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Battle Pirates on Facebook | kolonelkadat | |
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Game On Kongregate | jasper2001 |
[Request] Battle Pirates.-migrated-Last Updated: 10/06/2017 09:29 | |
Battle PiratesTroubleLast Updated: 01/02/2015 00:57 | |
Battle Pirates (request)-migrated-Last Updated: 12/17/2010 03:15 |
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hi guys i been away for a while ,so is blackgold.swf still working fine (broken image removed)?
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ok funny im new to all this my bad. we all start somewhere (broken image removed) can any of u highly educated people tell me if there is one with the new drac stuff?
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slowmo do u think that i know how to do it and i am asking , tell me how and i will check it
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anyone got any hack for the raids and blueprints please!!
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Quote from: "mrsamgh" slowmo do u think that i know how to do it and i am asking , tell me how and i will check it if you have the SWF just associate it with the live game file in fiddler..if it works great if not then it doesn't (broken image removed) |
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Quote from: "Smurf357" i wanna know if this file still safe to use that is all (blackgold) |
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I don't have sothink so I can't really go and associate blueprint IDs with the blueprint names, so slowmo if you get the chance could you show me a way to label the individual IDs, or if you have it, post them? I'd appreciate it very much.
By the way, idk about anyone else but when I play BP lately, it slows down my computer, drastically. It maybe have to do with hacks, it may not, I can't tell. I think something kixeye has done is just.. bleh. |
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well zynga is hard to hack and this unban thing works for yoville not sure how to do it with battle pirates any suggestions? |
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Slowmo, look up "Decrypt swf" or "swf decrypter", there's a guy who made a program, he said it's something simple like putting 0x02 at the beginning of lines or something, I forget what he said it was but the program just nips off the bad ends for you. Don't know if it would be of any use, but just something I thought you should know. I came across it while attempting to decrypt that one .swf
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so is there a new working hack out yet ? if yes where can i obtain it. thank you
p.s. thanks and much respect to slowmo you have returned my love of this game. your hack saved me from gettin farmed for over a month your the best keep up the good work (broken image removed) |
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Quote from: "slowmo" you have a point there on pc performance, kix now partially obfuscate their swf, sothink wont help unless you do single file search, fiddler is taking ages for me to load swf. yeah, I have been thinking this over for a while, what happens if they get server-sided swf checkers D: Or when the completely obfuscate the SWF, or even worse if they do both D: I have even heard of late of a guy who was exploiting the code for cracking purposes, whenever someone would engage his fleet, they'd get a message "@file copied," aka he transferred something on to their pc. I haven't heard of anything more yet, but what happens if kixeye's irresponsibility literally makes the game unsafe to play!? Man, this was a completely pessimistic thread (broken image removed) |
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Quote from: "slowmo"
That'd be great, we just have to figure out the relocate cooldown. JW, slowmo, did you see the ravageware raid? we are planning for an upcoming date (not set yet), a group of us invade a sector and wreak havok. Just to prove hacker power. We need to find a sect with lots of coiners :twisted: Maybe kix will never learn, maybe they will, we just need to push them to find out (broken image removed) -0M3G4 |
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I hate to ask but i have lots of questions inside me
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He says that when these people "encrypted" files they just put 0x02 at the beginning of each method. I know what 0x02 does, I don't claim to understand what he's saying, just repeating him. Take a look for yourself. OMG34, sector 31 is riddled with coin users. They do nothing but coin coin coin, they're a pain in the ass to hit bases on because they simply send out more fleets after repairing.. Lol. It's also full of coined dreadnoughts, so.. Just suggesting ;] |
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Slowmo pointed out that using codes via CE would not be productive to do since they are changing codes at a fast rate(really miss Gyan lol) but I have 2 problems with no AoB codes- 1. Fiddler will not work for me any more for some reason and 2. I am an idiot with coding even with all the help slowmo has given all of us(blame it on my older age, only keyboard in my day was on a typewriter) So I was wondering if anyone has Codes for CE that they would share with me. Been playing almost 2 weeks now without and codes and its been fun but I need to refit fleets as I am getting my butt handed to me by hackers :lol: So please if anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it- Thanx