Shellshock Live 2ShellShock Live 2Last Updated: 11/01/2017 07:42 |
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I am looking for shellshock live 2 hack. Maybe a tracer hack if possible. |
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JaysonHood Posted on: 11/22/2014 2:18pm I am looking for shellshock live 2 hack. Maybe a tracer hack if possible. |
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An aim assist tool (an overlay to go over the game) is currently in the works and should be done fairly shortly. Please stay tuned if you are interested in this :) |
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I'm interested. |
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Aim assist tool has been posted the the general hacks above. Also a link here's a link cause some people are retards. Attached Files
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Nice! thanks alot Simple_AOB! |
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as far as I am regarded you should be banned. Here you are thankful but on kong you annoy the people who give you hacks. First warning |
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Well I can't seem to use this but thanks anyway... |
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jake79012 Posted on: 12/02/2014 3:43am Well I can't seem to use this but thanks anyway... |
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Works perfect :) Thx |
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How are people using the program he posted... I can't seem to use it. I don't know how it works at all to be honest... I'm not trying to sound like an idiot but I really have no clue how to use it to be fair. |
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jake79012 Posted on: 12/03/2014 7:53pm How are people using the program he posted... I can't seem to use it. I don't know how it works at all to be honest... I'm not trying to sound like an idiot but I really have no clue how to use it to be fair. |
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Silentbladez Posted on: 12/03/2014 8:42pm jake79012 Posted on: 12/03/2014 7:53pm How are people using the program he posted... I can't seem to use it. I don't know how it works at all to be honest... I'm not trying to sound like an idiot but I really have no clue how to use it to be fair.
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Thanks Simple AOB! Awesome hack! Though it would be nice to have weapons such as boomerang included, it already works like a charm. Adding wind would also be nice, however, that would probably take too long just to find the right angle in 30 seconds, at least with the way the software is set up. Anyway, it works great, thanks again! Error 404: Signature failed to load. Press Alt+Space+C to retry. |
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AlphaOverall Posted on: 02/28/2015 3:18pm Thanks Simple AOB! Awesome hack! Though it would be nice to have weapons such as boomerang included, it already works like a charm. Adding wind would also be nice, however, that would probably take too long just to find the right angle in 30 seconds, at least with the way the software is set up. Anyway, it works great, thanks again!