[Suggestion] Full Integration of the KBH into the Ultra Trainer.
Currently the KongHack Ultra Trainer loads up the Kongregate Badge Hack in a separate window, I'd love to see if they could be integrated to a single application.
I wasted 10,000 points on this why?

Trainer Version:
Operating System: Windows 7 x64
Suggestion: As all of us should know, and if you don't then go download the latest KH Ultra Trainer, you have to open the Kongregate Badge Hack (KBH) tool in a seperate window. This is probably because the trainer is just opening the KBH application. But I wouldn't know for a fact as I'm not the one who wrote the code behind it :)
Annoying description aside, what I would like to see is for the KBH to be fully integrated into the trainer.
Something like this, but not exactly a badly paint cropped picture in another picture:

I understand that this is a huge request that I'm asking, and I understand it may not even be possible. I just think it would be really amazing if you guys could pull this off, as I don't like having to load the second application and whatnot :p.

Again, if you could please add this in, I would love it very much. If you can't, I completely understand.

Lastly, I do terribly apologize if this has been requested in the past, as I didn't see any thread about it, and I'm even more sorry if I managed to put this thread into the wrong section.

TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Here's the million dollar question.

Why?  Is it hurting you to be in a second window?  Is there something terrible lurking on your PC that demands it?  Or is this just a "I want it! *throws shit in the wallmart*" kinda request?

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

Insert Custom Title Here

There would be absolutely no gain except for aesthetics (very minor at that). Performance would be decrease if anything due to it not having a separate memory pool allocated to itself. It could also cause KHUT to crash and bring both down or vice versa, resulting in both exiting either way. We also know Kad, it simply won't happen for the previous and other reasons.

~TNC: anesthetics are what the doctors give you to make you numb. get gud simple
~Simple: I was too tired to attempt to spell it right so I clicked on the first spellcheck option...shush

Ubi Maior Minor Cessat
Simple_AOB Posted on: 10/01/2015 11:23am

There would be absolutely no gain except for anesthetics (very minor at that). Performance would be decrease if anything due to it not having a separate memory pool allocated to itself. It could also cause KHUT to crash and bring both down or vice versa, resulting in both exiting either way. We also know Kad, it simply won't happen for the previous and other reasons.

Coincidence? I don't think so

Hacking Universe

Maybe an option the launch the KBH in the same window with a launch and close button?

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

I wasted 10,000 points on this why?
The Ignorant Masses Posted on: 10/01/2015 7:08am

Here's the million dollar question.

Why?  Is it hurting you to be in a second window?  Is there something terrible lurking on your PC that demands it?  Or is this just a "I want it! *throws shit in the wallmart*" kinda request?

Sorry for the late reply :P
It's honestly just something I want, nothing that's needed or really important.
The main reason for me wanting this was the idea that upon fully integrating the application it could perhaps get a touch up on how it works.
For example, as it stands currently, you have to open a third window to login to kongregate (Whether details are saved or not). With the full integration, there would be more than enough room in the window to place the kongregte login above the application.
Also another thing that may be possible, is that upon logging into the ultra trainer itself, it could be set to log you into kongregate as well.

But as I stated, this is a want, not a need of any sort.

This actually sounds pretty nice. Good idea.

Never let a computer tell me shit.
Zenwaichi Posted on: 10/28/2015 7:49pm

Everything has a raison d'etre

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

haha great idea

I am good with how it works now. I know little about programming, but I do know that as long as something works it is usually a pain to fix it.

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I rise from the darkness.
I bring knowledge;
knowledge of fire and ice and destruction.
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