AOB Saver [Local version]
AOB Saver [Local version] Posted on: 08/31/2014 6:44pm
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This is a program I made in a day because I was extremely bored and had nothing to do for the this was made

What it does:
Locally stores individual hacks (AOB's only) and can be loaded up in an instant.
Think of it as the KongHack database but on your computer. The only downside is that you're the only contributor.

To add a new hack, click "Create New". To delete a hack, click "Delete Entry".

Double clicking on either of the AOBs (or title if you're so inclined) will copy it to you clipboard so you can paste it quickly.

If a hack was added without using this tool, click "Reload List" and it will show up and work if formatted correctly

[Original AOB]
[Changed AOB]

Eventually, a save feature where you'll be able to edit a hack without deleting it will be implemented...

Possible features I might decide on adding:
Support for multiple types of hacks (not just AOB) such as note type of hack


V1.1.10 - Added auto updating capability

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
aobsaver 15.39 KB 769

RE: AOB Saver [Local version] Posted on: 08/31/2014 9:06pm
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Reserved post for changelog

--Changelog Start--

V1.1.10 - Added auto updating capability
V1.1.9   - Disabled textboxes and button while creating new and other stuff...
V1.1.8   - Regex fix + error handling
V1.1.7   - File extension change

--Changelog  End--

RE: AOB Saver [Local version] Posted on: 09/23/2014 7:04pm
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When I reinstall windows, it takes away

RE: AOB Saver [Local version] Posted on: 09/23/2014 7:19pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
tomtinhte Posted on: 09/23/2014 3:04pm

WhenIreinstallwindows,ittakes away

WTF does that mean?

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: AOB Saver [Local version] Posted on: 09/24/2014 5:36am
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disgruntled old man
The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 09/23/2014 3:19pm
tomtinhte Posted on: 09/23/2014 3:04pm

WhenIreinstallwindows,ittakes away

WTF does that mean?

I think he reformatted and reinstalled his OS...and he's wondering why the program is gone?

New to Kong Hack and want to learn the basics? Check out the [Kong Hack 101] and the [Hacking 101].
Wanna learn how we make the hacks? Start with getting [the tools], then check these out: [AoB tutorial] | [.sol guide] | [Unity3d tutorial] | kadat's [video tutorials]
And if you don't already have it, check out the [Kong Hack Ultra Trainer]. You'll be glad you did!
RE: AOB Saver [Local version] Posted on: 09/24/2014 9:01am
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This title cost 5000 points


tomtinhte Posted on: 09/23/2014 3:04pm

WhenIreinstallwindows,ittakes away

lolwut ?


Simple_AOB Posted on: 08/31/2014 2:44pm

This is a program I made in a day because I was extremely bored and had nothing to do for the this was made

What it does:
Locally stores individual hacks (AOB's only) and can be loaded up in an instant.
Think of it as the KongHack database but on your computer. The only downside is that you're the only contributor.

btw.. fucking fantastic made :)

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
aobsaver 15.39 KB 769

Happy hacking smiley

RE: AOB Saver [Local version] Posted on: 02/27/2015 6:55pm
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wow this is nice! i just started to learn how to use aob scan and stuffs. this is so useful :D thanks a lot mate