[Information] Marvel Avengers Alliance Mega Thread
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Cheats - a collection of cheat codes, unlocks, passwords, commands, tricks, tips, lists (Facebook version)
RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/16/2013 7:15am
Quote Post
haenawolf Posted on: 12/15/2013 2:13am
Shahani Posted on: 12/15/2013 2:46pm

+ Anim Speed (4x) not working

yes, it is not work on animation anymore, although the aob can be searched. I don't why ...

Sorry, I set the wrong message speed. It should be fixed now.
Assembler Script

+ AI Attack Self (OK Distress), optional AI Team Swap (NG Distress, but update resistance)
+ Anim 4x, optional 2x
? Hero in use


Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
1mavengersfbtest9.ct 13.85 KB 1,084
RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/16/2013 7:36am
Quote Post

haenawolf, have you checked if is it possible to use duplicated characters in a battle (heroes or even multiple agents)

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/16/2013 9:03am
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piratesephiroth Posted on: 12/16/2013 2:36am

haenawolf, have you checked if is it possible to use duplicated characters in a battle (heroes or even multiple agents)

As far as i know, duplicate agent in a battle is a glitch i have found lately which gives combat validation error.and i dont think duplicate heroes needed when you have enough heroes ( only two needed in a battle) .

"If the world hasn't ended already, I'll pitch in to keep it spinning a little longer."

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/16/2013 9:23am
Quote Post

Can you make it dropped item :D

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/16/2013 12:05pm
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BTNghiaktvn Posted on: 12/16/2013 6:23am

Can you make it dropped item :D

Nope, he stated it before

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/16/2013 8:44pm
Quote Post
haenawolf Posted on: 12/12/2013 5:50pm

Updated 13-12-12:
Assembler Script

+ AI Attack Self [Distress Call Ok]
+ Anim Speed (4x)
? hero not in use (may cause error, use in your own risk)

explaination AI attack self:

It seems only enemy and player distress call use AI targeting.
The prolem of previous AI attack self is that distress call also swap team ally and enemy, result damage to player team.
This aob make a test if the ally team equal hero team, if no, copy ally team to enemy team, otherwise, no change will be make.
Because there is not enough code space to do the test, the switch case ENEMY and ALLY are combined to target enemy team.
So, the net effect is enemy team will targeting themself no matter the action is harmful or benefitial, while distress call will do damage to enemy, as no distress call is (should be?) benefitial.

Thanks haenawolf for awesome CT that you make, and anyway can you make and add "MULTI TARGETING HIT" to your CT..??
I had an expired hack that "MULTI TARGETING HIT" hack is realy use able for me and several people I think.
Thanks anyway :D

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
1mavengersfbtest5.ct 10.34 KB 789
RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/16/2013 10:27pm
Quote Post
dogeregod Posted on: 12/17/2013 4:44am
-- snip

...  can you make and add "MULTI TARGETING HIT" to your CT..??
I had an expired hack that "MULTI TARGETING HIT" hack is realy use able for me and several people I think.
Thanks anyway :D

May try this, not tested...
Aobscan(_multi,d0 30 d1 5d ?? 60 ?? ?? ?? 66)
db 47

No multi-hit animation, but it seems work by looking at numbers of hp bar, ... but 4x animation is on, too fast I'm not sure.
I'll check a few hours later.

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/16/2013 10:35pm
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A ittle advive for a retarded like me: How I use that script? The cheat of kolonelkadat it is still working, can you do something like that for the people who does not know how to use your script, please?

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/17/2013 12:53am
Quote Post
karanka Posted on: 12/16/2013 5:35pm

A ittle advive for a retarded like me: How I use that script? The cheat of kolonelkadat it is still working, can you do something like that for the people who does not know how to use your script, please?

Install Cheat Engine.
Double click the cheat file and it should open Cheat Engine automatically.
Click the little flashing computer button in Cheat Engine and select the correct process (for Firefox it's plugincontainer.exe if you're on XP and the last FlashPlayerPlugin.exe in the list if you're on win 7/8/8.1)
Then you can click on the checkboxes to toggle the cheats (Cheat Engine might freeze for a few seconds after you do that)


haenawolf Posted on: 12/16/2013 5:27pm
dogeregod Posted on: 12/17/2013 4:44am
-- snip

...  can you make and add "MULTI TARGETING HIT" to your CT..??
I had an expired hack that "MULTI TARGETING HIT" hack is realy use able for me and several people I think.
Thanks anyway :D

May try this, not tested...
Aobscan(_multi,d0 30 d1 5d ?? 60 ?? ?? ?? 66)
db 47

No multi-hit animation, but it seems work by looking at numbers of hp bar, ... but 4x animation is on, too fast I'm not sure.
I'll check a few hours later.

I just tested it and it only makes the enemies' debuffs land on all 3 of them. Must be happening because the game was updated.
4x animation sped is broken as well.

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/17/2013 3:25am
Quote Post

13-12-17 updated
Assember Script

+AI SWAP TEAM (Distress Call OK)
  - Enemy benefitial action may act on player team, sometime themself.
  - Enemy action may target whole team (player/enemy), however single target animation is still display as single target (multiple hits confirmed by observing buff or hp bar number).

+4x anim (not really...)
  - the animation queue model has been changed, it seems using millisecond instead of previous seconds as frame unit now, can't find a way to speed it up :/ @engine.animation.sequencer.QueuedAnimMove::execute / updateClock etc.

To use the ct file,
1.download the file and save onto the computer;
2.File->load, or click the 'open cheat table' icon, to load the ct fule.
3.target CE on the flash process;
4.when the flash loaded, click the square box to activate the aob,
5.if multiple aobs are under a group, they can be activate by clicking the group box;
6.some aob need to activated multiple time, repeatly activate until that entres cannot be found.

have fun~


Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
0mavengersfb02.ct 15.44 KB 809

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/17/2013 5:54am
Quote Post
haenawolf Posted on: 12/16/2013 10:25pm

13-12-17 updated
Assember Script

+AI SWAP TEAM (Distress Call OK)
  - Enemy benefitial action may act on player team, sometime themself.
  - Enemy action may target whole team (player/enemy), however single target animation is still display as single target (multiple hits confirmed by observing buff or hp bar number).

+4x anim (not really...)
  - the animation queue model has been changed, it seems using millisecond instead of previous seconds as frame unit now, can't find a way to speed it up :/ @engine.animation.sequencer.QueuedAnimMove::execute / updateClock etc.

To use the ct file,
1.download the file and save onto the computer;
2.File->load, or click the 'open cheat table' icon, to load the ct fule.
3.target CE on the flash process;
4.when the flash loaded, click the square box to activate the aob,
5.if multiple aobs are under a group, they can be activate by clicking the group box;
6.some aob need to activated multiple time, repeatly activate until that entres cannot be found.

have fun~


swap team not working

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
0mavengersfb02.ct 15.44 KB 809
RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/17/2013 6:30am
Quote Post


If it can be searched, but no effect, try close the browser and load the game again. The game has just been updated, there may be an old copy of swf in memory. Then target CE to the right flash process.

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/17/2013 7:38am
Quote Post
haenawolf Posted on: 12/17/2013 5:25am

13-12-17 updated
Assember Script

+AI SWAP TEAM (Distress Call OK)
  - Enemy benefitial action may act on player team, sometime themself.
  - Enemy action may target whole team (player/enemy), however single target animation is still display as single target (multiple hits confirmed by observing buff or hp bar number).

+4x anim (not really...)
  - the animation queue model has been changed, it seems using millisecond instead of previous seconds as frame unit now, can't find a way to speed it up :/ @engine.animation.sequencer.QueuedAnimMove::execute / updateClock etc.

To use the ct file,
1.download the file and save onto the computer;
2.File->load, or click the 'open cheat table' icon, to load the ct fule.
3.target CE on the flash process;
4.when the flash loaded, click the square box to activate the aob,
5.if multiple aobs are under a group, they can be activate by clicking the group box;
6.some aob need to activated multiple time, repeatly activate until that entres cannot be found.

have fun~


thanksss again

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
0mavengersfb02.ct 15.44 KB 809
RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/17/2013 8:05am
Quote Post


ty for the new update.

RE: marvel avengers alliance Posted on: 12/17/2013 8:12am
Quote Post

I wonder if you can disable Arcade's escape skill (just like Mephisto's).
Also since it's possible to deploy a busy hero, would it be possible to deploy a hero we don't have?