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it must work,just got done collecting 300 gifts
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myself I am wondering if anyone stuck with the unlimited queue is able to still collect daily gifts using this method or not?.. lol.. an yes I am speaking to those of us whom used the flawed energy script months back, cause the only way I have to collect extra U-ISO is through the drops while CP farming or spins.. |
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gift glitching hates works one out of 5 times.either my browser does updates even when i cut the internet connection and disabled it.or i dunno ;-) |
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real_slow_one Posted on: 07/13/2014 9:46am myself I am wondering if anyone stuck with the unlimited queue is able to still collect daily gifts using this method or not?.. lol.. an yes I am speaking to those of us whom used the flawed energy script months back, cause the only way I have to collect extra U-ISO is through the drops while CP farming or spins.. atdt *67 |
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yeah I been burning the 12.1 up I sadly completed my 12.2 ages back.. I now use that if I feel I need to force level fast.. lol.. an the PVP is raping me sideways an then some.. the dang thing has kept me beat down to the exact same rating it started me at.. lol.. if I make my 5 daily fights it then has 4 defends beat me right back 2 the same rating.. an now using coowon speed boost to try an get past the gold level they have 2 or 4 people attacking me on defend as I'm trying to finish a single attack.. lol.. but who says the system is bias?.. no clue where anyone could get that type of an idea from.. hehe.. an yes I had to spend my dang gold to get the serums from PVP cause it would not give them to me there.. an now need more gold so I can try an finish the researches before the time runs out.. but again I have NO clue why I'd think the system is setup against my none paying to play tail.. lol.. an yes I do my spec ops task 1 at a time for that very same reason cause been many times I finished a mission only to end up needing to waste u-iso to do it again.. so yes figured out its best to only do them singularly till the next one pops up.. lol.. is a shame the disable an disorient was nerfed cause it did balance the bias PVP issues I royally suffer from compared to most.. lol |
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i just collected 2000 uiso today... it's like almost every 3 hours my gifts are max to 350 hahaha! And for every UISO i collect I have 1 energy due to a bug in my gifting... |
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that sounds awesome,but i dont have that much time.collecting a 1000 iso means refreshing the browser at least 200 times,plus the collecting, |
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is anyone gonna run aoe attack hack on pvp or is it not safe
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bigjohn28 Posted on: 07/13/2014 8:42pm is anyone gonna run aoe attack hack on pvp or is it not safe i have used it, i doesnt seem to be of much help, but pd doesnt detect it either. so up to you. |
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kirbyonwarpstar Posted on: 07/13/2014 11:10pm bigjohn28 Posted on: 07/13/2014 8:42pm is anyone gonna run aoe attack hack on pvp or is it not safe i have used it, i doesnt seem to be of much help, but pd doesnt detect it either. so up to you. |
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well I am still at the same rating as I entered the PVP season at after over 300+ attacks so far.. an it does not matter how I setup my heroes or ISO's.. the coded bias factor is still against my account obviously.. shoot I have missed out on heroes an bonus items due to the rejection of gaining the needed supplies an so forth.. which was the entire reason why I personally used the disable/disorient features before, to balance the bias setup used.. an yes if I make 5 attacks to gain ratings an bonus items then I end up with 6 to 7 or more defends to bash me right back where I began.. an as I said does not matter which heroes I select or ISOs.. an yes when "quick actions" an SOA are treated as actual actions just further shows the system is still greatly flawed an bias against my characters.. lol.. an lord forbid I go into mentioning the number of times my heroes attacks do zero damage when the opposing character has no shields or removed shields an greatly reduced evasion ability.. to best say it would be like dropping a nuclear bomb on a dead ant would somehow miss it an do zero damage.. lol.. AS IF.. |
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I cannot pass 1100 pvp points, no matter what I do...The opponent attack first all the time with all the team...F*** playdumb! Amazing, there are players with 150k att and defense and they have only 1100-1200 rating points..with the heroes lvl 13, 14 and healt 70k-80. I have no chance with my 43k health and 138 att and defense..LOL..I don't want to think what is in dimond league or adamantium..I will quite this game |
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this is what i have been using on def and it seems to work well: been running the same setup since the beginning and still in adamantium |
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well I was busy attempting to get out of the 900 rating an took me till the VERY end to finish at 1010.. lmmfao.. an yes I also was being paired with players with stats exactly like karanka described rated round 1078 an if I got past 1k then it would pair me with them or others like them with a NO win chance.. lol.. an when you see your strongest attack (25k) showing it will only do 500 damage there is little you can do but hit abort.. lol.. cause either way you are fixing to loose.. hehe.. I guess next hack we need is one that pulls cash out of the disney CEO's bank account an we all share it an toss a few million into the game an get the same bonuses given only to those paying.. lol.. an for the moment I have all but 12 of the heroes listed an most of the costumes FINALLY (took me weeks of MAJOR CP farming) but sadly most of my heroes are only lvl 10 or higher right now an I'm now lvl 282 with the agent so I understand my stats are not full as of yet, but when my quick actions an SOA an such are counted as attacks an the extra turn from them is not given is not much you can do.. plus I find it right odd that some of the teams I was up against the agent was using like 8 to 9 turns (literally) I can not make sense of that trash.. an then the last 3 hours of the season I was having 2 an 3 defends happening during my 1 attack.. lol.. so I then sped up coowon to try an compensate an of course they then tossed the forced refresh at me.. lmao.. so yeah I was lucky that after 380 attacks I barely got over the 1k rating.. lol.. I guess soon things will happen as they want it an the only people whom will be playing in PVP will be paying players.. an if most took the time to notice how they bait things an then nerf the items after they ask us to pay 64g for them is a HUGE rip off.. lol.. an if everyone else cares to do so go an search an read on the BBB an FTC about playdom an the number of complaints already lodged against them for that very thing.. an many others have made sites explaining why the tactics being used within playdom right now will end up causing ALL new players to give up shortly after starting cause they will have to dish out thousands a month for nearly 8 to 9 months to even get to my stats, an they will NEVER get the previous heroes or items they will end up facing or need to raise their stats further.. so yes unless they change how they are managing things they are running the game into the ground sadly |
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the pvp sucks...i cannot pass the vibranium level caps... PD just paired up with enemy who has 1.5-2x my health and they said it will be fair PVP pairing...