[Information] Cheat Engine basic AoB trainer for flash/unity.
CE trainer with common functions for AoB hacking, hack checking, and auto-attaching flash.

I have not seen anyone on here share one yet, so I figured I would share the basic framework I use in a CE trainer to make life easier.

This framework will provide a function to auto-attach a flash/unity process for most popular web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera, etc.) courtesy of haenawolf.
It will provide the Aobswap plugin which can also be found on the cheatengine forums (credits to whomever it was on there that wrote it. as I did not), and lastly it will provide a simple hack check function to test whether your AoB change took effect or not and pop a message box to tell you if it was enabled or if it failed. Courtesy of ME! :P


Link above is to download the example trainer with all functions added in to the lua script, the button for attaching the flash/unity process already created, and an example button with example code added to show how you would go about using Aobswap and check functions.

Feel free to download and edit to suit your own needs. I prefer trainers over CT scripts any day.

Any questions about it just ask.

Source code is inside the lua script of the trainer and I did not protect the trainer from editing so you can use it as a template if you desire.

I didn't post the source code here because it would make this a ridiculously long post having all of that code.

It should go without saying, but just in case: you need cheat engine to open the "cetrainer" file and you are going to need CE 6.4 or later.

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
simpleaobtrainerexample.cetrainer 7.48 KB 1,094
Keep Calm And Carry On

Totally bookmarked this thread. Now when I'm ready to make a CE trainer, I know exactly where to look cool

Hacking Universe

Nice base! Its a good idea to make trainers (not just .ct files).

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

kill first,die last

Good stuff man, useful for creating standalone trainers.
I already have the AoBswap script and I put it in my CE tables (aobscan isn't enough sometimes xD), we probably got it from the same place on CE forums =)
KH easy trainer (courtesy of Dudial) has all those features, and you can modify it for your own needs, much easier for lazy people like me devil

~zombies eat brains, so don't worry most of u will be fine~

Hacking Universe

The konghack easy trainer is much different from this. It codes everything for you, while this you have to modify the ce script yourself.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

The Laziest Man on KongHack
hackergonnahackLOL Posted on: 12/01/2015 9:00pm

The konghack easy trainer is much different from this. It codes everything for you, while this you have to modify the ce script yourself.

the konghack easy trainer also gives you a forced gui and is only editable if you understand both CE and normal lua stuff like nested strings. im assuming this however, does not. they both have pros and cons.

i personally just stick with ct's and put my own lua scripts in them. if i ever need to make a trainer, i use the easy trainer creator just because im lazy. everyone has their preferences though so its nice to see something like this being posted in the forums

I have added an option to the hack check function so you know what hack failed or succeeded. This is optional if you want the function with the enhancement. I'm not going to update the trainer I uploaded with this because it is optional. If you want it: the code is below. Changes from the original function are in green.

--hack success or fail check
function check(hname,search)
   aobs = AOBScan(search)
   if(aobs ~= nil) then
           showMessage(string.format('%s %s',hname, "Hack Enabled!"))
   elseif(aobs == nil) then
           showMessage(string.format('%s %s',hname, "Hack Failed! Make sure Flash Process is attached. If flash attached, hack may have been patched."))

Now for its usage in a button click function:

function CEButtonReloadClick(sender)
Aobswap("d1 20 12 ?? 34 ?? 10 ?? ?? 16","24 00 48")
check("Instant Reload","24 00 48 ?? 34 ?? 10 ?? ?? 16")

The AoBs in the example are fake, so don't bother using them. Just something I made up as an example to show how to use the check and Aobswap functions.

Here is the end result:


Don't be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions.

Unless you annoy the fuck out of me by begging for core hacks or something stupid like that; I am usually always willing to help with setting up a trainer or giving assistance with a hack if you have proven willing to learn and not just ask for it to be done for you.

Is it just here or the link is actually broken? It could be a problem with my internet since I'm using a public wifi from the airport, but just to make sure... Is the link working for anyone? D:

The Laziest Man on KongHack
KiriLucas Posted on: 10/26/2016 1:15am

Is it just here or the link is actually broken? It could be a problem with my internet since I'm using a public wifi from the airport, but just to make sure... Is the link working for anyone? D:

the link seems to be working fine for me

thenewcomer Posted on: 10/26/2016 5:10am
KiriLucas Posted on: 10/26/2016 1:15am

Is it just here or the link is actually broken? It could be a problem with my internet since I'm using a public wifi from the airport, but just to make sure... Is the link working for anyone? D:

the link seems to be working fine for me

Yeah, got it to work now, it was the wifi, sorry xD
Btw, thank you, effewe2!

Dude this post will help a lot of people out there, thank you so much