MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST]
Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/07/2012 12:41am
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New Version:

Working Hacks: God Mode, Max Damage and Respawn

Code: [Select]

Aobscan(_godmode,d0 30 28 63 0f 28 63 10 20 80 29 63 11)
db 47 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02

Aobscan(_maxdmg,24 5f 24 69)
db 24 69 24 69

Aobscan(_respawn,25 d0 0f 25 88 27)
db 24 00 02 24 00 02

Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/07/2012 2:29am
Quote Post
here is the update for

Code: [Select]

Aobscan(_harvest,66 9e 2c 24 00)
db 66 9e 2c 24 63

Aobscan(_speed,D0 66 94 2C A2)
db 25 88 13 02 a2

Aobscan(_tamedmonster,62 05 a2 a0 75 d7 d0 66 a5 37 d1 d2 d3 62 05 62 05)
db 24 00 a2 a0 75 d7 d0 66 a5 37 d1 d2 d3 24 01 24 01

//skill range
Aobscan(_skillrange,d0 30 d0 66 ed 06 d0 66 95 1c 46 9d 21 01 66 9b 1c 48)
db 24 7f 2a 02 a2 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 48

Aobscan(_aoeradius,d0 30 d0 66 ed 06 d0 66 95 1c 46 9d 21 01 66 9c 1c 48)
db 24 7f 2a 02 a2 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 48

Aobscan(_monstervac,d1 66 b9 07 d1 66 ba 07 46 ca 0c 02)
db 24 64 02 02 24 c9 02 02 46 ca 0c 02

Aobscan(_godmode,d0 30 28 63 0f 28 63 10 20 80 29 63 11)
db 47 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02

Aobscan(_nowalk,d0 66 9e 2a 66 b8 07 60 d4 26 66 9c 45 4f 95 1f 01 47)
db 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02

Aobscan(_respawn,25 d0 0f 25 88 27)
db 24 00 02 24 00 02

Aobscan(_maxdmg,24 5f 24 69)
db 24 69 24 69

Aobscan(_energyreq,47 26 d0 46 a0 05 00 14 01 00 00 47)
db 02 26 d0 46 a0 05 00 14 01 00 00 02

Aobscan(_collection1,66 96 0c 12 2e 00 00 d0 d0 66 97 0c)
db 66 96 0c 11 2e 00 00 d0 d0 66 97 0c

Aobscan(_collection2,d6 d2 24 1e 2a a2 0c 45 00 00)
db d6 d2 24 7f 2a a2 0c 45 00 00

Aobscan(_collection3,66 f2 10 76 2a 12 0a 00 00)
db 66 f2 10 76 2a 11 0a 00 00

Aobscan(_collection4,d6 d2 24 1e 2a a2 0c a6 00 00)
db d6 d2 24 7f 2a a2 0c a6 00 00

Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/07/2012 6:43pm
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thanks  (broken image removed)
Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/08/2012 11:25am
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Thanks alot!
Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/08/2012 10:19pm
Quote Post
thank you
Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/10/2012 7:41am
Quote Post
Let me start off by saying thanks for all the hacks. C:
Does this freeze on some Maps for some people? Sometimes when I move from Map to Map it freezes and my Adobe Flash Player crashes. I've tried it on Firefox, Chrome, And IE. All with the same result. Is there something I might be doing wrong?

My Process:
Open Browser. (Usually Firefox)
Load up MSA.
Don't Move.
Launch CE 6.1.
Find the Process.
Then Memory.
Auto Assemble.
Paste the code.

Then it says it does it successfully, but when I go to a map for example the map I went to just now that this crashed at was Initial Excavation Area. It just freezes up and doesn't load the Map. About 1 minute later my Adobe Flash Player crashes. Also is it the way I'm getting to the map? I've tried the regular portal and via the world map.

Thanks in advance,
Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/10/2012 11:21am
Quote Post
some maps dont work for monster vac dues to x and y position. so yeah turn it off you dont want to stack monster in 1 spot
Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/11/2012 11:42am
Quote Post
How to update AoB hacks for MSA (version 2.X.X.X)

Things you will need:
[spoiler]SoThink Swf decompiler.
Current version of the MSA swf file.

Getting the SWF:
[spoiler]First things first, you need to download the swf of the current version, this is done by getting the current version which appears in the top left when you start the game.

Today the current version is, we take note of this number and you then alter the link below to match the current version.
(You only use the first 3 points though, ie becomes 2.2.1)
E.g. <!-- m --> ... sa/MSA.swf<!-- m -->[/spoiler]

Before going over how to change the AoB hacks, I'll make a colour key which shows how to get the resulting finished hack.
Changed from the original
Same as the Hex as what we search for

Updating AoB hacks:
[spoiler]Start by opening the MSA swf in SoThink decompiler and change the actions script type to Raw Data
I'll start by showing the easiest two AoB's to update

Skill Range:
Action.Logic.SkillSystem.Skill -> Function Range
You should see be looking for:
Code: [Select]
public function get range() : uint
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <0>
//66 ed 06
_as3_getproperty data
_as3_getlocal <0>
//66 95 1c
_as3_getproperty effectiveLevel
//46 9d 21 01
_as3_callproperty getData(param count:1)
//66 9b 1c
_as3_getproperty range
 }// end function
Removing all the P-Code you end up with:
d0 30 d0 66 ed 06 d0 66 95 1c 46 9d 21 01 66 9b 1c 48
For this hack we just flat out replace the above with the below, no tweaking/changing/finding the correct AoB.
24 7f 2a 02 a2 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 48

I'm assuming you know how to create the AoB scanning part:
Code: [Select]
//skill range
Aobscan(_skillrange,d0 30 d0 66 ed 06 d0 66 95 1c 46 9d 21 01 66 9b 1c 48)
db 24 7f 2a 02 a2 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 48
Only thing to note is the db on the last line is always there for every code.

Next we have the radius code...
AoE Radius:
Action.Logic.SkillSystem.Skill -> Function Radius

AoE radius is exactly the same as above, it is litterally the next function on that page, also there is only 1 character difference.
d0 30 d0 66 ed 06 d0 66 95 1c 46 9d 21 01 66 9c 1c 48
24 7f 2a 02 a2 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 48

The only difference is the 3rd last set of hex which changes from 9b to 9c, so it is very easy to do after Range & Radius at the same time.[/spoiler]
From here on I'll just show you the function location and start points and anything to look out for:
Action.Logic.Creature.MonsterStructure.Monster -> Function jointWrld
You need to find this P-Code within the function of jointWrld, roughly near line 1320~1330.
Code: [Select]
_as3_getproperty instance
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 b9 07
_as3_getproperty x
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 ba 07
_as3_getproperty y
//46 ca 0c 02
d1 66 b9 07 d1 66 ba 07 46 ca 0c 02
24 64 02 02 24 c9 02 02 46 ca 0c 02
Fairy map:
24 c9 02 02 24 c9 02 02 46 ca 0c 02

No Walk:
Action.Logic.Creature.MonsterStructure.Action.Stand -> Function execute
Code: [Select]
_as3_ifngt offset: 17
_as3_getlocal <0>
//66 9e 2a
_as3_getproperty Logic.Creature.MonsterStructure.Action:Stand::m_Creature
//66 b8 07
_as3_getproperty actionManager
//60 d4 26
_as3_getlex Logic.Creature.MonsterStructure.Action::MonsterActionType
//66 9c 45
_as3_getproperty WALK
//4f 95 1f 01
d0 66 9e 2a 66 b8 07 60 d4 26 66 9c 45 4f 95 1f 01
02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02

Action.Logic.Creature.UserStructure.Action.Harvest -> Function Initilize
Can be a little tricky to locate the correct one, it's around line 440~445 and the first "_as3_getproperty m_progressBar" after "_as3_pushstring "Ui.Msg.Harvesting"".
Code: [Select]
_as3_getlocal <0>
//66 9e 2c
_as3_getproperty m_progressBar
//24 00
_as3_pushbyte 0
66 9e 2c 24 00
66 9e 2c 24 63

Action.Logic.Creature.UserStructure.Action.MoveToTargetPosition -> Function execute
Around line 705~715.
Code: [Select]
_as3_getlocal <4>
_as3_getlocal <0>
//66 94 2c
_as3_getproperty Logic.Creature.UserStructure.Action:MoveToTargetPosition::m_Movespeed
d0 66 94 2c a2
25 88 13 02 a2

Energy Req:
Action.UiSystem.UiFacade -> Function lowEnergyNotify
Code: [Select]
_as3_ifne offset: 1
_as3_getlocal <0>
//46 a0 05 00
_as3_callproperty _case4(param count:0)
//14 01 00 00
_as3_ifne offset: 1
47 26 d0 46 a0 05 00 14 01 00 00 47
02 26 d0 46 a0 05 00 14 01 00 00 02

Tamed Monster:
Action.Graphics.TamedMonsterRenderer -> Function draw
Code: [Select]
_as3_getproperty height
//62 05
_as3_getlocal <5>
_as3_setlocal <3>
_as3_getlocal <0>
//66 a5 37
_as3_getproperty m_Bitmap
_as3_getlocal <1>
_as3_getlocal <2>
_as3_getlocal <3>
//62 05
_as3_getlocal <5>
//62 05
_as3_getlocal <5>
62 05 a2 a0 75 d7 d0 66 a5 37 d1 d2 d3 62 05 62 05
24 00 a2 a0 75 d7 d0 66 c5 37 d1 d2 d3 24 01 24 01

Action.Logic.Creature.FieldDropCollectionStructure.FieldDropCollection -> Function Update
Code: [Select]
_as3_getlocal <0>
//66 96 0c
_as3_getproperty Logic.Creature.FieldDropCollectionStructure:FieldDropCollection::m_isAutoPickup
//12 2e 00 00
_as3_iffalse offset: 46
_as3_getlocal <0>
_as3_getlocal <0>
//66 97 0c
_as3_getproperty Logic.Creature.FieldDropCollectionStructure:FieldDropCollection::m_AutopickupDelay
66 96 0c 12 2e 00 00 d0 d0 66 97 0c
66 96 0c 11 2e 00 00 d0 d0 66 97 0c

Action.Logic.Creature.FieldDropCollectionStructure.FieldDropCollection.Action.Pickup -> Function execute
Code: [Select]
_as3_setlocal <2>
_as3_getlocal <2>
//24 1e
_as3_pushbyte 30
//0c 45 00 00
_as3_ifnlt offset: 69
d6 d2 24 1e 2a a2 0c 45 00 00
d6 d2 24 7f 2a a2 0c 45 00 00

Action.Logic.Creature.FileDropItemStructure.FieldDropItem -> Function Update
Code: [Select]
_as3_getlocal <0>
//66 f2 10
_as3_getproperty Logic.Creature.FieldDropItemStructure:FieldDropItem::m_isAutoPickup
//12 0a 00 00
_as3_iffalse offset: 10
66 f2 10 76 2a 12 0a 00 00
66 f2 10 76 2a 11 0a 00 00

Action.Logic.Creature.FileDropItemStructure.FieldDropItem.Action.Pickup -> Function execute
Code: [Select]
_as3_setlocal <2>
_as3_getlocal <2>
//24 1e
_as3_pushbyte 30
//0c a6 00 00
_as3_ifnlt offset: 166
d6 d2 24 1e 2a a2 0c a6 00 00
d6 d2 24 7f 2a a2 0c a6 00 00

These AoB hacks below never seems to change reguardless of updates so you should be able to just take them from the previous version, I have included them anyway just incase it ever changes and they need to be found again.

Max Damage:
Action.Formular.FormularFacade -> Function calcAttackDamage
Around line 825~835.
Code: [Select]
_as3_getlex Utility::Random
//24 5f
_as3_pushbyte 95
//24 69
_as3_pushbyte 105
24 5f 24 69
24 69 24 69

Action.Logic.Creature.MonsterStructure.Action.Regen -> Function Initilize
Code: [Select]
_as3_getlex Utility::Random
//25 d0 0f
_as3_pushshort 2000
//25 88 27
_as3_pushshort 5000
25 d0 0f 25 88 27
24 00 02 24 00 02

God Mode:
Action.Logic.Creature.MonsterStructure.Action.Attack -> Function execute
Code: [Select]
public function execute(param1:Number) : void
_as3_getlocal <0>
//63 0f
_as3_setlocal <15>
//63 10
_as3_setlocal <16>
//80 29
_as3_coerce flash.geom::Point
//63 11
d0 30 28 63 0f 28 63 10 20 80 29 63 11
47 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02[/spoiler]

Think that covers it all, any questions just ask. =)

Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/15/2012 9:51pm
Quote Post
00100010 have you ever taken the .swf file, decompiled it and recompiled it without any errors?
I am getting some errors when i try to recompile the file back into a .swf. If i manage to fix these errors, I may be onto something. Let me know asap.
Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/16/2012 12:43am
Quote Post
Quote from: "gods_ghosts"
00100010 have you ever taken the .swf file, decompiled it and recompiled it without any errors?
I am getting some errors when i try to recompile the file back into a .swf. If i manage to fix these errors, I may be onto something. Let me know asap.
Never tried to recompile it to be honest.

I think (I may be completely wrong), if you were trying to change something from say (VariableA x10) to (VariableA +10) then it's will likely not work with AoB hacks as they just seem to tweak the properties of what is already there.
i.e. (_as3_multiply_) would still be shown in the action script.

Depends what you are looking to do with it really I guess.

Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/16/2012 1:24am
Quote Post
Well if anyone can find a way to bypass the recompiling errors, then we can proceed with a theory I have.

I was messing around with Fiddler and decided to see what would happen if i substituted a previous version of MSA. Well Fiddler accepted the older version swf file, but while the game was loading it crashed just before getting to the users home screen(i'm guessing a version check). This helps me believe that it may be possible to edit the current version swf file to our needs.  For example if we attack a monster and loose energy, we may be able to +1 our energy.

We just need to find a workaround with the errors and then we can experiment.
Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/16/2012 10:27am
Quote Post
Quote from: "gods_ghosts"
Well if anyone can find a way to bypass the recompiling errors, then we can proceed with a theory I have.

I was messing around with Fiddler and decided to see what would happen if i substituted a previous version of MSA. Well Fiddler accepted the older version swf file, but while the game was loading it crashed just before getting to the users home screen(i'm guessing a version check). This helps me believe that it may be possible to edit the current version swf file to our needs.  For example if we attack a monster and loose energy, we may be able to +1 our energy.

We just need to find a workaround with the errors and then we can experiment.
Unlikely as there is actually a Server side check for some things such as Energy and FB coin usages etc.

Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/22/2012 10:34am
Quote Post
Err... I just wonder that if there is anyway to hack the enchant success rate

especially, with this XML sheet ... ?p=

I guess that it might work if we use CE to manage and fix it from client side but I just don't know how to do that!

Maybe we could change the prob rate to 1.00 in all levels :geek:

Thanks in advance if u could provide the way to do it. hehe  (broken image removed)
Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/23/2012 5:19pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "bubibubi3"
read the 65 pages. Looked some parts of the code but it this kinda messy (tryed to change monsters hp on spawn and skilluprage modifiers, couldn't find hp yet but i've got a little result with skill modifiers bought a 3permits skill with 2permits[the ones I had]) confirm? Down here is the part of the code i was looking to modify
66 c4 35 2c 01 d1 a0 61 84 07 d0 66 c5 35
Original location within the game?
ie. Action.Logic.skillsystem.? -> function ?

I'll have a mess around with it and see what I come up with.
Quote from: "bubibubi3"
Fixed, but removed the monstervacum since they changed something(coords of maps perhaps)
MonsterVac still works and is in the exact same place as I noted in my how to update guide.
Code: [Select]
_as3_getproperty instance
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 bd 07
_as3_getproperty x
_as3_getlocal <1>
//66 be 07
_as3_getproperty y
//46 ca 0c 02
_as3_callproperty getIntersectFoothold(param count:2)
Original value:
d1 66 bd 07 d1 66 be 07 46 ca 0c 02
24 64 02 02 24 c9 02 02 46 ca 0c 02
Fairy map:
24 c9 02 02 24 c9 02 02 46 ca 0c 02

Edit, noticed a minor error in my guide with relation to monstervac.
Last 4 hex are from original not just the last 2, edited the guide also.

Code: [Select]
Aobscan(_monstervac,d1 66 bd 07 d1 66 be 07 46 ca 0c 02)
db 24 64 02 02 24 c9 02 02 46 ca 0c 02

Fairy Map:
Code: [Select]
Aobscan(_monstervac,d1 66 bd 07 d1 66 be 07 46 ca 0c 02)
db 24 c9 02 02 24 c9 02 02 46 ca 0c 02

Re: MapleStory Adventures [READ FIRST POST] Posted on: 02/24/2012 2:01am
Quote Post