[Request] Battle Pirates.

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[Request] Battle Pirates.

Last Updated: 10/06/2017 09:29

Battle Pirates

Last Updated: 01/02/2015 00:57

Battle Pirates (request)

Last Updated: 12/17/2010 03:15

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Game Dscription
Battle Pirates (BP) is a MMORTS - a Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy game you can play through Facebook or directly on kixeye.com/game/battlepirates. It features real-time battles against other players in which you can attack bases or go head to head in Fleet vs. Fleet. The game includes a high level of strategy in constructing fleets, gathering resources, and researching new technologies. There is no pause or suspend button in BP -- it goes on and on and on
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/08/2011 4:05pm
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Anyone know any resource hacks? All this insta everything has greatly depleted my once formidable stocks.
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/08/2011 10:00pm
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Quote from: "zoel8823"
Quote from: "allnamestaken"
Are you stuck with -1.7billion res?
yep. any1 can help me how to make 'em normal again? thnx

Even if you do find a way out, that amount of resources out of the blue would drag mod attn as you will end in top 10 resources ranking, so basically they did that to screw people badly for cheating  :x
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/09/2011 12:21am
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Yesh it stinks, I just wish there was a rapid resource hack or something...
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/09/2011 7:26am
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Yikes. So that mean it's a banned ID, lol.
well, no pain no gain. hahaha... start from scratch again.
well, i remembered how it happened thou, let me share.
1. activated cheat (the whole shebang)
2. confidently atk npc till they're dead
3. recall fleet ....
----this is where (i think) shit started ---
4. waited like 4 minutes but the damn ship wont dock, WTF!!!
5. back to map --> base --> map again... damn! still wont dock
6. relog...
7. didn't turn on cheats, so it can dock (hopefully)
8. Yaay, ship docked  :mrgreen:
----at this point res still normal----
9. time to relog again n activate CE
10. relogged, cheat activated. harvest the rest of the loot from npc
11. recall fleet. ship docked normally
12. turn to base, then BOOM!! BLOOD RED ALL OVER MY RES.  :evil:

so my point being, if you cant dock, dont wait. RELOG! dont activate cheat yet, wait a couple of hours or even 24 hrs to activate cheat just to be safe... just play it normal 1st. experience can be a dick

hope this help. sorry for my bad english.
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/09/2011 12:44pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "zoel8823"
so my point being, if you cant dock, dont wait. RELOG! dont activate cheat yet, wait a couple of hours or even 24 hrs to activate cheat just to be safe... just play it normal 1st. experience can be a dick
hope this help. sorry for my bad english.

Curious, very curious indeed, I already screwed up one alt account, might try it on another XP
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/09/2011 2:47pm
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Mine was totally different.
Pillaged a base, 1M+ resources (hey like the xp for the ships). Called fleet back, dock was slow, went to Map, back to base and voila! -1.7B+  (broken image removed)
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/09/2011 3:13pm
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i just recompile it edited and compile again im using fidller to use the hack :mrgreen:
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/09/2011 4:45pm
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Does that happenw when you guys use the dock trick?

I dont use that i just destroy one of my fleets and use the free repair cancel and repair till i fill upo reserouces.

So yall got screwd by te dock plus one hack>?
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/09/2011 4:53pm
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Quote from: "allnamestaken"
Does that happenw when you guys use the dock trick?

I dont use that i just destroy one of my fleets and use the free repair cancel and repair till i fill upo reserouces.

So yall got screwd by te dock plus one hack>?

I didn't use that hack on my main account, Can you please explain what you mean? Do you go salvaging or what? I don't understand xP
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/09/2011 5:45pm
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When you update the "Dock with 1+ of any resource = max all resources" hack, updating the AoB you search for isn't enough. The replacement AoB uses an integer from the constant pool. Whenever the game is updated there is a chance new integers were added or old ones were removed.

02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 2D 72

2D 72 means push integer at index 72 (hex). This integer seems to be -1.7 billion now, so you'll have to find a new one using a decompiler, SWF Reader or even a hex editor. Ignored's AVM2 Constant Pool Viewer may also be of help.
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/11/2011 11:06pm
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Why is ther enot a building repair code?
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/12/2011 12:13pm
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hi dear...thers no "03" in hackcheck...can u teach me how to change it?
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/12/2011 10:45pm
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its allready change you can use that
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/13/2011 6:24am
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Guys is there any code in the swf which would allow us to complete blueprints without seeking the parts.

There must be anyone had a look for this already im sure someone has tried?
Re: [Request] Battle Pirates. Posted on: 11/13/2011 5:30pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "allnamestaken"
Guys is there any code in the swf which would allow us to complete blueprints without seeking the parts.

There must be anyone had a look for this already im sure someone has tried?

I've tried, no luck for me :/

I'd like to request a hack for battle pirates that would give you the hammerhead hull. I know this could be possible. Here is the code I have found gives you the hull:

From /com/waterworld/managers/revengeraid/REVENGERAID
Code: [Select]
public static function sectorReward() : void
            var mc:assetPopupRevengeRaidQuota;
            var onBrag:Function;
            var onImage:Function;
            var onViewPrize:Function;
            onBrag = function (... args) : void
                args = POPUPS.getInstance().getRandomStreamImage();
                var _loc_3:Object = {};
                _loc_3["#fname#"] = LOGIN._firstName;
                GLOBAL.CallJS("sendFeed", ["quota-met-" + args.split(".")[0], StringUtils.applyTemplate(KEYS.Get("stream_evt_rrsec_title"), _loc_3), StringUtils.applyTemplate(KEYS.Get("stream_evt_rrsec_body"), _loc_3), args, 0], true);
            }// end function
            onImage = function (param1:String, param2:BitmapData) : void
                var _loc_3:* = new Bitmap(param2);
                _loc_3.x = mc._mask1.x;
                _loc_3.y = mc._mask1.y;
            }// end function
            onViewPrize = function (... args) : void
            }// end function
            mc = new assetPopupRevengeRaidQuota();
            ButtonManager.attach(mc.bClose, "quotaRewardPopup.bClose", POPUPS.getInstance().Next);
            ButtonManager.attach(mc.bPost, "quotaRewardPopup.bPost", onBrag, "<b>Brag");
            if (GLOBAL._bBlueprints != null)
                ButtonManager.attach(mc.bView, "quotaRewardPopup.bViewPrize", onViewPrize, "<b>View Prize");
                mc.bView.visible = false;
            mc.tA.htmlText = "Well done, Captain! To the victor goes the spoils. You looted the most resources in your sector during the Revenge Raid. Claim your Hammerhead Hull prize! ";
            ImageCache.GetImageWithCallBack(AssetMap.getInstance().getAssetURL("hammerheadRewarded"), onImage);
            LOGGER.Stat([LOGGER.EVT_SECTOR_WON, currentScore]);
        }// end function

I think this code , in particular, is the code that gives it to you
Code: [Select]
BLUEPRINTS.ShowInfo(_sectorReward.Get());If we could call this, then we all could run around with hammerheads ^_^
Thanks in Advance,