK Posted on: 08/08/2013 8:23pm

The only downside to it is that it actually DOES NOT support un-writable AoBs...  :(
Other than that it's a great hacking tool!

Really? It's still using the Aobscan function, just slightly modified so that it grabs the entire table of results and makes it compatable with wildcard replacements. so it should still be able to do both writable and not. idk.

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 08/09/2013 5:49pm
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protected !

Yes EHoK is right. It doesn't support un-writeable aobs.

I decided to remove un-writebable results, as we usually don't need them for our hacks.
If you scan for writeables only you get 1 result (depending on your aob), but searching for un-writeables you can get like 1-1000 results, which really slows down as the trainer will swap all these unnecessary results.

the generated script uses this instruction: AOBScan(search, "+W")
"+W" = writeable only

It's just removing that parameter. Here's a version for you which scans for un-writeables too ;)

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
easy_trainer_ehok.rar 464.02 KB 1,069
RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 09/11/2013 12:53pm
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Please add 2 or 3 Aob Search and Replace please...

Thank you... :)
RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 10/23/2013 1:59pm
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Thanks man, worked like a charm. My AoB changing just became much faster. cool
RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 02/10/2014 12:52am
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Someone please, I can not open the file.
  I draw over it does not open.

My computer does not want to open this kind of file centrainer.
Says that win32 does not support that file, my windows xp is 32 byts, please help me I want my very desenvouver hackers.
If you have a tutorial that treiner creator you send me please.
Sorry for the mistakes in English, I am Brazilian.

Note: I'm using version 1.2 because 1.3 ta dai giving this issue above.

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 02/10/2014 5:22pm
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protected !

what file ? the generated .cetrainer ?

if so.. .cetrainer files are associated with cheatengine. you have cheatengine installed ?

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 02/11/2014 3:24am
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how to install it?

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 02/11/2014 1:13pm
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protected !

seriously... you are on a hacking site, and don't know cheatengine ?


also read:

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 02/11/2014 3:46pm
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The Laziest Man on KongHack

if he doesnt know what cheat engine is, why in the nine hells is he downloading a trainer creator?

i wonder if he thinks it will magically give him hacks for games

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 03/11/2014 11:16am
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Aobscan(_pos,24 45)


This is a fast and easy to use trainer but I have a few concerns.
1. Tried using this but it did not work for me because I had flash player debug version installed and there is no option to target plugin-container.exe. Maybe you can add option for that?
2. I also dont see the trainer in my taskbar. Tried the one in the first post and the link of thenewcomer. I have win7 64bit.
3. I also like to request to add an offset box for the aob replace. That would be awesome.
4. Request to add a disable and disable all hacks button or maybe a reset button because sometimes after refreshing browser its stuck with enabled.


2. I added this to the lua script and it the trainer became visible. setProperty(MainGUI[1] , "ShowInTaskBar", "stAlways")

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 03/11/2014 4:56pm
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
gomorrah08 Posted on: 03/11/2014 7:16am


This is a fast and easy to use trainer but I have a few concerns.
1. Tried using this but it did not work for me because I had flash player debug version installed and there is no option to target plugin-container.exe. Maybe you can add option for that?
2. I also dont see the trainer in my taskbar. Tried the one in the first post and the link of thenewcomer. I have win7 64bit.
3. I also like to request to add an offset box for the aob replace. That would be awesome.
4. Request to add a disable and disable all hacks button or maybe a reset button because sometimes after refreshing browser its stuck with enabled.


2. I added this to the lua script and it the trainer became visible. setProperty(MainGUI[1] , "ShowInTaskBar", "stAlways")

1: thats actually a good idea. have a dropbox to select flash/unity with it defaulting to flash
2: im using win7 64x and i dont have that problem. thats odd. i remember after he fixed the on top problem it showed up at the bottom like every other window. it might be in the tray though (you know the small icons it usually hides with an arrow)
3: also a good idea, but might be more difficult to implement.
4: again, a good idea. maybe he could add a [disable] box somewhere and have it somewhat hidden like a spoiler arrow. (that way noobs cant say it doesnt work when it actually does)

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 03/11/2014 7:38pm
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protected !
gomorrah08 Posted on: 03/11/2014 7:16am


This is a fast and easy to use trainer but I have a few concerns.
1. Tried using this but it did not work for me because I had flash player debug version installed and there is no option to target plugin-container.exe. Maybe you can add option for that?
2. I also dont see the trainer in my taskbar. Tried the one in the first post and the link of thenewcomer. I have win7 64bit.
3. I also like to request to add an offset box for the aob replace. That would be awesome.
4. Request to add a disable and disable all hacks button or maybe a reset button because sometimes after refreshing browser its stuck with enabled.


2. I added this to the lua script and it the trainer became visible. setProperty(MainGUI[1] , "ShowInTaskBar", "stAlways")

1. so "plugin-container.exe" ? will add it.

2. yes by default the GUI is not in taskbar. and you are right, its easy to add. never thought about it as i just start trainer, enable aobs, and close it ;)

3. what do you mean by offset box ?

4. once an aob was enabled you want to the option to enable it a second time ? or reverse it  ? (reverse will be harder to implent)

i havent worked on this tool since months, but will begin next week (hopefully). atm very busy

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 03/12/2014 1:40am
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Aobscan(_pos,24 45)

Yes, plugin-container.exe.

What I mean about offset box is something like...
Aobscan(_incdodge,66 ?? ?? ?? 25 ?? ?? a2 af 76 2a 63 ?? 12 ?? ?? ?? 60 ?? ?? ?? 46 ?? ?? ?? d0)
db 24 00 02

a box to input the 4 so that it will skip the 66 ?? ?? ??(4 bytes) and replace the 25 ?? ?? to 24 00 02

4. Yes, option to enable it second time because when you refresh the browser, you cannot enable again the hacks.

RE: KH Easy Trainer Creator Posted on: 03/12/2014 3:07am
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the current trainer convert 2 aob lines
into this internal format :
as a string,

Actually, the generated cetrainer can be manually edit to input an assembler script,
for example, replacce
db ....

The [[....]] pair in lua is multi-lines string quote, the assembler script can be paste as is.
'[ENABLE]' in the assembler script should not be included.

To manually make the cetrainer stay in task bar, try add this line at the displayed position in the picture:
setProperty(MainGUI[1] , "ShowInTaskBar", 'stAlways')



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