[Request] Kingsroad
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Last Updated: 09/25/2019 13:41


KingsRoad Android
Last Updated: 10/04/2016 15:41

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Epic action-RPG combat. Real-time co-op. Stunning 3D graphics. Come see how KingsRoad sets a new standard for gaming in your browser!
RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/26/2014 12:37am
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updated, same file.


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RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/26/2014 2:15am
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Aobscan(_pos,24 45)
klys4 Posted on: 03/22/2014 8:06am

Anyone have swf file of this game ? I can not extract this with memory dumper or download it directly because it is splitted.
I would like to help konghack community and search for other ways to cheat game but first I need to have swf file of this game.

Increase the max swf version in the options menu and your good to go. :)

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/26/2014 3:19pm
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Dark Lord

Thanks for the hard work, can i ask 2 things? (I am really bad with AoB).

If is possible i like an option to enamble the dividing movement like in the previous, the acual movement is a bit too much confusing sometime (but there are stage where it wirk greatly so is better to have an on-off option).
In theory this will be the Movement Speed Bonus\Movement Extra but it seem that nothing change if i disable Movement Extra.

Also an option to turn on-off fast skill usage like before (the "does not remove skill cooldown too soon").
I know that the skill is not really used but the timeframe animation is much more faster, i can spam skill to get the Achievement bonus without breaking my normal attack rush (and with it Cleave will become devastating).

Thanks in advance if this can be done, no problem if is impossible.

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/26/2014 3:55pm
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I would not think not possible, but hard for the on-off idea. It need code space to do the (option) test, but flash game is not like native code that you can make code-cave easily,
Unless you totally rewrite some function and map the modified flash with charles.
May the original game design of using shift / ctrl key be helpful?

For skill/item use, may be the cd check just after a key press can be disabled,
I'll check it.



CT FILE (skill usability or fast cooldown)

there are 2 entries,
usability: allow spawn (fake) skill while cooldown continue normally, when real skill cooldown end can be observed.
cooldown: fast cooldown, cannot know when the real skill cooldown end.

but sorry it can't rise skill achievement count.

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
01_kingsroad_skillusability.ct 2.32 KB 894

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/27/2014 12:40am
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A1 to A0 architect.

Thanks, haenawolf, for the work you're putting into maintaining this cheat; the game would be horribly boring if you hadn't devoted the time to updating your work. I really appreciate it, as do many here, I'm sure. 
Konghack users, new and old; do you see the green 'thumbs up' on the left of haenawolf's posts? Click it if his post has been helpful! It's how you show thanks. Go ahead. 
Thanks, again, buddy; you're keeping this game enjoyable.

That's three semicolons, for the unobservant. It was totally worth it.

atdt *67
RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/27/2014 7:31am
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Dark Lord


haenawolf: Thanks, great work, the "Skill fast cooldown (FAKE)" is perfect, let me use the skill fast but not in an endless sequence, is the best way to prcede, i'll destroy enemies with the auto-attack+range+timeframe hack and use skills, expecially Cleave, to increase the skill achievement (with Range attack Cleave will work on long range, is devastating), it don't matter if the fake skills are not counted for the achievement, is even better cause it will be hard to be detected as cheater (i clicked on a Player Inspector with Trainer active and nothing happened.

But the best of all this cheats? The gameplay is a lot more fast, before the game was so much time consuming i was unable to play decently (when a player say to me "i play only 5-6 hours a day and i can compete" i get mad, i have a real life and i want to play a game, i don't want to get a second (unpaid) job).

Thans again, really this game is great, i spendt money on it to get full inventory\bank and 100 Skill Points cause i plan to play it for a lot of time, with this time saver i'm having a lot of fun.
RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/28/2014 12:18am
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The game updated and set detection on timeframe cheat.

Inside some update() functions, this can be found
Cheat("deltaTime hack detected");
It will make the initial loading stop, if that happened to you, it's likely a cheat notification is already sent to the server.

it is easily disabled, but still that means the developer have an eye on it, but still mercy enough to not banned immediately (may be too many are using?).

I don't know if they tracked other cheats yet.

The new CT FILE (same link as before).

The old range attack (actually only for Knight) and gomorrah08's no-line-of-sight is combined to Direct Ranged, work for all class and skill (eg. Knight's hurl).
The new auto-attack Aggro-Range cheat extend the auto attack range to over the whole visible screen.
Skill Usability is to use (fake, mostly no effect) skill before cooldown end, while cooldown still go normally. Just in case if needed.


+ auto attack now hits barrel too :) buggy :/

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we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/30/2014 2:19am
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Aobscan(_pos,24 45)

What do you mean by autoattack barrel is buggy?
Its working fine with me. 

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/30/2014 5:20am
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Haena thanks for the cheats! can you tell me which cheats are hard to detect? for example gold collect, it's a good thing to have for item find pot, but i wonder if it's easy detectable...
i heard speed hacks can be detected easily and i have seen many people who used it getting banned...

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 03/30/2014 9:04am
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I think auto attack (alone) and auto gold are safe, it just enable the build-in options and no related info send back to the server. In its nature, it just make some ai action to replace your manual actions, should be most safe beside other cheats.

For others, since almost other things go back to server for processing, if the developer want to track from server side, the cheat will be detectable. For now, it has a known client side detection made, it detect if the frame-time or delta-time has been modified, which seems specificly target the older speed cheats which multiplied hero's delta-time per frame. But the speed cheat has changed to modified the status bonus before the detection implemented, because the delta-time speed cheat is kind of buggy in itself.
The current speed cheat seems not detected yet. Same for others cheats.

But there is always risk. For this game, someone said he has reported the cheat to the support team, I don't know why or he actually did report, but the delta-time detection do come after this instance. Anyway, I'm still playing with cheats,


double post ~_~


What do you mean by autoattack barrel is buggy?
Its working fine with me. 

May be just for some map, it cause some invincible deadbody appeared, and hero's autoattack will lock on them once hitted, unless manually stop the auto-attack (move or attack other target manually)

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RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 04/02/2014 6:51pm
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game updated.

new cheat detection, you may want to stop the cheat using.for a while :)

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 04/02/2014 9:58pm
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Dark Lord

The last CT file on this page seem to work with the exception of Skill Usability (old Skill Cooldown (FAKE) still work), Disable Cheat Notify is flagged as working if you use it.

I have only one question: what are Force Idle and Bitinferno-Monster Critical hurt? (They won't work at the moment).

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 04/02/2014 10:33pm
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force idle is to bring up idle screen, that is it. leaderboard->info to bring it up.
'monster critical' is for another game, magic barrage.

btw, auto-gold-only and auto-attack-and-gold should use only one of them. They have to be 1st in 1st group.
Move (drag and drop) entries not use to another not-use-group, eg [TEST].
To better catch the timing of activation of 1st group, try actiavte 1st group while loading bar is HALF filled (the time it seems slowdown the loading).
Please ignored all cheat entries below [Test].


No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 04/03/2014 5:12am
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Aobscan(_pos,24 45)
haenadog Posted on: 04/02/2014 2:51pm

game updated.

new cheat detection, you may want to stop the cheat using.for a while :)

I got a bunch of results while searching for "cheat" and "hack".
Might want to void/nop or 27 48 some variables and functions.

RE: Kingsroad Posted on: 04/03/2014 12:36pm
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Any cheat for the items for event?
For example,http://www.kongregate.com/games/RumbleGames/kingsroad/?kv_token=FreeObeliskKeys gives you 100 obelisk keys.
There are more like this but only admin knows them.